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Things you Love/Hate Today: 12/2/05


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i took acutane for mine, dont know if you can get it or not anymore, but it works. that is if you dont kill yourself, in which case it wouldnt matter. but too m any kids killed themselves because of the side effects of this drug, so you may n ot be able to get it anymore. it worked for me, and i got depressed, but i didnt kill myself (or did i...)
Woah. Depression, suicide, side effects--no thanks. I'll just wear my collar up for a couple days.

This is the way the world ends. Look at this [bleep]ing shit we're in man. Not with a bang, but with a whimper. And with a whimper, I'm splitting, Jack.

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love: story of the year - until the day i die and the fact me and the ex are back talking properly again




hate: the scally knobs who tried to rob me on the bus home today








Love: People on this message board that like good music!!




Hate: GhostRanger... he is such a n00b.

Ghost: I am prejudice towards ignorance, so that would explain why I appear to be so.

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Hate: This huge, gigantic, monster pimple on the back of my neck. I swear if this thing was any bigger, i'd talk to it.








Love: Whatever can get rid of the creature on my neck.








I feel your pain. I've got a gigantic one next to my nose.
















It hurts like hell and it even bothers my sight. :(








pop/sqeeze stuffz out/deal with the pain/scrub with some soap








goes away in 1-2 days..








i took acutane for mine, dont know if you can get it or not anymore, but it works. that is if you dont kill yourself, in which case it wouldnt matter. but too m any kids killed themselves because of the side effects of this drug, so you may n ot be able to get it anymore. it worked for me, and i got depressed, but i didnt kill myself (or did i...)








Just grab a razor *swipe*. :twisted: Or get some of your moms mary kay cleanser *thats what i do :oops: * works good, zit gone the next day. And smithe, theres a kid in my school whos face is pitch red too. Its gross, and he has thick glasses, so it like magnifies them :wink:








Love: That its the weekend and i only have 1 thing of homework




Hate: When people go "because (or something along that line) ...."

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Ew guys, I know you're right to hate them and we all do it, but can we not talk about squeezing spots and getting rid of all their goo? Yuck yuck :(








/me runs to the bathroom to be sick. Very sick!








I love life and enjoying it.








I hate drugs, and bloody dumb people.

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Ew guys, I know you're right to hate them and we all do it, but can we not talk about squeezing spots and getting rid of all their goo? Yuck yuck :(








I agree... and posting pictures... ?

Ghost: I am prejudice towards ignorance, so that would explain why I appear to be so.

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Ew guys, I know you're right to hate them and we all do it, but can we not talk about squeezing spots and getting rid of all their goo? Yuck yuck :(








I agree... and posting pictures... ?








I just wanted to showoff with my big spot, I needed some attention. And a small picture of half my nose and a spot won't be illegal. Atleast, I doubt that somebody can track me down and stalk me by the spot I'm having next to my nose.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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Ew guys, I know you're right to hate them and we all do it, but can we not talk about squeezing spots and getting rid of all their goo? Yuck yuck :(








I agree... and posting pictures... ?








I just wanted to showoff with my big spot, I needed some attention. And a small picture of half my nose and a spot won't be illegal. Atleast, I doubt that somebody can track me down and stalk me by the spot I'm having next to my nose.








I don't care, it's gross, you minger :(




If I ever see a tall, spotty Dutchman wearing film memorabilia and carrying an Alien's head, I'll know who to think ;)

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I don't care, it's gross, you minger :(




If I ever see a tall, spotty Dutchman wearing film memorabilia and carrying an Alien's head, I'll know who to think ;)








Oi! It's only one big one, and maybe three or four small ones! :P But if you track me down, be sure to gimme a slap. :P


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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I've recently found that I hate having just a little bit more food left than I want to actually eat. Like I have a little more than a bowls worth of cereal left but it's not quite 1 and a half bowls worth. I don't want to put that extra bit in there because I know I won't eat it all but i'm never going to make 1/4 a bowl of cereal. <------This ladies and gentlemen is a dilemma.

This is the way the world ends. Look at this [bleep]ing shit we're in man. Not with a bang, but with a whimper. And with a whimper, I'm splitting, Jack.

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I don't care, it's gross, you minger :(




If I ever see a tall, spotty Dutchman wearing film memorabilia and carrying an Alien's head, I'll know who to think ;)








Oi! It's only one big one, and maybe three or four small ones! :P But if you track me down, be sure to gimme a slap. :P








No thanks, I don't wanna end up with puss on my hands >.<

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No thanks, I don't wanna end up with puss on my hands >.<








Slap me in the back, then I'll finally know who the famous Bubsa is. :P


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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Hate: when your parents arent letting you go with a super hotgirl 5 years older than you to a crhistmas parade 10 mins away and your stuck at your computer all night long wondering what would have happened if you did go and posting on runescape forums when you retired like 8 months ago.




Love: This super furry santa hat im wearing on my head right now 8)

"Ive always tried to kill the greatest man alive, but then I finally realize that suicide is not the answer"



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