AirWales Posted June 6, 2010 Share Posted June 6, 2010 -Table of content- 1. Foreword2. Basic Firemaking3. XP rates 4. Advanced Firemaking5. Other sources of XP 6. Level 99, which logs should you use?7. Places to firemake8. Line stealing9. Firemaking in FTP, a do or a dont?10. How to fight boredness11. How to stay healthy throughout Firemaking 12. Conclusion 1. Foreword Welcome to my Firemaking guide. As long as I can remember people have always asked me how to train Firemaking. The fastest way, the most expensive way and the most efficient way of training, those are the questions I get asked on a regular basis. After hearing the same questions over and over again I got the idea of writing a guide on the Firemaking skill. Firemaking is looked upon by many as a skill which doesnt require a lot of effort and/or time, mainly because of the 40+ thousand people who have achieved 99 Firemaking. I disagree. 94 thousand clicks and a constant training schedule is something you really have to set your mind to. Anyway, Im not here to debate about the skill, Im here to write about it. I decided not to focus too much of this guide on the level 99 goal. Although its a very important part of the guide, I wanted to give some information that you maybe never knew even existed in the first place. I also wanted to clear up some debatable subjects once and for all. Most conclusions in this guide however, are made with a level 99 goal in mind. This means that should you decide to train Firemaking after level 99, the situation might change slightly. Should you want any information on training Firemaking after 99, then feel free to PM me. I hope will you enjoy reading this guide just as much as I enjoyed writing it! Keep on lighting those fires!-Air Wales 2. Basic Firemaking Lets start off from the beginning. Firemaking generally works with the basic formula: logs + tinderbox = fire. In order to complete the formula you need logs (which you can cut yourself) and a tinderbox (on sale at any general store or the Grand Exchange). + = The Firemaking formula Are your fires still not lighting? Then there can be 4 different reasons for that. Youre standing in a building - in some buildings such as banks Firemaking is not possible.Youre standing on ground decorations - Firemaking is also not possible on rocks/flowers and on burning fires.Your Firemaking level isnt high enough - for most logs you need a certain Firemaking level. Always check if you meet the requirement prior to lighting a log.Members logs on a FTP (free to play) server - some logs are only available in members worlds therefore, you cant ignite them on a FTP server. 3. XP Rates Is a pretty fire all you get from lighting those logs? Well no. You also get a certain amount of Firemaking experience (otherwise known as FM XP) depending on the type of log you are lighting. Once you reach a higher Firemaking level you will be able to light more types of logs therefore, being able to get more XP. The logs with * behind them are logs which are not commonly used for Firemaking. Note: for more technical information on XP values follow this link. Normal logs Level required: 1 Experience gained: 40 Members only?: no Remarks:- Achey logs*Level required: 1 Experience gained: 40 Members only?: yes Remarks: Used for the quest Big Chompy Bird Hunting and to make Ogre arrows and bows using the Fletching skill. Oak logsLevel required: 15 Experience gained: 60 Members only?: no Remarks:- Willow logs Level required: 30 Experience gained: 90 Members only?: no Remarks:- Teak logs*Level required: 35 Experience gained: 105 Members only?: yes Remarks: Can be turned into planks for the Construction skill. Firemaking with Teak logs is not recommended. Arctic pine logs*Level required: 42 Experience gained: 125 Members only?: yes Remarks: Used to make Fremmenik roundshields. Maple logsLevel required: 45 Experience gained: 135 Members only?: no Remarks: Since the update of July 19th 2010, FTP players are now able to cut Maple logs with 30 Dungeoneering. Mahogany*Level required: 50 Experience gained: 157.5 Members only?: yes Remarks: Can be turned into planks for the Construction skill. Firemaking with Mahogany logs is not recommended. Eucalyptus*Level required: 58 Experience gained: 193.5 Members only?: yes Remarks: Eucalyptus logs can only be obtained near Oo'glog. At the moment, they're only useful in Firemaking, especially for creating pyre logs. Yew logs Level required: 60 Experience gained: 202.5 Members only?: no Remarks:- Magic logsLevel required: 75 Experience gained: 303.8 Members only?: yes Remarks:- Cursed Magic logsLevel required: 82 Experience gained: 303.8 Members only?: yes Remarks: Will turn into normal Magic Logs after leaving the Spirit Realm. 4. Advanced Firemaking Firemaking is not just about tinderboxes and logs, there are also several other ways of getting Firemaking experience. Updates such as the introduction of high detail and full screen and the release of the Summoning skill have both made an impact on the way we view and train Firemaking. There has also been a lot of debate over what the most efficient way of training is. All this and more is covered in this chapter. -26 and 27 log inventory- Below are 2 pictures of the most commonly used ways of training Firemaking. However, a lot of debate has been going on which is the best and most efficient. 26 inventory (left) and 27 inventory (right) Lets say that for this example we are a player with level 45 Firemaking and we just decided to go for level 99. Should we use a 27 or 26 inventory (invent for short)? Well to find out we need to choose logs. Since maples are most commonly used well use them for this example. The XP needed for 99 is 99 minus the current XP: 13,034,431 - 61,512 (level 45) = 12,972,919 Next we need to know the XP per 27 and 26 invent. 