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I dont know what you want us to do.




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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Nice Ves, though I expect you'll get ripped into by some people for buying a Dell :P



"In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move."
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Seems like a bit of an overkill for the average 'scaper and the RAID 1 is questionable for any non-commercial user.




But that out of the way its one kick [wagon] computer and should serve you very, very well.


  • Dragon Axe x11
    Berserker Ring x9
    Warrior Ring x8
    Dragon Med
    Dragon Boots x4 - all less then 30 kc
    Godsword Shard (bandos)
    Granite Maul x 3

Solo only - doesn't include barrows[/hide][hide=Stats]


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Seems like a bit of an overkill for the average 'scaper and the RAID 1 is questionable for any non-commercial user.




But that out of the way its one kick [wagon] computer and should serve you very, very well.




I have important client/business data on it. If the hard drive failed, I'd be screwed. And I do more than play RuneScape.




Nice computer, but expect to start having problems with it soon enough.




I've had great prosperity with Dell. I have a 5 year old Dell Dimension 8400 upstairs, and a 1 year old Dell XPS M1330 in my backpack. I deal with many clients' computers, many of them Dells. Dell isn't evil. Their tech support is knowledgeable, reliable, and quick.

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Nice Ves, though I expect you'll get ripped into by some people for buying a Dell :P
So long as he's happy. If you ever run into trouble, ring me up. :P




I found out recently that they did commit another scam done unto me for failure to provide adequate information for a company stock holder (I had previously bought one stock for something near $10). Suffice to say, I mailed Michael Dell without an address given to me by Dell (but it was easy to find out, regardless). I got another call from Dell's Corporate Office and everything was finally resolved provided I drop the charges.




Should you, or anyone else require aid for warranty service (as expressed under the United States): Under the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act and Section 2-719 of the Uniform Commercial Code, a company must provide appropriate remedies should the warranty prove ineffective. Included under this act, a company must a. provide a repair as expressed under warranty, b. replace the defective parts or item(s) or c. provide an alternate solution fair to the consumer, this is may include a refund of the original price during the time of purchase.




If a company is unable to repair the product, you may have the right under state law to receive a refund, even if the warranty indicates no refunds will be given.




Nice computer, but expect to start having problems with it soon enough.
Though I will never recommend Dell again as computer manufacture, you have to remember that for every one problem there are thousands that are content with their purchase. Mine just happened to be so severe that I required third-party assistance. Despite having these issues steal my time and money, I learned a valuable lesson: you get what you pay for.




So as to not preach the fruits of Apple, I have had issues with the battery latch becoming ill-fitting after opening. A minor issue I suppose, but I did have to give them a ring. Was it annoying and irritating? Of course. I found it no less irritating then when Dell's/ATI's poor drivers failed. But I took solace in the fact that I was not speaking to an outsourced representative, which is what I had included in the cost of ownership. To each their own and if you feel good about your purchase, good on you. I sincerely hope that you haven't any troubles.

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Yet everyone in my classes that have problems with their computers at college have Dell computers, not even the people with acer computers have trouble.

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