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firefox or internet explorer


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you can find extentions that are supirior then IE








you are more secure then IE








any flaws are fixed with the shortest ammount of time (unlike IE which waitied about 14-18 months to release a jpg vunerabilty bug fix)


The following statement is true. The previous statement is false. 60% of all statistics are made up 90% of the time

andrew i love you & want you to have my babys!!! <3:

Finally, I get to save the Earth with deadly lasers instead of deadly slide shows!

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Kinda off-topic, but some of you may find it interesting (and probably relate to it)..








My sister was searching the internet for some insurance quotes tonight and to her disappointment, hardly any of the scripts on the Aussie sites would work properly in FireFox. She asked me what to do and I told her to try IE ("Will it be secure?" she asked, proving that I've taught her well) and surprise surprise, they worked.








In 2005 that's really lame.

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Kinda off-topic, but some of you may find it interesting (and probably relate to it)..








My sister was searching the internet for some insurance quotes tonight and to her disappointment, hardly any of the scripts on the Aussie sites would work properly in FireFox. She asked me what to do and I told her to try IE ("Will it be secure?" she asked, proving that I've taught her well) and surprise surprise, they worked.








In 2005 that's really lame.








problem is MS has never in my opinion followed the rules for new tech and waiting for it to be certified in browsers








they just add what they want to make it non standard..








and because they do this and there browser is the most dominant everyone uses there scripts and such that work on in IE


The following statement is true. The previous statement is false. 60% of all statistics are made up 90% of the time

andrew i love you & want you to have my babys!!! <3:

Finally, I get to save the Earth with deadly lasers instead of deadly slide shows!

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Without a doubt Firefox is better ;) Supports web standards, more secure, skinnable, many great extensions, tabbed browsing, faster, simpler, yet more customisable, open source, the list goes on.








Oh and Biox, good work with your sister ;) And yeah that sucks. Email them and/or report the sites to tech-evangalism.

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only downside with firefox is the sound on rs dosent work but tabed brousing and cusimization is far better than that.also most of the music on rs isnt that good so just make sure ur not being atacked when brousing on other sites.








i can also say that my entire family uses firefox now and i somehow erased ie on my computer lol

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I like firefox better. It's updated much more frequently (you won't have to wait 6 months for a vulnerability fix :roll:) and best of all, it uses TABS. lol.








Unfortunately, some things don't work on ff. "This page cannot be viewed in any browser but Internet Explorer" etc. But oh well.


Retired tip.it moderator.

Teaching and inspiring.

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Kinda off-topic, but some of you may find it interesting (and probably relate to it)..








My sister was searching the internet for some insurance quotes tonight and to her disappointment, hardly any of the scripts on the Aussie sites would work properly in FireFox. She asked me what to do and I told her to try IE ("Will it be secure?" she asked, proving that I've taught her well) and surprise surprise, they worked.








In 2005 that's really lame.








Nothing wrong with firefox its the fault of idiots who dont follow coding standards when making website.


Since 27 Aug 2002

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Nothing wrong with firefox its the fault of idiots who dont follow coding standards when making website.








That's kinda what I was getting at..

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You might also want to try Opera. Another free browser that's superior to IE in many ways, and for a lot of people, better than FireFox.








Now you see here, stranger..








This here's Firefox country, and we don't like your kind 'round these parts. So hows about you pack up and move along?
















(Nah, Opera is ok, its safe and fast like FF).

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Guest andyizcool

In my opinion anything's better than IE. Firefox/Netscape/Opera/Mozilla/Safari you name it. When I use to use IE my Anti-Spyware and Anti-Virus found something every week. Now using FireFox I get nothing every week, rarely something in a month. Firefox also has some nice Themes and great Extensions like NoScript and CustomizeGoogle.

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I generally use FF most of the time. However, it doesn't seem to handle right-clicking on Java applets (like RS) correctly. It shows the normal right-click menu for the page in addition to the RS one, but I can't use the RS one without also triggering one of the normal options. Therefore, I use Opera for playing RS and FF for almost everything else.