26 x 135 (XP per maple) = 3510 and 27 x 135 = 3645 Now we calculate how many invents are needed with both invents: 26 inventory: 12,972,919/3510=3695.98831927 inventory: 12,972,919/3645=3559.099863 ------------------------------------------------------------Total difference: 136.8884562 inventories We also need to make up for the lost log with the 26 log inventory, so we multiply the total difference times 26. 136.88x 26 = 3559.099861 logs Assuming you on average burn 1K an hour, you will end up having spent 3.56 hours more than necessary. The lower the XP per logs, the more time you will basically spend Firemaking unnecessary with the 26 log inventory. This also means the gap between the 26 and 27 log inventory will become smaller once you start Firemaking with high XP logs such as Yew or Magic. So whats better? Well the numbers dont lie; the 27 log inventory is far more efficient saving up 3 and a half hours. So why train with 2 tinderboxes (26 log inventory) in the first place? Well some people prefer it as it decreases mouse movement distance between the logs and tinderbox. However, you will firemake at exactly the same speed therefore, just wasting 3 or more hours. All summarised: if you want to save yourself 3,5 hours on Firemaking go for the 27 inventory. -Firemaking with a bow- Next to Firemaking with a regular tinderbox you can also make fires with a bow. Ever since this option became available players, they have argued with each other whether or not this is a good alternative. Is it? Lets start of with the requirements. In order to use a bow for Firemaking you need to complete the barbarian Firemaking training. Does this make the bow more suitable for training than the tinderbox? Well no, for the following reasons; You need a higher Firemaking level. In order to use a bow to light a fire you need to be 20 levels higher than that requirement for that particular log. This means if you want to light a maple log with a bow you need to be level 65 (level 45+20 levels for the bow) More mouse activity - Because the use option on a bow is secondary, you need to click right and then click use in order to make the bow ready to light a log. However, if you click the log first and then the bow you will click the same amount as with a tinderbox but you will just be ending up moving your mouse around more often thereby, putting your arm under more pressure than it already is.Big time lost due to miss-clicks - because the wield option is first on bows, if you forget to select a log before the bow (like with a tinderbox) you will end up wielding the bow and therefore, losing much more time. A player firemaking with a bow The only argument against these 3 reasons is that you can use 28 logs instead of the maximum 27 if you use a tinderbox. This is true, but if you are planning on using 28 logs and a bow you need to equip the bow, take 28 logs, run to your spot, drop 1 log, unequip your bow and then start Firemaking. On the opposite side we got the tinderbox with which you can just run to your spot and start burning away (saving you valuable seconds). Inevitably the tinderbox is going to save you time, no matter how you look at it. Conclusion; if you are seriously planning on getting your Firemaking up, you need to firemake with a tinderbox. It saves up much more time you would otherwise spend on clicking on your bow. Only in the event of having to make a fire quickly without a tinderbox in your inventory, thats probably the only time when you should attempt to make a fire with a bow. -The use of a Pyrelord- With the release of Summoning a lot of new skill features were added and Firemaking wasnt left out. With the Summoning familiar called the Pyrelord you could get a lot of advantages using it. But is everything as good as it seems? The Pyrelord Summoning familiar First, what does a Pyrelord do? After reaching level 46 Summoning, making the pouch and summoning the familiar (in this case the Pyrelord) you can use the Pyrelord as a tinderbox, get 10 extra XP on every log you burn and get an additional 3 extra Firemaking levels upon your current Firemaking level, making you able to light logs you normally wouldnt be able to light. There is however, a downside to all of this. Because you are using the familiar as a tinderbox, the overall efficiency of Firemaking drops therefore, slowing down your rate of XP per hour. The extra 10 XP covered per log doesnt make up for this, as the logs are lit on a slower rate than when you use a tinderbox. The tinderbox takes 65.502 seconds to complete a 27 log inventory. A Pyrelord with 28 logs takes a whopping 84.91 seconds! Also you need level 46 Summoning and it costs money to make the Pyrelord. Another thing that really bothered me is the fact that the fires dont appear from under your feet, but from under the feet of the Pyrelord. How is that annoying? First, you need to wait for the Pyrelord to walk to the next square after it has lighten a fire. Secondly, if you have a player who wants to you to hop worlds because he wants your training spot, you cant fight him back (unless you use your tinderbox). Also, your mouse coordination should be dead on accurate if you dont want to accidentally click on a fire with your selected log, instead of the Pyrelord. This means it basically requires 100% concentration at all times is required while firemaking with a Pyrelord. I tried to overcome this all these problems by firemaking with a tinderbox and the Pyrelord, aiming for the free 10 extra XP. This however, didnt work. The last major thing that also disturbed me, was that I wasnt able to firemake at the most popular spot in RuneScape; the Grand Exchange. In summary, is a Pyrelord a good alternative for the old tinderbox and should you use it? NO! Its just the same situation as the bow. If sheer luck has it that you got the pouch and a log in your inventory and you want to make a fire, use it. If otherwise, do yourself a huge favour and stick with the still unbeaten