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When was the last time you vomited?


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Thursday, during sprints in football training. 8)








Was just a little bit though. Got to taste my breakfast again...fortunately it was a good breakfast. :)

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Interesting things you people choose to talk about... guess what I have puked but I dont think I have ever vomited...


99 Fishing 11/12/2006 790th fisher to 99

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about a month and a half ago...








i drank to much tequila...i can't remeber throwing up that night...but i woke up and people said i did...so i had to take out the trash...killer hangover though and smelling the vomit made me throw up in it 2 more times...








Don't binge drink with tequila (about 15 shots in 30 secs...a big glass full...omg it burned...)








as a matter of fact dont binge drink at all...dont even touch alcohol..or smell it...or look at it...that leaves more for me :twisted:

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I get pissed twice a week and i'm NEVER sick, no matter how much I drink, i'm never ever sick. All my friends say I have a stomach to steel :P








So the last time I was sick was about 6 years ago.








lol i doubt that.. sumtimes well have 20 + drinks.. you jus aint drinkin enuff..








if u drink 20+ drinks in like half an hour.. beleive me ur guna puke..








hehe do what i did...that was actually the first and only time ive thrown up from drinking...maybe cause i mixed it with 6+ shots of rum...i say 6+ cause i can't remeber what i drank after that....

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i have only vomited 5 times in my life. The last time was in 11th grade i think


Shorty427-96 CB merchanter/skiller banned 6/27/04

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Anyway, the last time I vomited was about 7 years ago, I drank waaaay to much milk 8)




:lol: Have you ever tried to drink a whole gallon of milk and keep it down? It's impossible :|








nope... my friend did it. I tried.... I kept down a gallon of milk for about 20 minutes, then puked everywhere.... got on my favorite shoes....








anyway, he downed a gallon of 2% milk in 38 minutes and kept it down.

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A really long time ago I ate some seafood from this restaurant. It was really delicious but the next day I was puking my guts out. I think it was about two years ago. Anyways about two weeks ago I felt like puking when I went to Playland (an amusement park similar to Six Flags in America but it's in British Columbia Canada) but I managed to hold it down.

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Middle of January this year. I had really bad flu. It wasn't fun sitting there feeling sick and puking a lot. :cry:

Dark Blade48 (Level - 113)


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this afternoon actually.. its odd to see this post lol








i think i ate to much salsa or somthin..








then i went on a fairly fast pace run around town because i was feeling a little too energetic, ran bout 1.5 miles..








dunno, somewhere along the way my stomach didn't like all the salsa bouncing up and down, vomited when i got home :x


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lol, about 5 years ago?

I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours."

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Last time I vomited was about a year & a half ago when a group of us were staying over at my mates brothers uni flat.




Lets just say getting wasted is okay sometimes but dont mix your drink when your wasted (especially spirits :wink: ).




The only time Ive barfed when drunk or because of drink ever.


He who learns must suffer, and, even in our sleep, pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart,

and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.

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Hmm.. maybe 3 years ago? I don't remember exactly. I guess I just don't really want to remember :P

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I get pissed twice a week and i'm NEVER sick, no matter how much I drink, i'm never ever sick. All my friends say I have a stomach to steel :P








So the last time I was sick was about 6 years ago.








lol i doubt that.. sumtimes well have 20 + drinks.. you jus aint drinkin enuff..








if u drink 20+ drinks in like half an hour.. beleive me ur guna puke..




I anit drinkin' enough? I'M NEVER SICK! I'm English, we drink like theres no tomorow. I can garantee you i'll never be sick. I've done a litre of Vodka, 13pints of stella and 4 750ml bottles of WKD blue and woke up with the slightist headache.

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