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Shading cc


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This is the beggining of my 1st ever sig. The design is nowhere near complete i know but i need help with the shading. The wall and roof of the hut have been shaded roughly but it looks to "blocky".




Any help would be cool.

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im no expert or anything... but it looks pretty gradient and the light source looks as if its coming from the ground but i dont know because its not finished. make the lighter colors point toword the light source. thats all it looks pretty good actually even though all it is is a hut and ground and the sky

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Yeah not too bad for a first try








but you want to get away from regemented 'gradient'








and also define a light source








I did this quikc example of a light source coming from the right just slightly above the top of the cube.








The colours should really be closer together or have more inbetween sahdes to give a blend, but mine shows the basis for you shading whihc can be easily developed










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He dithered his colors and there is nothing wrong with manual dithering. Dithering is there to trick our eyes into thinking there is another color and it will thus go smoothly through the piece.








You are not doing anything wrong, dithering is actually what a lot of "pro" pixel artists use on DA (Deviant Art). So keep it up, just develop your lineart a bit more obviously, but as this looks like a simple experiment, not going to nail you on that.

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yar i agree, its ok for a first but then light is coming from the ground, maybe if there was something huge there in fire, and it was night time, but no. light comes from the sun(usually) which is in the sky most of the time... so the lighter areas of the building would be in the direction of the sun, as sight is shining down on them. it helps to put the sun in there also, but it isn't a must, i'd like to know what is gonna happen in the rest of the sig...


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