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57 to 65 rc...


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One of my long term goals is to get 75 rc...for now i want to get 65 so i can craft my own deaths in dung (for veng runes) and i was wondering what the best way to do that would be?


i would need 25,215 nature runes




i would need 24,172 law runes


however if i went to fog for a while and got 18 pairs of earth rune gloves i could make just over 17.5k of those to 65.


then their my final option...ZMI which i have no clue how to do

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Your stat sig doesn't work. What's your summoning level? Do you care about profit? How much can you afford to spend/lose? What's your mage level and can you use lunar magicks (specifically the Contact NPC, Ourania, and Moonclan teleports)?


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Woops forgot my siggy didnt work.


Im 83 summoning

94 magic

i have access to lunar spellbook

i cant afford to lose to much, but i plan to sell my d pick after i reach 80 mining (around 60k xp away now)

i would like to profit if possible but its not to big of a deal if i dont

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Since you have that high summoning, graahk with duelling rings seems best for you.


(In case you didn't know, the spirit graahk teleports you just west of the nature altar, making it a useful method.)




Trimmed | Master Quester | Final Boss

Boss pets: Bombi | Shrimpy | Ellie | Tz-Rek Jad | Karil the Bobbled | Mega Ducklings

120s: Dungeoneering | Invention

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any round and about numbers on how long it would take me to do 25k nats?

You are the best test of your own speed, just do one run and see how long it takes you and extrapolate from there, or rc for x amount of minutes and see how many runes you craft and go from there. I do believe that Grimy's Spreadsheets in the AoW give some solid times for different methods, you can check them out.



99 Strength since 6/02/10 99 Attack since 9/19/10 99 Constitution since 10/03/10 99 Defense since 3/14/11

99 Slayer since 8/30/11 99 Summoning since 9/10/11 99 Ranged since 09/18/11 99 Magic since 11/12/11

99 Prayer since 11/15/11 99 Herblore since 3/29/12 99 Firemaking since 5/15/12 99 Smithing since 10/04/12

99 Crafting since 9/16/13 99 Agility since 9/23/13 99 Dungeoneering since 1/1/14 99 Fishing since 2/4/14

99 Mining since 2/28/14 99 Farming since 6/04/14 99 Cooking since 6/11/14 99 Runecrafting since 10/10/14

9 Fletching since 11/11/14 99 Thieving since 11/14/14 99 Woodcutting since 11/20/14 99 Construction since 12/03/14

99 Divination since 2/22/15 99 Hunter since 2/23/15 99 Invention since 01/20/17 99 Archaeology since 5/14/22
Quest Point Cape since 08/20/09
Maxed since 2/23/15 Fire Cape since 02/27/13
Slayer: 3 Leaf-Bladed Swords, 8 Black Masks, 2 Hexcrests, 26 Granite Mauls, 5 Focus Sights, 32 Abyssal Whips, 9 Dark Bows, 1 Whip Vine, 3 Staffs of Light, 15 Polypore Sticks

Dragon: 9 Draconic Visages, 7 Shield Left Halves, 20 Dragon Boots, 40 Dragon Med Helms, 8 Dragon Platelegs, 6 Dragon Spears, 20 Dragon Daggers, 5 Dragon Plateskirts, 1 Dragon Chainbody, 63 Off-hand Dragon Throwing Axes, 19 Dragon Longswords, 27 Dragon Maces, 1 Dragon Ward
Treasure Trails: Saradomin Full Helm, Ranger Boots, Rune Body (t), Saradomin Vambraces, Various God Pages
Misc:1 Onyx,1 Ahrim's Hood, 1 Guthan's Chainskirt, 1 Demon Slayer Boots

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I know that Graahking with all 4 pouches you can do ~3k ess per hour, and i'll assume you have the pouches that you can use. So i'll ballpark it at just under 2400 ess per hour if you pay attention.



It's called the "Grand Exchange," and not the "Grand Alwaysatyourservicetodoyourbidding,regardlessoftheneedsofothers," for a reason.

107,992 to 99 cooking

96,545 to 99 fletching

24,699 to 99 smithing

I would indeed be happy if someone stopped spreading cancer all over this place. Even though it tends to be funny to read, but not as much when someone who demands people to make way for him comes along and decides to call others arrogant.

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When giving advice on how to easily craft Nature runes everybody always seem to give the advice to use a spirit Graahk and a Ring of Duelling !


I have tried to run the distance from the place where the Spirit Graahk teleports a player to and to the Nature Altar and i think it is a tedious trip ! (it's just my opinion so stop the bashing - okay !)


What would be wrong with this way instead:


1. Play the Big Orb Project and exchange the tokens for Nature Altar teletabs


2. Make some Varrock teletabs (or use a Ring of Duelling)


3. Fill your backpack with Pure Rune Essence - including pouches you may have and then fast teleport back and forth between the Nature Altar and the square in Varrock and run to the Varrock West bank - rinse and repeat


I do this myself when crafting Law Runes and it's a pretty fast and efficient way.


The only drawback is that you'll have to spend some time playing the Great Orb Project minigame


The advantage is that it is faster and you wont have to purchase or make Graahk fur or pouches/scrolls which is also time consuming and a bit expensive if you're "a knight on a budget" kinda guy like myself !

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The time playing the Great Orb Project can far exceed Graahking, and to do it with anything other than Law Runes is silly.


I seriously recommend Graahking or, when you reach about 60, ZMI. It's not profitable at that level, it's 70 when you start to pull into profit - but it's faster xp.


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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When giving advice on how to easily craft Nature runes everybody always seem to give the advice to use a spirit Graahk and a Ring of Duelling !


I have tried to run the distance from the place where the Spirit Graahk teleports a player to and to the Nature Altar and i think it is a tedious trip ! (it's just my opinion so stop the bashing - okay !)


What would be wrong with this way instead:


1. Play the Big Orb Project and exchange the tokens for Nature Altar teletabs


2. Make some Varrock teletabs (or use a Ring of Duelling)


3. Fill your backpack with Pure Rune Essence - including pouches you may have and then fast teleport back and forth between the Nature Altar and the square in Varrock and run to the Varrock West bank - rinse and repeat


I do this myself when crafting Law Runes and it's a pretty fast and efficient way.


The only drawback is that you'll have to spend some time playing the Great Orb Project minigame


The advantage is that it is faster and you wont have to purchase or make Graahk fur or pouches/scrolls which is also time consuming and a bit expensive if you're "a knight on a budget" kinda guy like myself !


GoP tabs are slower than graahking/abyssing.


It's fine if you don't care about efficiency and like GoP (personally I absolutely hate it).

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GoP tabs are slower than graahking/abyssing.


Okay ! - I'm surprised to learn this - I think the turn around time is pretty fast when crafting Law Runes and i couldn't imagine that it would be significant slower when crafting Nature Runes


It's fine if you don't care about efficiency and like GoP (personally I absolutely hate it).


Personally I'm not too fond of playing the Great Orb Project myself - to me it's just one of those "necessary" evils i have to deal with from time to time, but i do think that once i harvests the fruit of my agonizing labour it is very well worth it indeed.

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