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Well it doe sounded interesting, but the problem is what is the point of having a house if we have a bank. Besides if this does, things will started to seem really weird. Where can all the house be though? If this is to happen i think only member should have. Well you will need a better reason to hold strong to this. It sounds alright, well good luck not a bad idea. :)

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yeh i think i seen this one a few hundred times. :-P




But yeh its a good idea, but it seems like it would be really complaited to do. Just seems to big to me, i dont know much anyways thou!














They never said what december... everybody assumed 2005 but it could be 2010... 2011.. (if noobs haven't taken Jagex hostage for their phree phats by then)




Oh, and this would have to be near the middle of the RS world, but their is no space there. I think that they should have a huge quest where you join a 'tribe' or 'clan' which each has their own quest and items and stuff and own area around the outside of the map. (like put one in misclennia, 1 in Morytania or whatever it's called, 1 for the desert, etc.)




6 June 2005 - Behind The Scenes - June


The theme this month is "Random updates" since there is no real connecting theme between all the cool stuff released this month - aside from the theme of "Crikey, this is great!" of course.


First off you can now start collecting seeds in preperation for next months farming skill. We thought it would be a good idea to release a few of the raw materials this month so you can prepare your green fingers for a spot of planting and weeding for the full release of Farming in July.






We have seperated Farming from Player-Owned Houses in order to bring it to you sooner. Player Owned Houses are still being worked on along with the Carpentry skill for release towards the end of this year - Honestly! :-)




Seeds can be found through use of the woodcutting and thieving skills, as well as stalls to shop from and NPC's who drop tools. Don't worry, the bank of Varrock and all its branches will have extra space for members to store their new finds. Players will be able to find these seeds through a variety of new methods, starting in Draynor Village market.




Also, this month will bring a large update to the Runecrafting skill. We don't want to give too much away just yet, but it will provide new ways to create and carry your runes and will offer an entirely new route to get to the appropriate temples. Although the bulk of the update will be for our members, our free players will also notice a few new items to assist with rune creation.




New accounts will also reap the benefits of some helpful guides in the game. Lumbridge will see the addition of the Lumbridge guide who will offer useful advice to new players, and will welcome two new helpful chaps who will help new players find quests and things to do.




New challenges await our more sneaky and skulking players in the form of the "Rogues Den". Can you pit your wits against the challenges that await?




Also, a new quest coming this month will introduce the Temple Knights, founded by Saradomin centuries ago. Puzzle fans and those who enjoy pushing their logical thought to the max will be particularly interested in this short but taxing update.




We will also be introducing more NPC vs NPC combat this month. Although this will be a small addition to the game at the moment, we are planning to introduce more warring monsters in the future.







Pto6's Ultimate Blog!

Any of those pics will take you to my blog.

If you wanna ask me a question PM me on here or on RS.


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I think you should calm down your gunna bust a blood vessel soon...as for POH itll be great when they do come...as for the space idea, I think theyll do something like they have with farming patches and some how make it work...




and anyone here who knows about C++ and advanced graphical design will know how much of a mammoth task it will be to make houses and make it all work the way it should! not that they will have as many people on the compliments boards posting as there will be on rants board :roll:

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just wait till they put PoH in runescape...


^^ click my sig for my lesser ranging guide ^^

jwrm22: 4816th > 99 cooking 100% f2p !1172 total! + 140mil in items.

i dont play anymore... i think rs is ruined

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  • 6 months later...

well they've made player owned houses almost half a year after they predicted! anyway lock this forum if you want...


Pto6's Ultimate Blog!

Any of those pics will take you to my blog.

If you wanna ask me a question PM me on here or on RS.


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