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My first pixel (ALMOST DONE)


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Well I'm taken a attempt at my first pixel signature.... so far its taken me about a hour to draw whats here
















Well what do you guys think? Should I continue or does it suck and I should forget about being a pixel artest. I'd rather not waste more hours on something that would turn out really bad.








PS:(its suppose to be a guy with ahrim's hood and guthix cape so far)

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Its actually not bad for a first try, though only the head is currently visible. And another thing to remember, it doesnt matter if it turns out amazing or terrible, just as long as you enjoy doing it and have fun with it! Even though mine are certainly not the best sigs around, i still enjoy creating them and thats why i keep doint em. You do have potential by the way... :wink:

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Thanks :D (theres some hope :) ) Im planning on making the rest of his body with full ahrim of course but hes arms will be partly extended with magic flowing out of the sleeves where it emptys out flowing all over bsically covering the whole background. It will be mist like blue and white yet like a jet of water almost.








I'm also planing to fix up what I have rite now a bit with some better shading.

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can u do the rest of the linework? so that we can see what its like, looking good so far. most people do all the lines before colouring, so that if something doesn't look right u can change it before u colour, nice work


"A disbelief in magic can force some poor souls into believing in authority and business"

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looks like you are gonna be gd












Onl;y thing I would watch out for is the stupid people who give crit for you not following the sterotyped pixelling method








aka for not drawing it all first








I know what they r like from them going out about my linework when i have repeatdley said i sort tht out last












but v nice


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Thanks guys =)








Any ways I've been working my *** off and I gotta some more here's 3 diferent virsions, I used a few filters for the magic to help it come out better.
















(sorry bout the little dots around the magic, my program is kinda screwy)








And here I have one with my name on it












I made the text my self but I'm not to sure of the color so a suggestion would be great.












Well what do you guys think? Should I stick a background in (i need help with an idea for a bg) or should I stick with the others. Rate, State what needs improvement, and compliment. :D








PS: I dont do line work I use colors as I go and dont bother with a black outline becuase it seems easier for me since I tend to see what I need to fix better.

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my only crit would be the green bit of the cape showing over the right hand (characters left if u were in his head) shoulder








From the way it is blowing you would see the rope thing you got across his front but you would not see that bit as it would be behind his head








other than that looking uber


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true I was trying to get it to blow away from him more than to the left of him it came out like it was blowing completely to the left.... so I guess I should fix that. Anyways did anyone notice the change in the cape's look (look at the first one and the last one) does anyone like the change?

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yea Im having a little trouble with that I gotta make a whole new scene than stick what I have now on there








Anyways I fixed what I got up a bit








not too much changed but I decided I didn't like the changes a I made to the cape before so I changed it back.

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About the money - alot more then 200-300k i would think.... :)












i like how its comeing so far you got that basics of drawing as a good background, not makeing arms going the wrong way and stuff...








for the text i would go with a little darker then a guthix green, as blue and gray will go with wtih green .....








so far GREAT keep up the good work... :D



New sigzor^^

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Thanks Ill take those suggestions to mind... thats a good idea for the text I should thought of that lol guthix green duh...








anyways you got a estimate on worth? (gee this pixel thing is starting to turn out great..... and I thought I would barely get 100k for it lol)












EDIT: Alrite somethings wrong the file size is 50kb it was 23kb or so whats going on?




















look at the dif in size! They're the same file extension so really dont get whats makin it double the size? You guys got any clue cuase I cant stick it in my sig

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I really don't know the exact price that you could get for it... meh look at my great sig :roll: but i have seen others go fro quite i bit and weren't as good as that... i would think start at 600-700k if you get alot of offers maybe up the pice on the next one?



New sigzor^^

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