champion of Firemaking; the tinderbox. Note: A Forge regent (level 76 Summoning) can also be used as a tinderbox giving 10 extra XP per log, but without the level boost. A Lava Titan (level 83 Summoning) gives you a +10 level boost but doesnt give additional bonus per log. Every aspect about the Pyrelord can be applied to the Forge regent. The Forge Regent -Firemaking with full screen and HD- After Jagex released RuneScape in HD the question raised whether or not you should firemake in HD (high detail) and more importantly, full screen. Well should you? Before you start Firemaking in full screen with your graphics on maximum you might want to consider this. You will have a higher chance of lagging when you firemake in full screen and HD in general (especially at the Grand Exchange or areas with lots of people). However, if you play in the lowest screen size of HD and with a fairly strong computer, you will be able to manage. Moving on, why would you want to firemake in full screen anyway? Well the details are (much) more realistic as everything is bigger, and playing in full screen doesnt get you distracted by other things on the screen such as MSN log-in messages etc. On the other hand, the distance between the inventory and the position where you want to make you fires has grown since the resolution of the screen hasnt changed but the size of the game screen has. This means your mouse has to travel a longer way across the screen to select the place you want to start your fire. This not only costs you time, but it also means that (because of the distance between your inventory) you might overpressure your hand resulting in back, neck and/or arm aches which in the long term, can do serious damage. However you can overcome this by putting your sensitivity of your mouse to highest, but even this can cause problems if youre not experienced with a mouse set to its highest sensitivity (see chapter 11). Two conclusions can be made:Firemaking in HD? This is just a matter of preference. Although it has a bigger chance of lagging, I recommend you only firemake in HD when you have a strong computer. If your computer cant handle constant game play in HD stick to the standard detail, which will guaranty smooth game play.Firemake with full screen? No. when you put the positive and negative sides next to each other, it is nothing but a pain (seeing it from an efficient point of view). In the end its a matter of preference but I surely wouldnt recommend it. -Backwards Firemaking- Ever looked on the RuneTracker website and saw the crazy amount of XP players got in Firemaking? Ever had the feeling that there was some kind of strange way of Firemaking you didnt know of? Big chance the backwards Firemaking technique is the answer to those thoughts, but what are we talking about? The technique in itself isnt too hard to master, but requires a lot of attention should one want to apply it to training. To understand how backwards Firemaking works, you need to know that you will always firemake from east to west, regardless of the situation. While training Firemaking however, it is possible for a player to click on a square to the east, walk to the east and light a fire, without having to relight. A player then repeats this actions over and over again which results in a fire line heading east instead of west. That is basically what backwards Firemaking is. Although it requires more clicks and in-game attention, it may enable a player to firemake up to 6 hours without having to relight. How? Although you can use backwards Firemaking everywhere, you can only apply the technique you are about to read at the Grand Exchange, since you cant light fires in a bank or a building. In contrary to conventional training, you are going to buy your logs, but leave them in the Grand Exchange collection box. Another option is to sell your logs for max price, only to take them out a split second after you hit the sell button as this will result in your logs being placed in the Grand Exchange collection box. The next step is to click the collect option on the banker, and right click on your logs, selecting the collect-items option. This way your inventory will fill up with one easy click and you can start firemaking. Once you start firemaking, half way through your inventory, use the backwards technique to head back to the banker (or you can start out with backwards firemaking, and head west to the banker, whichever you prefer). Once youre down to your last log, right click on the banker and select collect and click on the logs, which will result in your inventory filling up. All this should be done in less than 2.4 seconds for you to be able to continuously light fires. Dont expect that you can do this the second you try it, you will need to practise a lot. This way of training makes you able to light up to 1500 logs an hour. Heres a calculation just for confirmation. It takes 4 game ticks (0.6 seconds) to light 1 fire:4 x 0.6 = 2.4 seconds per fire You have 27 logs in your inventory:2.4 x 27 = 64.8 seconds per inventory Using continuous lighting you are able to burn:3600 (seconds per hour) / 64.8 = 55.5555... inventories per hour Which results in you being able to light:55.55555... x 27 (logs per inventory) = 1500 logs. Server lag however, tends to make game ticks a little longer. The average game tick therefore is 0.6065 seconds, decreasing the number of logs down to 1483.924155 per hour. With all that said, heres my conclusion: with banking time basically eliminated, this is overall the best technique can use for maximum efficiency and XP. The biggest downsides to this technique however, is that it requires practise and even more attention and precision than Firemaking would normally require. The added clicks you use also put your hand under more pressure than it already is, resulting in possible pain when Firemaking for long periods of time. Ill