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Why mostly Top 15 clans Do pvp wars.


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nox has a valid point, and is why I didnt add legendz, cuz they do massive pulls to CWa, but when I saw their pulls to pvp they were pretty small, while lethalithy downfall and TK have pulled good numbers (in relation to the cwa pulls).






I think the dark daemons, would do very well in the wilderness.




Talking about facts, when the hell have you seen us war in PVP!?




Top 15 clans have more dedication, experience, and higher levels too, that's why they PVP, as most of their members have the banks for 100 rune sets and it's way more fun than CWA. Why not if you can?






Didnt seen you war but I remember encountering u guys in one of the downfalls thursday trips we made a while ago. And it was a small pull.




If it was like fun/unoficial then forgive me lol.




person who won the most awards: Generaldesor


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Only post that i've found most relevant to what the reality of clans and why they do/do not go pvp:


Interesting topic.




Before CWA the only type of combat clan that existed were pk clans. After old wildy died and CWA was introduced all pk clans were forced to go to CWA or die. After PvP came out most pk clans returned to wildy, but some others realized one thing: you don't have to be a pk clan to stay alive as a combat clan.




The opponents of this idea usually claim this:




1. CWA is boring and nobody cares about it. If this were true why so many clans still war there? One could even claim that there are more clans active in CWA than in PvP.




2. Getting drops makes warring more fun. But whats the point of getting drops when you cant keep them. If you really have loyalty for your clan you wouldnt leave the fight to bank your drops.




3. If you want to be a top clan you must do PvP. What if you dont? What if you dont ever want to be a clan like DF, DI, VR? What if you dont like doing 15+ hours worth of pkris every week? Is it really that horrible to be in a small no-namer clan? Maybe there are people that are more interested in a tight friendly community that only requires them to do 2-3 hours worth of wars in CWA so that they can then spend the rest of their time doing other fun stuff, such as skilling or solo pking.




Pk clans are undoubtedly very popular with their members, which is a lot (maybe 2-3k ppl). But the fact that there are more people that are in clans that have stayed in CWA tells us a lot about the legitimacy of CWA as a venue for combat clans to have their wars at.




One should also take notice that PvP has literally closed a lot of clans that have not embraced CWA after PvP came out. These clans include FT, RR, PE, Ad, and more. Why should CWA clans turn into pk clans when they are likely to loose their members to the top 15 when they see that in pk bigger is always better?




And df, don't bite into what you can't chew. Just because you've seen us once in pvp, doesn't mean squat.


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Yes, I am, not DF, and the reason that I just saw u in the wild one and with very low opts compared to ur ml is the reason why I say I dont think you are prepared.




person who won the most awards: Generaldesor


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I think we also have to take into consideration about the era some clans were formed in. The powerhouses and sort of old-school clans Bk, Df, Gladz, Tt, Corr, etc. Have been formed before the cwa era when wilderness pking was removed but they have adapted to the cwa change which is what let the stay alive but you have some clans that were formed during the cwa era which leaves them with no clue about pvp(which isn't necessarily a bad thing). Meaning that they wouldn't want to step out into pvp with little or no experience about warring in the wilderness while big clans who used to live in the wilderness are roaming out there with their 10 hr pkri's. True it would be nice to see more clans go out there but Cw is also a great way to war.




Personally I love warring in the wilderness something about it just appeals to me. Possibly because I'm used to it but it's just my thing something about tanking for dear life to save your precious cyan pixels :P. I also think returning in a pkri is dedication because you know that you may make a difference if you return and would do anything to see your clan win no matter how many rune sets it costs you. If every person in your clan thought that then you would get all your members returning+ the more people who log on later, which in my opinion shows how dedicated your clan is if they keep returning for 10 hrs as the big clans do.



Currently in: Echo Of Silence


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I think is bassicaly for what yguy said really, PKRIS require more skill, tactics, tecnique dedication and wealth than a knock.out fight, but if you can return very easely it kills the fun and skill of it (CWA PKRI) and then returning doesnt show that much "dedication" madcat talks about cuz is very very easy, you cant get pjed rushed in the path , and is a loong path, wich makes pvp pkris require even more dedication and be more dangerous.




