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Massive inflation? Why?


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People abusing the pvp drop system, in some cases price manipulating clans



Dragon Drops: 80+ boots, 7 med, 3 skirt, 2 left half, 2 Spear, 2 2h

Slayer: 30+ whips, 4 Bows, 1 Mask, 3 Granite Legs, 1 Visage (Wyverns)

Notable GWD Splits: Bandos Tassets: 12, Bandos Chest: 11, Bandos Hilt: 2

Proud Slayer of 99 Att/Str/Def/HP/Range/Summoning

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A number of possible reasons. Basically it all boils down to more money in the economy though.




a) merchanting clans price fixing


B) during the summer months, players return, rising the demand for most common items, resulting in higher prices


c) 26k/76k'ing - although that problem has been reduced. I personally don't think this played that great a role... Among the general RS pop., very few players knew of it, and even fewer did it. It was definitely not enough players to offset the natural level of money in the economy that much.




So in my opinion, a) and especially B) are the major reasons...especially because the price [bleep]es all happened in June according to the prices. That has got to be the reason.

[2010] Proud Member of Downfall

[2004-2005] Former Leader of The Unbreakables, Former Member of Corruption, Former Member of 'The' Clan

(...and Anarchy for a few weeks... shhh...)

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As said it is both manipulation clans and the abuse of 26/76k tricking. The summer rush is also a partial reason, but not a large factor. We'll see just how big of a factor it was when everyone heads back to school.




I'm especially glad that I collected a ton of resources before any of this inflation. It saved having to pay for any skilling. :thumbup:




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Killed my maxed Zerker pure April 2010


Rebooting Runescape



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Haven't pvp/bh worlds been around for more than a year now? Thus, 26/76k'ing as well? Why have we only seen these huge price increases since June only?




People are completely blowing the 26k'ing effects out of proportion. It is obviously because of the huge increases in players during the summer months. There is no way that the money generated by 26k'ing are larger than those of either the "summer rush" or merchanting clans.

[2010] Proud Member of Downfall

[2004-2005] Former Leader of The Unbreakables, Former Member of Corruption, Former Member of 'The' Clan

(...and Anarchy for a few weeks... shhh...)

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Haven't pvp/bh worlds been around for more than a year now? Thus, 26/76k'ing as well? Why have we only seen these huge price increases since June only?




People are completely blowing the 26k'ing effects out of proportion. It is obviously because of the huge increases in players during the summer months. There is no way that the money generated by 26k'ing are larger than those of either the "summer rush" or merchanting clans.


The 26k thing wasn't a problem for the economy because no actual money was entering the game, just items. The problem arose when the drop system changed, and players started dropping large amounts of cash instead of valuable items--similar to coinshare, but on a much larger scale. The effect, as we have seen, was inflation.

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So this change (pvp drop change) happened in June? I thought it was more recent.




And items=money. Usually, once you get an item drop, you sell it off right away. Money and (some items - especially those which were pvp drops) items are completely interchangeable in Runescape, due to items being extremely liquid because of the g/e. (An SS and 8.5M mean exactly the same thing to me... I'm indifferent as to which one I'd hold.. both are good medium of exchanges, both are liquid, and both store value). So really, the change in pvp drops had no effect on the inflation witnessed in the economy.. if anything, I believe pvping has become less profitable, so you would assume deflation would be a factor, and not inflation.




Sorry, not buying it. The rise in prices began when a large proportion of RS players finished school, and started playing RS again.. that is the number one reason of the price increase.. like I said before, there is no way that the effect of 26k'ing (who only a minority of RS players know about, and even a smaller minority actually do) can affect a market as big as Runescape's.. yeah right.

[2010] Proud Member of Downfall

[2004-2005] Former Leader of The Unbreakables, Former Member of Corruption, Former Member of 'The' Clan

(...and Anarchy for a few weeks... shhh...)

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So this change (pvp drop change) happened in June? I thought it was more recent.




And items=money. Once someone gets an item drop, they sell it off right away. Money and (some items - especially those which were pvp drops) items are completely interchangeable in Runescape, due to items being extremely liquid because of the g/e. (An SS and 8.5M mean exactly the same thing to me... I'm indifferent as to which one I'd hold.. both are good medium of exchanges, both are liquid, and both store value).




Sorry, not buying it. The rise in prices began when a large proportion of RS players finished school, and started playing RS again.. that is the number one reason of the price increases.




Items lost value when sold as they were in many cases sold below medium GE value. The addition of statues created items that would never lose face value. Also, these statues had/have extremely high drop rates. Actually, Bounty worlds alone had high drop rates, but the statue rates were/are insanely high. It was easy to make over 1M/hr tricking after the addition of statues. Prior to that tricking seemed like a coin toss and you were lucky to make 500k/hr (if even that). Sure, you could get lucky with a DFH or DFS but they at least had very low drop rates in comparison.




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Killed my maxed Zerker pure April 2010


Rebooting Runescape



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So this change (pvp drop change) happened in June? I thought it was more recent.