leave the decision making up to you, but for the most efficient way of training, this is the best option I can offer you. 5. Other sources of XP Now that weve talked about ways of making fires, its now time to talk about other means of XP. Next to making ordinary fires you also have different way of making fires and receive Firemaking XP. You can do quests, make pyre ships, light lanterns and so on.However, I will only tell you most things in a nutshell and not really discuss it into detail as most of this XP is very time consuming and for most parts, totally unnecessary. For more information go to the official RuneScape knowledge base. -Quests- By doing quests, your work may be rewarded with different things. This can vary to the ability to wield certain armour to getting XP in a certain skills. Firemaking is no exception in this. Here are the quests that you can complete in order to receive free Firemaking XP. Note that these quests are guaranteed to give you firemaking XP. There are lots of other quests which give you a choice on which skill to use free XP, these quests arent listed. The Giant Dwarf 1,500 Firemaking XPHeroes' Quest - 2,725 Firemaking XPEnlightened Journey - 4,000 Firemaking XPAll Fires Up - 5,500 Firemaking XPEnakhras Lament - 7,000 Firemaking XPIn Pyre Need - 14,400 Firemaking XPAs a First Resort - 15,000 Firemaking XPSummers End - 15,000 Firemaking XPForgiviness of a Chaos Dwarf - 15,000 Firemaking XP -Pyre logs- Weve all heard of it, pyre logs. You might have noticed them when you were looking through the Firemaking guide in-game. But what are pyre logs? Pyre logs are mostly used in the Shades of Mortton minigame and due to the grade of difficulty of making them and their price, hardly used for actual training. To make pyre logs you have to have the quest Shades of Mort ton completed. Upon attempting to making pyre logs you will need to buy some olive oil, then use the olive oil with the holy flame in the temple, which you built during the Shades of Mortton quest, to make sacred oil. If you got the sacred oil, you can use it to make pyre logs. Each type of logs differs on how many sacred oils it needs. Additionally, you need to be 5 levels over the normal log burning requirement to light pyre logs. This means that someone with level 45 Firemaking cant light maple pyre logs as he/she needs level 50. Burning pyre logs give more XP than burning the same normal log (without sacred oil). Additionally, Lighting the Holy Fire Altar in the temple will give you 100 Firemaking XP and adding sacred oil to any logs gives 10 XP. Pyre logs are used in the Shades of Mort'ton minigame. -Pyre ships- Now that we talked about pyre logs, were going one step further onto pyre ships.Pyre ships are made to release the spirit of a Barbarian who died in battle. You will get Crafting, Firemaking and Prayer XP for doing so. How to make a pyre ship is explained during the Barbarian training.To make a pyre ship you will need to have a tinderbox or bow, a log, a woodcutting axe and a chewed bone which can be collecting by killing the Mithril dragons in the Ancient Cavern. Always check that youre using the right bone. If you use a mangled bone (which looks identical to the chewed bone) a level 166 Barbarian Spirit will be released!If you have all the items for the pyre ship, click "construct pyre site" to make the pyre ship and send the barbarian on its journey. The construction of a pyre ship -Lanterns and Dorgeshuun lightorbs- So is there anything else you can light except for logs? Well yes. If you are finding yourself in the situation of going into a dark cave you can use lanterns to lighten up your path. However, there are some downsides to this. Your candle or lantern can go out by wind gusts, make contact with hazardous cave gas and ignite (ouch..), and accidentally falling into the water (such as failing the underground stream stepping stone agility obstacle) may extinguish your light. The only source of light that is guarded against all these situations is the bullseye lantern, which you can make using the Crafting skill along with other types of lanterns. Now on to the Dorgeshuun light orbs. In the city of Dorgesh-Kaan the streets are lit with magical light. These lamps may occasionally break and can be repaired. To repair them you need make a light orb using the Crafting skill (level 87) and once made, use it on a broken light (also requires level 52 Firemaking). Simply use the light orb with the broken light to repair it. How to repair a light orb.When doing this, you will gain 1000 Firemaking XP for each broken light you repair. Additionally, 5000 extra Firemaking XP will be gained if you manage to repair 100 lights. 6. Level 99, which logs should I use? Weve talked about XP, weve talked about logs and weve talked about quests. Yet the main reason youre probably looking at this guide is that you have just decided to get Firemaking to level 99. But how on earth can someone manage to get 13,034,431 XP in the Firemaking skill? Well, with the right attitude, a good strategy and a little determination, you can get 99 Firemaking in a blink of an eye! Lets start off with the basic idea of going for 99 Firemaking. At the moment your Firemaking level is 1, but how do you start off the long road? I mean you cant just go around burning magic logs. You have to start at the bottom of the ladder. Level 1 - 15 = 2411 XP to level 15. 61 normal logs should do the trick. Level 15 - 30 =11K XP to level 30. Use 183 Oak logs Level 30 - 45 = 24K XP to level 45. 266 Willow logs will get you to level 45. Level 45 - 60 = 237K XP to level 60. 1573 Maple logs are needed Level 60 - 75 = 937K XP to level 75. 4626 Yew logs are needed. Level 75 - 99 = 12.3M XP to level 99. 