PVP PKRI > CWA PKRI hands down.




person who won the most awards: Generaldesor


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I think we also have to take into consideration about the era some clans were formed in. The powerhouses and sort of old-school clans Bk, Df, Gladz, Tt, Corr, etc. Have been formed before the cwa era when wilderness pking was removed but they have adapted to the cwa change which is what let the stay alive but you have some clans that were formed during the cwa era which leaves them with no clue about pvp(which isn't necessarily a bad thing). Meaning that they wouldn't want to step out into pvp with little or no experience about warring in the wilderness while big clans who used to live in the wilderness are roaming out there with their 10 hr pkri's. True it would be nice to see more clans go out there but Cw is also a great way to war.


You do know that there are many clans out there who have been around for a long time, which preffer CWA over PVP?




And just to let you know, I, as a player who joined after Dec 10, 07, joined a clan because I couldn't lose as much money as before.


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I think is bassicaly for what yguy said really, PKRIS require more skill, tactics, tecnique dedication and wealth than a knock.out fight, but if you can return very easely it kills the fun and skill of it (CWA PKRI) and then returning doesnt show that much "dedication" madcat talks about cuz is very very easy, you cant get pjed rushed in the path , and is a loong path, wich makes pvp pkris require even more dedication and be more dangerous.




PVP PKRI > CWA PKRI hands down.






wow rofl, I posted this on the wrong thread, fail.




It does feed the context perfectly. tho.




person who won the most awards: Generaldesor


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  • 2 weeks later...

These topics make me LOL, because the bias in most people becomes blindingly obvious after like 3 posts ;)




Anyhoo . . to answer the questions:




When i ask a small clans why don't you go out Pvp Wars even tho they pull 40-60 people thats more then some top 15 clans pull...




Because we all know they won't pull 40-60 in PvP. They would probably pull 20. And how many of those would return for 2 hours? 4 hours? 12 hours?




And most of their members couldn't return that much even if they wanted to. Clans that don't PvP don't have members with 50, 100, 150 rune sets. Why would you keep so many if you don't PvP?




As for non-returning wars, I don't know why anyone would want to fight in CWA. PvP is 1,000,000 times better . . and it affects how people fight. In CWA, people have no problem getting in robes and binding away with 5,000 runes in their inventory. People jump out and snipe at random times when they shouldn't, putting themselves on an island. People slap on full d-hide and mage pray with no worries. Do any of these things wrong in PvP, and kiss your rune goodbye. There is a difference in fighting PvP vs. CWA.




Also, you have to consider that a lot of people joined the clans their in because they don't PvP. Some people love their pixels immensely. :D




well trust me every single top 15 clan has been crashed few times during there Pvp Wars so its just part of experience you will get from Pvp wars, its alot more interesting and alot more fun . Having Cw fights over and over is just way to boring in my opinion.




Ye, you guys crashed our PKRI vs Aeon like 2 or 3 weeks ago. :roll: You piled me but didn't kill me, kthxbai :P




You've answered your own question there though . . . people don't like to get crashed. It's one thing to donate your rune to the cause, it's another to give it up to crashers. At least VR PK's in rune though (*looks at ZH/DK*)




My question is witch clan from this community you think Has what it takes to go out to get some 1 hour prep wars in pvp with another clan from this community . And will this Effect the Clan ranking system?




TDMWL fights about half of our wars in PvP. We prefer PvP but will fight CWA if the other clans asks for it, or if we've had a long string of PvP wars in a row.




Any TWR clan could fight PvP, the only clans that would have a hard time are those that consistently pull less than 15. Several clans are very active in PvP (Crimson Raiders, Blacknights, etc.) but won't get a PvP war on TWR for that exact reason.




I think part of the reason is dedication. You say that being crashed is part of the pvp experience, which I agree with, However, do smaller clans with "less dedicated" members really want to be crashed? I don't think so.




There's a huge difference between DK crashing Divine Forces and DK crashing TDMWL. Divine Forces has the options to fight them off. TDMWL and probably every clan except one of two on TWR doesn't have the options. If DK crashes a Divine Forces fight, DF and whoever can fend off DK and then resume their fight. If DK crashes a TDMWL fight, most of the TDMWL and whoever we're fighting are going to get downed. It's an annoyance for clans pulling 200+ options, it's devastating to clans pulling 60-75 options.




