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When was the last time you vomited?


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well you vomit when your stomach lining is irritated by an external agent(eg disease toxins, alcohol, drugs, etc) the stomach tries to throw out the poison so it it actually a healthy response :D








yeah even if it dosnt seem like it at the time!

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Guest Enviozzity

Nothing is less interesting then throw-ups that are caused by alcohol.








I'll tell you something I found really facinating when I were on a holiday trip at Borneo. Me and my family was taking a stop at a cafe that was run by some old man. I ordered coffee with sugar, I got sugar with coffee. An addict as I am, I drank it down and continued my trip with my family. The taxi-bus-thing that we got in was occupied by a few neatly dressed school kids, there was enough room for us though. I had this strange feeling in my stomach and turned my head towards the school boy that was sitting next to me, and gave him a neutral look, hinting that he should be aware. Next thing I knew, loads of my vomit flew rapidly up my throat, out of my mouth and at the school boy, covering him in orange liquid that smelled like satan. I tried to apologize but he kept chanting "Jippa jippa!" and you should have seen the horror on his face... I felt really bad afterwards because the kids there got to be dressed up in suits when they go to school. If it didn't stink so awful, he could have claimed it was a new trend.












Buuuuttt it was about three weeks ago next to a spazzed out monkey who had been smoking oregano while watching re-runs of Lost in Space.








That reminds me... my friend actually bought 10g of oregano for 50ÃÆââââ¬Ã¡Ãâì (he thought he was buying weed). It was hillarious to tease him about it with lines like "are you gonna put that oregano on a pizza or something?"

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a rather, disgusting topic...








Anyhoo.. i vomit just about everyday.. i stay SICk... all da time.. im so unhealthy :oops:

Formly known as TheKat146.

Retired in 2003 on RSC at combat level 111 <3

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Last year I was sick and dizzy and when I got out of bed I felt like barfing so I ran to like the nearest place i could throw up and it was the toilet so i felt really bad but a bit better after that since i got that outta my body and i ate stuff to make me feel better and that was a year ago so i haven't barfed in a while you know?

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