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This is rediculous.. This trail(for the second time) has forced me into doing a quest for a stupid co-ordinate. first - the stupid island in the waterfall quest that you need the rope to get to(I wouldn'd have been so annoyed, had I known to bring a goddamn rope) and now... I'm stuck going into mortyana.. Shouldn't these be like slayer in that they dont force you into questing to complete it?




And for the record I like quests as much as the next guy.. but must jagex sidetrack us at every chance, it takes long enough to get anywhere without teleporting, even with running.. I dunno what else to say.. anyone agree with me? Or does this somehow make sence..




Anyways.... I got a [wagon] preist to save.. So I can get a crappy reward for far too much walking

My first ever guide - for advanced farmers (~50+)


Now With Pictures!! - let me know what you think

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Here's a tissue...








Now, you know you dont HAVE to do the trails, amirite?? amirite???







Exactly right.








I'm not gonna get started telling you how lazy you are, if you don't want to do the quests to get the the rewards for the clues, just drop the clues and go on.


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I just think they shouldn't be in quest areas that are for very long quests. Like the regi area? For people who haven't done the quest its a 15-20 minute walk through the undergroud pass.








On another note, has anyone noticed that on lvl 3 scrolls the rewards have been very poor lately? For my last 3 scrolls I got a combined 8k gold, 40 laws, 40 bloods, and 40 nats, 2 black dragon chaps and 1 black dragon body.








It seems like a lot of work for very poor results considering clues before that at worst included a rune hatch or some god pg's.








Anyone notice this?

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On another note, has anyone noticed that on lvl 3 scrolls the rewards have been very poor lately?








Anyone notice this?








Seems like I have to do about 6-8 stinky level-3s to 1 good one, but I keep doing them. Got killed last night going from ardougne lever to the rogues castle. I didn't lose my clue scroll though. Finally completed it to get rune full helm, rune legs, magic short, magic long and 29 noted sharks.








Ra, stop whining. Nobody's forcing you to do them.

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Treasure trails huh..what are those...ohhhhh those things that we did when rs2 first came out..wow :roll: u haven't done waterfall quest yet wants some cheese..(with that Whine)!.




First off... Although I'm not al all new to the game, I just became a member a week ago ffs people... It's not that I don't want to do the quests... it takes long enough to get to the co-odinate, to find out I need to sidetrack for hours to finish a quest.. And like I said I like doing quests as much as the next guy.. And I love having as much of the map available to me as possible.. I just find it dumb to get forced into doing the quests.. I have no problem doing them.. but I'd rather do quests on MY terms, then have to run around questing when I'd rather do the trail and get back to my training

My first ever guide - for advanced farmers (~50+)


Now With Pictures!! - let me know what you think

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These trails are meant for you to play throughout the game and do what they gave you. It makes you want to play more to get the reward, thus making you pay more for members. Also, the rewards are basically free that are suposed to be for 90+ smithers. Oh yeah, phr33 rune pl0x!

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And what's the big deal about doing the quests anyway? I dropped about 5 clues in the past because they all required going to the elf camp. Eventually I got tired of it, raised my Agility to 56, and went to do Regicide.


Oh yeah. That's right.

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