And items=money. Once someone gets an item drop, they sell it off right away. Money and (some items - especially those which were pvp drops) items are completely interchangeable in Runescape, due to items being extremely liquid because of the g/e. (An SS and 8.5M mean exactly the same thing to me... I'm indifferent as to which one I'd hold.. both are good medium of exchanges, both are liquid, and both store value).




Sorry, not buying it. The rise in prices began when a large proportion of RS players finished school, and started playing RS again.. that is the number one reason of the price increases.




Items lost value when sold as they were in many cases sold below medium GE value. The addition of statues created items that would never lose face value. Also, these statues had/have extremely high drop rates. Actually, Bounty worlds alone had high drop rates, but the statue rates were/are insanely high. It was easy to make over 1M/hr tricking after the addition of statues. Prior to that tricking seemed like a coin toss and you were lucky to make 500k/hr (if even that). Sure, you could get lucky with a DFH or DFS but they at least had very low drop rates in comparison.




1) Items lost value when they were sold? Really? I wasn't aware that every single item is forever dropping in price (that's simply not the case - they drop and rise periodically.. you'd be lucky to find any item that has constantly gone down in price for a long period of time)


2) Like I said, in RS, drops are interchangeable with money.


3) I don't see a difference in the effects of the RS, a large gaming economy, with a few changes in pvp/bh'ing, an activity in the game that a minority of players used. And like I said, very few players knew 26k'ing existed, and very few actually did it.


4) There is no doubt in my mind that the effects of 26k'ing on inflation have been blown out of proportion


5) Once school starts for the majority of the RS community; in September, I am expecting the prices of those items affected in June to drop to their previous levels...

[2010] Proud Member of Downfall

[2004-2005] Former Leader of The Unbreakables, Former Member of Corruption, Former Member of 'The' Clan

(...and Anarchy for a few weeks... shhh...)

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Ok, I'm gonna explain it quick and painless




1- PvP updates brought a lot of items, making them drop


2- PvP updates 2 gave players a lot of statuettes as drops, which can be sold to a NPC, some of these are 750k, 1m and 5m, thus getting more cash to the economy and making everything rice


3- We're on summer, so everything is high on these times. They should drop soon


4- Manipulation clans that buy out all items from GE, making players have no access to them, thus they rising and having to pay more


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So this change (pvp drop change) happened in June? I thought it was more recent.




And items=money. Usually, once you get an item drop, you sell it off right away. Money and (some items - especially those which were pvp drops) items are completely interchangeable in Runescape, due to items being extremely liquid because of the g/e. (An SS and 8.5M mean exactly the same thing to me... I'm indifferent as to which one I'd hold.. both are good medium of exchanges, both are liquid, and both store value). So really, the change in pvp drops had no effect on the inflation witnessed in the economy.. if anything, I believe pvping has become less profitable, so you would assume deflation would be a factor, and not inflation.




Sorry, not buying it. The rise in prices began when a large proportion of RS players finished school, and started playing RS again.. that is the number one reason of the price increase.. like I said before, there is no way that the effect of 26k'ing (who only a minority of RS players know about, and even a smaller minority actually do) can affect a market as big as Runescape's.. yeah right.






What you say is 100% false.




Getting a drop WORTH 5m, and getting a drop of 5m CASH is completely different. Ill explain:




With the former PvP system, if, for example you got a drop worth 2.5m(lets pretend its a whip), you would then, as you said, go and sell it at GE. You would put up an sell offer, and eventually it would be bought by another random player, with PRE-EXISTING money. Through this system, NO MONEY IS ENTERING THE ECONOMY. It is a simple exchange of equal values. The only problem with this was that many of the more expensive items(barrows, dfs, etc) were becoming more common, and therefor, obeying the law of "supply and demand", the prices of the said items went down, because of the increased supply.




With the current PvP system, if a player gets a drop of 2.5m(in statuettes), they go cash in these to mandrith in edgeville, and are given 2.5m CASH. That's 2.5m that came from nowhere. 2.5m more gold in the economy. So, this person goes, with his freshly minted money, to GE, and buys a whip! So, you might ask, "How is this different from the above system?". The answer is simple. With more money (and believe me, being a hardcore pker, with many friends that pk, i see TONS of statuette drops every day) entering the economy, being given to players, the demand for items increases dramatically. Of course, now that none of these items are being dropped in PvP anymore, the supply also grows at a much slower rate, and is unable to keep up with the ever increasing demand of these expensive items.




For anyone with decent stats, PKing is VERY profitable. For anyone with not so good stats, 76k'ing is an even BETTER source of income. Either way, much more money is being brought into the economy through the new PvP drops than is being lost through deaths. This massive influx of GP is what has caused the great inflation, along with merchanting clans, and of course, slightly by the increase of players over the summer, as well.




P.S. You find me more than 1 out of 10 people (of all levels) that don't know what tricking is and I'll be amazed. The population of trickers is far greater than you think.




tldr: You sound exactly like the kind of person that tricks a lot, and should die. :|

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