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  1. You sir, are a heathen barbarian and rate higher than slugs merely because you got lucky and learned how to walk upright :shame: that being said Payton deserves to win but not at the expense of the Pats. Oh well gl on the superbowl colts.
  2. its probably not the low blood pressure that makes you faint although I could be very wrong. My blood pressure is so low that the first time I gave blood they thought I was legally dead \ anyway I give blood 3-4 times a year depending on what I'm up to. In other words as much as possible :D
  3. up around 12k feet although it could be 13k, not really sure. If you're talking about vertical climbing (rock climbing) than I've been up at around 1000 feet off the deck.
  4. I seriously doubt that. Or at least stated in that way. There may be some other factors involved in that statement like the fact that there are way more ciggarette smokers, but herion is one of the single most addictive drugs out there.
  5. thats definitly one of the better party tricks I've seen
  6. in the right situtation I would, without hesitation and without remorse. I can't imagine I'd ever be in a situation that merits it though so I'm not too worried
  7. sell it or add an outboard moter and race people in it :P
  8. pshh two days? I bet you can go for much longer -.-
  9. I know there was a post here a little while ago, but I can't seem to find it in search :? and google is failing me :ohnoes: anyway, does anyone remember what program it was. It takes a picture and blows it up onto multiple sheets of paper, so you can print it and put it on your wall.
  10. I think copying to prove your scribbling skills is kinda sad as well :wall: that being said: MINE IS LEGIT!!!11! :P
  11. 3 the first time. 3 the second time. but the third time it remained up.
  12. DotA ftw. Its actually all i play on Warcraft III anymore. item drop is the best way to play as well although most people are noobs and leave if they lose anything :evil:
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