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Best mmorpg other than Runescape?


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my husband plays second life, which he seems to love, and swg. take a look at both if you wish to try something different




I've been looked into second life a while ago, but you need rl money to play it?












I played GW for a while and have never had to much fun in a mmorpg before. When I completed all the quests though, it became a bit boring because I wasn't in a very pvp oriented guild. If I had got more into the pvp side of the game more I think I would still be playing it today.

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Well ill name a few and give my opinions on them. I cannot say I know a best since there are so many ive never played, but there are a few ive been able to play, and I have learned that runescape cannot be compared to the best.








World of Warcraft. Dont know this game well, but the graphics are awsome, but it has a minor setback at 15 dollors a month you have to be geneorating some type of money to play it.








Everquest- See world of War Craft








Anarchy Online- Now this has become my personal favorite. With a free membership and awsome graphics the game play is also awsome I have yet to find a reason to complain. Even the community is peaceful. I have found my true Runescape Retirment in here.








Final Fantasy 11- Never played it, but it sounds stupid.








Umm so what have we figured out here. There are many great games some of them cost more then others, and we can never really agree on a best MMORPG


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I played Knight online for a little while and i suggest nobody play this game. The customer support is horrible, there are a billion bugs, there are alot of dupers. Although the game is actually an alright game its just the little things that bring it down.




i had a Rogue Ranger and got em to lvl 42 or something, ( the max level being like 70 ) with full plate armour with liek +6 or something and some other bits and pieces and iron crossbow. The game was cool from about 10 - 40 then it started getting tooooo boring at lvl 40, people say the game dosnt really start untill lvl 60 because thats when you start getting master points and doing alot of pvp with clans etc but it got to boring to me so i left it.








My friends play WoW they say its great... although i have yet to try it :(








I play runescape every now and then, mostly because i know alot of people on it and have heaps of friends. If my friends didnt play runescape then i probobly wouldnt either.

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I never really get interested in either guild wars or wow, but theres a new mmorpg coming out in January called Pirates of the Burning Sea that looks pretty sweet. It has a lot of the economy that EVE does and the graphics are sweet. Plus, I just want to roam around as a pirate sinking helpless merchant ships :P

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personally, id have to take Guild Wars side on this post, it's a fantastic game, with very good graphics.








I used to play, but they need to expand it more than just 20 levels till you max out, because it's way too easy to get as high as you can go, and with only 8 spells you can learn (For instance, my water elementalist's 8 water spells) it kind of becomes really repetitive..

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I got one for those of you who are in to text based strategy games. It's called Utopia.








Basicaly, you have a choice of races to choose from, each with their own unique strengths and weaknesses. Once you decice, you are given a small ammount of land and are placed in a kingdom with several other players. Your objective is to basicaly co-exist with your kingdom and grow powerful. To do this you gotta declare war with other kingdoms. You can attack other kingdoms players to obtain land, resources or just plain burn them to the ground.








I would go into it more but it would be just too complicated.

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Runescape, it is addictive and fun to play, but could truthfully be called clickscape because a vast majority of it requires no skill.








Guild Wars is one I played for a few months, although it costs ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã30 (something close to that), with no other subscriptions or anything. Its a fun game and requires a lot of skill. (http://www.guildwars.com)








Gunz..I've never played it but it sounds good








World of Warcraft..You could try this but in my opinion its too overrated. It costs a lot of money for just 1 month.








I have guild wars although I dont play it anymore as I still play runescape.

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If rs is boring you than gimme your acct...lol.








I've never played any other games like this though, only platformers.

1690 total and unranked strength. Headed for 1800.


I like the irony (no wait, paradoxicality) in how there's a spelling error in this sig.

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I'd try Rose online that's quite fun for a bit those there are quite a few translation problems, not sure if thatÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s fixed havenÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t played in a while.




ThereÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s also Kal online that was again fun for a bit and thatÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s all the free ones I know about.




WoW but you must be bored of hearing about it now..




also my friend says that the matrix online is good but IÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢ve never played it and heÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s always been a matrix fan so not sure.

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Runescape is pretty good for a *browser* game. Since most MMORPGs are full-screen, I don't think you can really surf or IM when you're playing them.








I like Runescape for being a *browser* game. Are there any other MMORPG's that run from a browser like Runescape does?

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