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What ring at waterfiends?


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zerker, and out of curiosity, why consider the lumby ring?



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zerker, and out of curiosity, why consider the lumby ring?




Prayer Bonus.




Let's look at this logically, Waterfiends drop nothing rare - so a ring of wealth is useless. Ring of life would be more beneficial than a wealth.




The +1 prayer bonus from the Explorer ring is quite insignificant and you'll be better off wearing a Zerker ring for more efficient kills.




If you can't afford a zerker ring use a seers ring for extra magic defence :)


Thank you to tripsis for an awesome sig!

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There is no universal 'this is better for every situation' ring at waterfiends. At least provide some information on why you are killing them and what you're after, under what you just wrote, you could be a level 80 wanting to range them for a slayer task or a level 130 camping there for crimsons at 88 summon, going for 96. I cba to look you up on hiscores so I'll just type the pro's and con's of the rings.




Berserker ring/Other stat Rings - The 1 extra max hit isn't going to help too much, barely speeding up waterfiend kills, infact, it gives no real visible difference if you want to compare the average speed of kills. If you're taking a warrior ring, same again, there is no 'visible' difference between having it and not having it. The only stat ring I'd suggest is the seer's ring for magic defence.




Lumbridge ring - Same as above, wearing this is no better than taking a holy wrench, the ring space could be used for something far better. About the same as the Berserker Ring/Other stat Rings.




Ring of Life - Very very useful, about the only ring where you can visibly see a difference between having one, and not having one. The waterfiends max hit is 11, if you have 90hps, the chances are you're going to escape safely, not sure about the math on this but it WILL tele you out at 9hps, the only way you'd die is if they max on you when you're 10hps or 11hps. Odds are that won't happen. You can tele out at 12hps or below yourself.




Wealth - Nothing very significant, the profitable drops are common, you don't want more battlestaves or rune meds, you want more water orbs. The usefulness of this at waterfiends is about the same as the usefullness at Aviansies. Charms are not affected by this ring and clues won't be any better either.




Summary: The only rings that do make a difference is: Warrior ring and Berserker (albiet small), Ring of Life (great ring, a must tbh), and the Seers ring (a little defence doesn't hurt).

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