38927 Magic logs required for level 99. Note: The methods displayed above uses the best logs available for the current Firemaking level, excluding pyre logs/ring of fire or any other form of getting extra XP. Other rare (members) logs, are not in this table. All log numbers are round up. For the most accurate XP values see chapter 2. -Realistic training- The method above is extremely expensive, costing up to 46 million GP or more. So how do you get 99 Firemaking and still have a little cash left on the side? Well, there are 3 main methods of getting 99. The cheap method (Willows), the reasonable/most popular method (Maple) and the expensive method (Yew logs). To find out which is the overall best we have to set a standard price to all 3 logs. Note that these prices change by the day, so always check the Grand Exchange or the RuneScape homepage for accurate prices. Also beware that Firemaking boosters such as the ring of fire or any other form of extra XP are not included in the calculations, nor is the time to get the required Firemaking level for the 3 types of logs. Lets start off with the prices: Willow logs: 18 GPMaple logs: 36 GP Yew logs: 470 GP Next, we need to calculate the amount of logs needed for level 99: Willow: 13,034,431 13,363 (XP for level 30) = 13,021,06813,021,068 / 90 (XP per log) = 144,678.5333 logs Maple: 13,034,431 61,512 = 12,972,91912,972,919 / 135 = 96,095.6963 logs Yew: 13,034,413 273,742 = 12,760,68912,760,689 / 202.5 = 63,015.74815 logs Now we multiply the amount of logs needed times the price of 1 log Willow: 144,678.5333 x 18 = 2,604,213.599 GP = 2.6MMaple: 96,095.6963 x 36 = 3,459,445.067 GP = 3.5MYew: 63,015.74815 x 470 = 29,617,401.63 GP = 30M Say you like to chat in-game and burn 1K an hour: Willow: 144,678.5333 / 1000 = 141.678 hoursMaple: 96,095.6963 / 1000 = 96.095 hoursYew: 63,015.74815 / 1000 = 63.015 hours With that comes, that you also need time to actually earn the money. Say that you earn 150K an hour. This results in: Willow: 2,604,213.599 GP / 150,000 GP = 17.361.. hoursMaple: 3,459,445.067 GP / 150,000 GP = 23.062.. hoursYew: 29,617,401.63 GP / 150,000 GP = 197.449.. hours If we add all the clocked hours up we get: Willow: 141.678 + 17.361 = 159.039 hoursMaple: 96.095 + 23.062 = 118.157 hoursYew: 63.015 + 197.499 = 260.514 hours This all might seem a little confusing so lets write it all down one last time (with rounded up numbers): Type of log - amount of logs needed - cost - total hours Willows -145K logs 2.6M GP 160 total hours spendMaple - 96K logs 3.5M GP 118 total hours spendYew - 63K logs 30M GP 250 total hours spend Overall, it seems that maple is the most efficient way to get 99. Saving up to 42 hours in total. Note that I didnt include any sort of Firemaking boosters and that the difference between willow and maple may be closer if you use Firemaking boosters. But should you really use Maple logs? Well, I will leave this up to you. Although the numbers suggest that you do, there are always going to be people who want to get 99 Firemaking the fastest way possible. If thats your case, stick with Yew or even Magic logs. But if you want an awesome looking cape for only 3.5M GP, without spending 3 to 4 months on clicking, go for maples! Just got 99 Firemaking? Go to Seers forest and talk to Ignatius Vulcan to get your very own Firemaking cape! 7. Places to firemake Just knowing what to firemake isnt going to get us anywhere. We also need to know where to train Firemaking. As a rule of thumb always remember that you cant light fires in buildings and on ground decorations such as bushes or flowers. The good thing about Firemaking is that you can basically train it anywhere as long as there is an open space to light a fire, yet where can you make a constant line of fires for efficient training? Here are the most popular/best places to train your Firemaking. -Free to Play Locations- Draynor Village Draynor village is a good location to train Firemaking.With lots of trees surrounding the village you can quickly re-stock on supplies and train both Firemaking and Woodcutting at the same time. Firemaking can be done north as well as south of the bank. The north side of the bank only gives room to 1 person (2 people if one break their line if fire) so beware of people trying to claim your spot. Edgeville Edgeville is a small town located at the border of the Wilderness North-West of Varrock. This town is primarily used to train Woodcutting, and is therefore very quiet, making it the perfect place if you want to train Firemaking. Firemaking can be done north as well as south of the bank. The north side provides room for 2 people to train Firmaking next to eachother at the same time. In contrary, the south can be used for 2 people, yet one of the two firemakers has to break their line of fire off earlier because of a wall which surrounds a house. Falador east bank Another popular (and more commonly used) place to train Firemaking is the east side of Falador. The large open space above the east bank make this an ideal place if you want to train Firemaking with several other people. Because of all this space up to 4 people may be able to train next to each other. The nearby located Party Room make this a very busy place. If you like to get in contact with other people while training Firemaking, this is one of the locations which could be best for you. Fist of Guthix (FOG) The Fist of Guthix minigame is a very popular location for people to train Firemaking, and for good reason. Up to 3 people can train here and have a chat with other people around them. If you like you can also take a break of Firemaking and play the actual minigame. Grand Exchange This is one of the best places to train Firemaking in FTP. Reason number one, is because it offers the best training method in the game (see chapter 4). More importantly however, is that 4 people can train Firemaking here at once at different places within the Grand Exchange. There are also a lot of players which you can talk to and you can easily bank and buy new supplies should