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I generally use FF most of the time. However, it doesn't seem to handle right-clicking on Java applets (like RS) correctly. It shows the normal right-click menu for the page in addition to the RS one, but I can't use the RS one without also triggering one of the normal options. Therefore, I use Opera for playing RS and FF for almost everything else.








make sure oyu have the latest firefox version


The following statement is true. The previous statement is false. 60% of all statistics are made up 90% of the time

andrew i love you & want you to have my babys!!! <3:

Finally, I get to save the Earth with deadly lasers instead of deadly slide shows!

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I generally use FF most of the time. However, it doesn't seem to handle right-clicking on Java applets (like RS) correctly. It shows the normal right-click menu for the page in addition to the RS one, but I can't use the RS one without also triggering one of the normal options. Therefore, I use Opera for playing RS and FF for almost everything else.








Allow javascript to replace the context menu in Tools > Options > Content > Enable JavaScript > Advanced.

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I generally use FF most of the time. However, it doesn't seem to handle right-clicking on Java applets (like RS) correctly. It shows the normal right-click menu for the page in addition to the RS one, but I can't use the RS one without also triggering one of the normal options. Therefore, I use Opera for playing RS and FF for almost everything else.
Allow javascript to replace the context menu in Tools > Options > Content > Enable JavaScript > Advanced.
Tools -> Options -> Web features? Perhaps it's been renamed content for 1.5?
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I generally use FF most of the time. However, it doesn't seem to handle right-clicking on Java applets (like RS) correctly. It shows the normal right-click menu for the page in addition to the RS one, but I can't use the RS one without also triggering one of the normal options. Therefore, I use Opera for playing RS and FF for almost everything else.
Allow javascript to replace the context menu in Tools > Options > Content > Enable JavaScript > Advanced.
Tools -> Options -> Web features? Perhaps it's been renamed content for 1.5?








Indeed it has. Good catch, Cameron :)

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Firefox definitely...although playing runescape with it lags...but my compy is slow anyways. The thing i like about firefox is the variety of extensions, like Remove It Permanetly and NoScript.








The thing is will IE 7 be better than FF?



dude i got pked and lost my full zezima
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You might also want to try Opera. Another free browser that's superior to IE in many ways, and for a lot of people, better than FireFox.








Now you see here, stranger..








This here's Firefox country, and we don't like your kind 'round these parts. So hows about you pack up and move along?
















(Nah, Opera is ok, its safe and fast like FF).




lol! I personally prefer Firefox....never used Opera, I will have to try it

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I use Firefox for 99% of my web Browsing. But to play RS I use Opera, it just seems to work a little more smoothly.








I also use Linux so that may be a little different. Haven't had a windows pc in over a year, even my laptop runs Linux.








My Firefox info:




Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7.12) Gecko/20050922 Firefox/1.0.7 (Debian package 1.0.7-1)








Extensions (enabled: 17, disabled: 0)




* Copy URL + 1.3.1




* Mouse Gestures 1.0




* Tabbrowser Preferences




* Feedview 0.9.7




* Show Failed URL 0.1.4




* Toolbar Enhancements 0.16.2




* InfoLister 0.8.2




* FlashGot




* User Agent Switcher 0.6.6




* Sage 1.3.5




* ChromEdit




* Tweak Network 1.0




* Bookmark Backup 0.3.3




* AniDisable 1.0




* Flashblock 1.3.2




* NoScript




* Yahoo! Toolbar








Themes (1)




* Firefox (default) 2.0 [selected]








Plugins (8)




* Java Plug-in 1.5.0_04-b05




* Shockwave for Director (with Crossover Office)




* Helix DNA Plugin: RealPlayer G2 Plug-In Compatible




* Adobe Reader 7.0




* QuickTime Plug-in 6.0, Windows Media Player Plugin are supported by mplayerplug-in




* DjVuLibre-3.5.14




* Shockwave Flash




* VLC multimedia plugin








Opera version 8.5








IE is not that bad as long as you know how to set it up securely and have good protection apps on your pc. A good firewall is always a great idea.


Proud member of Affliction

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