And "Dedication" is a word that has 2 meanings . . if you're in a top clan and fight for 12 hours, then you're dedicated. If you're in TDMWL and fight for 12 hours, then you're mocked for fighting so long. Dedication wut?




But, honestly, CWA still shows strength, just a different kind. I think pvp is overkill for clans that aren't top 30.




I agree that it can show strength and organization. I disagree that it's overkill, though, because PvP is a different type of warring for reasons I've already described above. PvP warring shows strength, organization, and dedication. It just adds that extra element. And it takes a little extra to do the imporatant things like binding and sniping when there is a penalty for mistakes.




You can have 60 of the most dedicated members alive, but if they dont want to keep buying multiple rune sets to keep on returning, then you still cant war pvp.




Dedication shouldn't be judged solely by wealth.




You don't have to PKRI for a war, lots of clans have non-returning wars also. So your total potential loss is 200k. Even 200k shows dedication though, because not everyone in your clan is willing to lose it.




biggest issue is that people in the top clans are more willing to return constantly for a prolonged period of time - that dedication isn't found elsewhere.




I disagree 100%. Lots of smaller clans have super-dedicated members, my clan is among those. We just fought a 12-hour PKRI with Darkness Awaits, some members losing as many as 48 rune sets (9.6 Million GP). The problem is crashing, it's almost impossible for us to have PKRI's that last over 2 or 3 hours because they get crashed almost every time.




And for longer fights AC can be a problem. It's not hard to find an AC for 1 or 2 hours. But for a 5+ hour long fight . . . no one's gonna stay that long. And since we assume we can't fight for over 3 hours anyways without being crashed, there's no point setting up AC for that far in advance.




The funny thing is, though, after 6 hours we got enough people watching that they basically formed a rag-tag AC unit themselves :lol:




After PvP came out most pk clans returned to wildy, but some others realized one thing: you don't have to be a pk clan to stay alive as a combat clan.




I disagree with this on one level . . . it's true if that clan doesn't mind always being a mid-level clan. Because most really active clan members want big fights. And big fights just don't happen in CWA. So a lot of your really experienced people are going to leave for higher ranked clans.




2. Getting drops makes warring more fun. But whats the point of getting drops when you cant keep them. If you really have loyalty for your clan you wouldnt leave the fight to bank your drops.




Ah, but it's not just about the loot. Your kills get you food also, which can keep you alive indefinitely. You know how many times I got killed in the 12-hour fight with DA? Zero. I got enough kills to keep my food high, and was only piled briefly a few times.




And . . . everyone loots a little bit 8-)




No other clan in this community would spring in my mind as being pvp worthy.




LOL . . . Crimson Raiders, Blacknights, and TDMWL already do most of their fighting in PvP. Mori does a little bit in PvP also.




TWR clans that I think should step out soon in PvP? DF, TK, LTH, SoW, TDD all come to mind off the top of my head.



124ecdx.gifFormer Admin of The Death Monkeighs124ecdx.gif

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We only fight CWA for TWR and Tank practice against top 8 clans, other than that, we usually PVP 3 days a week, and normally have our 4 hour cap on saturdays.




I have to say, the one thing I look forward to in runescape is the Saturday PKRI. Tension of not knowing the other clans numbers, and the adrenaline of tanking etc is perfect. PVP PKRI's are done by a variety of small clans and even teams.




I hear many people saying, Clans like DF etc arn't ready for PVP etc, but in real terms, when will you ever be ready if you think like this? Theres always a first time, and you improve. Heck, I joined CR when we was 80+ and ranked 50th 4 years ago. With practice and experience, we have pushed up the rankings and are still going strong.




If clans think negatively, then they will never know the frill of PVP. Obviously you don't start off with 2 hour PKRIs, you start with Matched opts knockouts to get practice and experience of PVP and see how your members cope with such sanctions.




Not to mention you make all your money back from 26ks at 0% if you die a lot. So really, Money isnt a problem, seeing how easy it is to make 2M in 2 hours of afking.

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