you run out. However you should be aware that because of the increased amount of activity going on here, you will have a higher chance of lagging. Again, for more information see chapter 4. Varrock west bank (south side) & Varrock east bank (north side) Varrock is probably the most popular location to train Firemaking, due it its many locations in which it can be done. The south side of the west bank and the north side of the east bank may provide good location for a single player to train, yet Firemaking with other people is not possible at these locations. Due to the many players in Varrock there is always the chance of people trying to steal your line/training spot because they obviously cant firemake next to you due to the small amount of space available. If you are planning on training Firemaking here, always keep in mind line stealers will often pop up in Varrock more than anywhere else. Varrock west bank (north side) The Varrock West bank provides an excellent place to train Firemaking as it has enough room for 3 fire lines of around 27 fires. The plant just north of the bank is also a good reference point to start your line of fires. Note that it will become increasingly more difficult to firemake here once another person decides to firemake next to you. Wilderness Volcano (previously Bounty Hunter) The Wilderness Volcano is a very quiet (but also very open) space to train Firemaking. Here, you are not restricted by any walls or trees in your way, making you able to freely firemake around the place. This place allowed up to 3 players to train Firemaking simultaneously. -Members Locations- Coming soon! Port Phasmatys 8. Line stealing How many times has this happened to you? Youre Firemaking somewhere in RuneScape minding your own business and all of a sudden, a player comes up to you and demands that you switch worlds, or else he will annoy you to a point that you will leave. Tired of having these situations over and over again? Luckily for you, I got a few tricks that you can practise on, so you can become the unbeaten Firemaking champion! -Step 1- The skill to block someones fires takes a good practise, dont think you can do it as soon as you try it. The first thing you should know is that no one is unbeatable, its all about determination! Always keep this in mind. Before you can start blocking peoples fire, you need a small practise. Get a full inventory of logs and place your tinderbox in the middle of your inventory. Now find yourself a quiet spot and start practising. What you should first do is make a fire and skip 1 space. The goal is not to re-light your logs. You can skip a maximum of around 4 to 5 spaces so work your way up to this. This technique is the foundation of your ability to move around while lighting fires so be sure you feel comfortable doing this before you move on to step 2. -Step 2-If you have practised enough with the first step, its time to advance a little. Next to skipping spaces vertically (in the same line of spaces) you can also make fires to the side without having to re-light. Below is a picture which shows another common technique of blocking someones fires. Before you can even attempt in making something like this you need to have a small practise. Again find a spot and make a fire. After making your fire immediately click to the left or right and burn another log. If you can do this without re-lighting then you can start making the pattern longer and longer. -Step 3- Now that you mastered the first two techniques, its time to test your skills. Go to any busy world and start blocking someones fires (note that this practise wont make you popular). Most of times, people wont give up that easily and will try to reclaim their spot, so its a good way to test if you really have control over the various techniques. If they wont hop within 20-30 minutes, you either need a friend who helps you or basically give up, unless you want to spend more time reclaiming your spot rather than training Firemaking.If you think youve made enough people hop worlds, switch to your desired world and start firemaking. If another player comes and tries to make you hop, you will know what to do! Still feel the urge to practise some more? Try making the heart shape without re-lighting. If you can do this, then you are more than ready to reclaim your sport from other people. Happy Firemaking! 10. How to fight boredness Air Wales, how did you get 99 Firemaking? Its so boring! This is probably the most frequent question I get from people when they see my Firemaking skillcape. Before I tell you how to cure the annoying disease called boredness you should always remember as a general rule of thumb: dont start training a skill to 99 if you dont like the skill. It will be at least 50% easier if you like the skill just a little. Moving on to boredness, there are several ways to fight it. Heres a quick overview how to do so: Set yourself a daily XP goal. This is something most people dont do, yet its probably the most effective way to keep you going. Set an amount of XP you want to do per day. With Firemaking you can easily do 300K XP a day but if your not that big of a Firemaking fan, go for 200K or even 100K. Find out how you prefer to train. Again, this has to do with the XP goal. Maybe you like to get the daily XP all over with and decide to do it all at once. Other people might want to break the XP up in chunks. Say you do 100K XP at 2 PM, another 100K XP at 5 PM and the last 100K XP at 7 PM. Plan what are going to do after you got your daily XP. This requires self-discipline. When youre doing your daily XP, think about what youre going to do after youre finished for that day. This is not only rewarding but also gives you a sense of determination.Listen to music. This is something that will keep you occupied during Firemaking.Watch TV. If you got a TV in the same room as your computer you can turn it