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money making


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I can currently only play about 1-2 hour per day. I am already utilizing MTK and purchasing the 64 bstafs every day. What are some fast moneymaking options that utilize any of my skills, while keeping my time restraits in mind?




Click my username on the left to veiw my stats. I have 1sum, 45def, most quests done, and about 8mil to use.




Thanks in advance for your help.

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Get agility up by one and get blue scales?


More profit than green drags but no exp.




And yet, it still isnt a very good way to make money..





I dont need a siggy no moar.

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What i did in the old days was analyze how Much things like ore and essence went for, Seeing the trend, if it is An positive correlation wherein the item goes up in value , I would pick that item, sell it a couple of days later with a sizeable profit.

Hitting babies is fun, yay! *Dances* \:D/

Been out of the loop for 2 years, fill me in?

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Spirit Graahk Natures are great money, even though essence has gone up in price. I'm sure with maxed stats, you could get some charms no problem, make a few Graahk pouches, and you can make about 500k/hour.

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Yeah if you nat run with ghraak and are fast, you can make about 400-500K an hour. I want 57 Summoning so bad atm =P~ with your cb stats, you could go waterfiends and get crimsons. Apparently they aren't too bad for cash either. Once you can nat run with ghraak though you are set for life.


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