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[TWR] Akeldama Vs Impact


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Link to the declaration: viewtopic.php?f=216&t=801492




Winning clan (both name + initials): Akeldama [Akel]




Winning clan's member-list: http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=akel




Losing clan (both name + initials): Impact




Losing clan's member-list: http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=piht




Starting/ending ops of both clans (screenshot is valid proof):




Akel Starting: Combat Average: 111.76










Impact Starting: Combat average: 118.47












How it started:




I believe Impact pulled 19 people in total, but we only pulled 17, so Impact swiftly dropped to 17 (Thanks for not making us wait ages <3) and we got underway. DD'ing at the south east wall, we awaited their charge. As the fight began, both clans got a KO on their first pile, with Impact KO'ing Crazyguy890 and Akel KO'ing Fight4deedy. Akel had a swift transition onto Cockroach192, nearly getting another KO, but he recovered nicely and managed to tank us for a little while. Not exactly sure who Impact piled, but they tanked well, keeping the score at an even 15v15. It was at this point, where we began to take control of the fight, our binds were top notch for most of the fight, although there was a few times where we slipped up. We kept control of the fight, keeping 2 snipers on their pile, and anti sniping, and piling their snipers, so that we could remain binding. It paid off, with Akel standing with 10 remaining, after Luis3000100 dc'd.




Thanks for the war Impact, very respectable clan to war, and looking forward to future wars :)




Akeldama Ending:










Fight pics :



















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Was a fun war, we had 19 but one had to leave, so we only had to drop 1 player. Our 2nd or thrid pile was almost a ko but our binds failed and the guy managed to tank [ In robes :wall: ] for a good amount. From there I knew it would be hard because we had horible binds :c. Akel kept good amount of snipers on our binders so Good job to them :thumbup: . Was very fun and a great pull from our side as we managed to out level you \' but just goes to show Experience > Levels :P Hope to do it soon as you're one of my favorite clans so far on TWR <3:




Starting Impact:


(We had 19 one left, then droped Chris_T16 ) Pulled Five 126 8-)






Starting Akeldama:


(One person wasn't in DD yet and happened to be our first pile choice.)






Random Pics:






















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