on and watch/listen to it while your firemaking. Dont get too distracted though!Chat with friends/random people. Have a conversation with a friend or just talk with people in the same area as yourself. This is a nice thing to do when you need to do a big load of XP.Join the Clan Chat of a famous person. If you dont want to join the Clan Chat (CC) of one of your friends join the CC of a famous person (E.G. Zezima, Green098, Gertjaars etc.). There are always people in those kind of chats so you can always have a conversation with someone. Note that you should behave, or you will risk the change of getting kick out of the chat.Firemake in different areas. The same picture on your screen can get a bit frustrating at times. Train in a few different areas each time to keep yourself from falling asleep. Take a break. Have a 15 minute rest after every hour or two that you train Firemaking. This will help to keep you sharp. Click here for my Firemaking guide! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AirWales Posted June 6, 2010 Author Share Posted June 6, 2010 Now it’s your turn!This is a big guide (and still growing) which contains a lot of information. Because of that, there’s always a risk of some mistakes either factual or linguistical. Although I can speak English, it’s not my mother tongue so there is always a small chance of make a mistake of some sort. I’ve read through the finished chapters so far to seek out any mistakes but there are always things that go unnoticed. Here is how you can help me. Should you find any mistakes (in my calculations, spelling or something else) please tell me.Constructive criticism and other suggestions are also more than welcome. If you think you have something that you like to have seen added to the guide, feel free to post it! I purposely uploaded this guide while it’s still onder construction because I felt that if I got some feedback I can implement those changes in upcomming chapters. Hope to hear your thoughts on my guide. Thanks again for reading!-Air Wales Edits: 06/06/10: Division signs changed, Penance horn noted down. Thanks to Lava Minerr and Potat009/06/10: Backwards Firemaking, G.E. collection box noted down. Thanks to Mrpadre. Chapter 4 + 5 added spoilers for better searching options.11/06/10: Backwards Firemaking added to Chapter 4. Credits go to MrPadre. Chapter 8 added05/07/10: Chapter 7 FTP locations added, members to be added soon. Chapter 10 added.06/07/10: Link to Morionic's Firemaking spearsheet added. Big thanks to him for letting me link it! Click here for my Firemaking guide! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lava_Minerr Posted June 6, 2010 Share Posted June 6, 2010 Amazing guide, very in depth, gives all the methods of firemaking and pretty much everything you need. Just one thing missing Wales, the firemaking cape and emote ;) Edit The XP needed for 99 is 99 minus the current XP: 13034431 - 61,512 (level 45) = 12.972.919. Under the advanced firemaking section, I suggest you use comma's instead of decimal points, can get confusing in calculations. Also instead of "colons" as division signs, use the "forward slash", again its more recognisable. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Unhesitating Posted June 6, 2010 Share Posted June 6, 2010 I don't know if I missed it or not, but you might want to add a section about the penance horn and penance master penance horn, seeing as they give double exp. While it does take up time to fill the horn, you can use higher level logs and still get good gp/xp. Yew logs give 202 xp normally, so 404 xp with the penance horn. That means yews are 1.16 gp/xp, making them a good option if you want to spend the money.Also, if you find Barbarian Assault fun, you could use it with maples and cut the amount of time spent lighting fires in half. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AirWales Posted June 7, 2010 Author Share Posted June 7, 2010 Amazing guide, very in depth, gives all the methods of firemaking and pretty much everything you need. Just one thing missing Wales, the firemaking cape and emote ;) Edit The XP needed for 99 is 99 minus the current XP: 13034431 - 61,512 (level 45) = 12.972.919. Under the advanced firemaking section, I suggest you use comma's instead of decimal points, can get confusing in calculations. Also instead of "colons" as division signs, use the "forward slash", again its more recognisable. Thanks for pointing that out! I somehow overlooked that in chapter 4 but not in chapter 6 :huh: I'll add the skillcape and the emote in the last chapter. I don't know if I missed it or not, but you might want to add a section about the penance horn and penance master penance horn, seeing as they give double exp. While it does take up time to fill the horn, you can use higher level logs and still get good gp/xp. Yew logs give 202 xp normally, so 404 xp with the penance horn. That means yews are 1.16 gp/xp, making them a good option if you want to spend the money.Also, if you find Barbarian Assault fun, you could use it with maples and cut the amount of time spent lighting fires in half. Thank you for bringing that up. I have already written chapter 9 but this might change it. The completion of any wave fills your horn by exp based on the point total for that round, averaging around 100 waves, or 10 rounds of all 10 waves, for a full horn. 3,500,000 experience will be gained from a full master horn Quotes from RSwiki. It takes 15.47 hours to burn 3.5M xp using Yew logs. Could you give me a rough estemation on how long it takes to play 100 waves and the amount of time it takes to reach level 5 in a role? It might be more efficient looking using the horn (without me having done thorough research yet), but getting up to level 5 in order to fill the horn up might take some time which could otherwise be used to train Firemaking. Anyway, let me know! :) Click here for my Firemaking guide! