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Why Firefox is better than IE?


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Firefox would be the perfect browser, except that memory leak which has NEVER been truly fixed (over time FF's memory usage climbs to unreasonable amounts, even with only 1 tab open). They're so concentrated on Acid3 tests at the moment that getting them to fix it will take another few years...




But on topic, IE8 is best for the average user. It works, and most people don't even know what memory leaks, acid tests, or web standards are anyway... If anyone is still on IE6 and has the ability to upgrade, force them to, it's got more holes than Swiss Cheese (which is actually quite delicious, but that's not the point).




Personally, I'd stay completely with IE if it had a better password manager system, but it doesn't, so I'm on Firefox 3.5.3.

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You can smell the fanboyism on TIF, it's pungent. At the end of the day the usage figures speak for themselves. More people are switching to Firefox, while Opera usage is fairly level and IE is dropping.




But on topic, IE8 is best for the average user.




Not really, IE is one of the least secure browsers available.



"In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move."
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