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mrpadre Posted June 7, 2010 Share Posted June 7, 2010 You should add a section on backwards Firemaking, and don't forget that you can use a collection box at the G.E. It's possible to get over 1480 logs per hour if you backwards Firemake and use the collection box at the G.E. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Unhesitating Posted June 7, 2010 Share Posted June 7, 2010 If you have a good team, you can do waves 1-10 in a bout 35-40 minutes. That means that 1-10 10 times would be about 6.7 hours. If you don't have a good team, it could take any amount of time, depending on your teammates. And getting level 5 in a role would take about 2 hours? thats just an estimate though, but i'm pretty sure thats about right. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AirWales Posted June 9, 2010 Author Share Posted June 9, 2010 You should add a section on backwards Firemaking, and don't forget that you can use a collection box at the G.E. It's possible to get over 1480 logs per hour if you backwards Firemake and use the collection box at the G.E. I was planning on adding backwards Firemaking, but how are you sure about the number 1480? If you have a good team, you can do waves 1-10 in a bout 35-40 minutes. That means that 1-10 10 times would be about 6.7 hours. If you don't have a good team, it could take any amount of time, depending on your teammates. And getting level 5 in a role would take about 2 hours? thats just an estimate though, but i'm pretty sure thats about right. Ok thanks, that's all I needed to know to make the calculations. Click here for my Firemaking guide! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mrpadre Posted June 11, 2010 Share Posted June 11, 2010 You should add a section on backwards Firemaking, and don't forget that you can use a collection box at the G.E. It's possible to get over 1480 logs per hour if you backwards Firemake and use the collection box at the G.E. I was planning on adding backwards Firemaking, but how are you sure about the number 1480? Because if you don't mess up Firemaking, each fire takes 4 games ticks (1 game tick is .6 seconds) so if using the collection box, you can firemake without ever having to relight. So that means that 1500 logs an hour would be possible, but in reality, there is some lag created by the server which slows game ticks down to around .606 seconds, so around 1480 is possible. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AirWales Posted June 11, 2010 Author Share Posted June 11, 2010 You should add a section on backwards Firemaking, and don't forget that you can use a collection box at the G.E. It's possible to get over 1480 logs per hour if you backwards Firemake and use the collection box at the G.E. I was planning on adding backwards Firemaking, but how are you sure about the number 1480? Because if you don't mess up Firemaking, each fire takes 4 games ticks (1 game tick is .6 seconds) so if using the collection box, you can firemake without ever having to relight. So that means that 1500 logs an hour would be possible, but in reality, there is some lag created by the server which slows game ticks down to around .606 seconds, so around 1480 is possible. Thank you very much for your contributions. I would recommend you to have a look under chapter 4 :) Click here for my Firemaking guide! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tempest_Mike Posted June 11, 2010 Share Posted June 11, 2010 As soon as I saw the title of this I though "Oh that'll be Air Wales" :P.It looks good, nicely done. :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AirWales Posted July 5, 2010 Author Share Posted July 5, 2010 As soon as I saw the title of this I though "Oh that'll be Air Wales" :P.It looks good, nicely done. :) Haha, i'm getting too predictable with these things. Thanks! :) :thumbup: Click here for my Firemaking guide! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
z6z61im4s99 Posted August 30, 2011 Share Posted August 30, 2011 Very good guide ^^ I knew about the backwards firemaking method as I use it, but never knew u could use the collect box feature to firemake endlessly. Also, the "collect box" option is not just available at the ge, it is available at any banker. You can right click any banker and click collect box, allowing u to use this method of firemaking anywhere. But obviously it is most effective at places like, fog or ge. As at these places one can remain close to the banker plus be an area where u can actually make fires unlike other popular locations for fming where space near bankers is retricted. Although I would say fog is better than ge, as you can literally make a fire right beside the banker, or actually go through him while making fires giving you no restrictions, which makes it easier to use the collect box option by right clicking banker. Secondly, in your locations for firemaking section, you should remove the location in wilderness. The banker from that location has been removed and that area is no longer safe. As before this update when banker was there, the area was safe, meaning one could not be attacked by a pker there. Now there is no banker, means u cant firemake, but it is also now an unsafe area meaning you could be attacked by a playerkiller. So remove that location please. And that I believe is about it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wisky_is_Goo Posted August 30, 2011 Share Posted August 30, 2011 Your section on pyrelord firemaking is outdated. Some of the highest efficency level FM-ing is done by using a tinderbox and the pyrelord at the same time, and waiting one game tick before doing either. There is a lengthy thread in the metagame forum if you wish to read it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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