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Team Fighting Dynasty vs The Dark Daemons


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Team Fighting Dynasty -vs- The Dark Daemons





~Melee, Binds, Ranged

~DG, Corr, Blasts OFF

~Matched Opts +2 For whoever Masses More



FD Starting (Before Drop):



FD Starting (After Drop):



tDD Starting: 19


FD Ending:



tDD Ending: 0



What happened:

We started out the war with TDD rushing us and making our fall in leader lag because of a map cut off. But, we quickly snapped back into organization and got swift KO's. I was piled second, and it caused us to have a 2 man lead. We lacked binds a bit, but that did not stop us from winning. Great job FD. and Thanks TDD for the fun and clean war.













FD if you have more pictures please post. Thanks


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My internet died and ran away from me. Sorry.

OT: Dominate with 28/46 man ML from a 2 HOUR PREP

Pretty glad i didnt accept that fight from DL i heard they only pulled 17/59 and theres was a week prep


Keep it up FD

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Sorry for our opts, we would pull 30+ if it was more days prep :/

This war was very bad 4 us, we didnt have binds, we get so many k0es.. Anyway I enjoyed it, eventhough u had 2 man advantage we did well (but it could be better) Looking forward rematch someday ^^


Some screens from our side:



















Thanks for a clean and fun fight, hope we will meet FD once again :)



^ JaGeX released new FunOrb game, AOG :) This screenie is from first days after releasing ^^


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Lol @ the first pic, a cmb 114 as red??

Guess someone doesnt know what bandits are

No need to troll, He's not addicted to the game, It seems you are though. :ohnoes:

Recruit me pl0x?

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Lol @ the first pic, a cmb 114 as red??

Guess someone doesnt know what bandits are

No need to troll, He's not addicted to the game, It seems you are though. :ohnoes:

He wasnt talking to you so you didnt hafto reply , like i said before you already replied now gtfo the topic.




:::Violent Resolution:::

If you dont like my posts , Deal with it


Lol Eos , Keep begging :D http://imgur.com/gsvgD.png



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Grats FD, nice pull :P


My internet died and ran away from me. Sorry.

OT: Dominate with 28/46 man ML from a 2 HOUR PREP

Pretty glad i didnt accept that fight from DL i heard they only pulled 17/59 and theres was a week prep


Keep it up FD


Except 10 DL had a clan event

Retired Dragonwood | Retired Impulse


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Good Job.


Yes we did have quite a few sign up and alot of people said they wernt going to be able to make it because they had there OFFICAL clan to attend to first.

As for this fude that is going on between us it really needs to stop its annoying and childish please find something better to do with your time.


We have 55 ppl on ML before the war. 19 sign ups. 12 maybe ( offical clan stuff to do) and around 8 or more NO's as work or it wasnt in there time zone so that is 30 sign ups.


Again good job.

̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ '̿'\̵͇̿̿\з=(̪●)=ε/̵͇̿̿/'̿' ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿

Team Dark Legacy Leader

Ex-Tempted Killers Leader

Ex-Divine Vindicator Warlord

Ex-Legendz Warlord

̿̿ ̿ ̿'̿'\̵͇̿̿\з=( o Y o )=ε/̵͇̿̿/'̿'̿ ̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿


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Lol @ the first pic, a cmb 114 as red??

Guess someone doesnt know what bandits are

I own. Thats why. /end sarcasm.


As for this fude that is going on between us it really needs to stop its annoying and childish please find something better to do with your time.

Then tell your dumb dumb 12 year old leader Sukh to use his own site work instead of stealing MINE. Maybe if you actually DID what we ASKED you to DO for the past 20 times, YOU WOULD COME TO REALIZE THAT THE BEEF WILL STOP! Never steal my website format ever again. You got that?


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Note to DL members: I'm talking to all FD members right now, If you see FD members trolling/flaming you guys please message me in this forum, message me at http://s1.zetaboards.com/team_Fd/index or


/query Rizzle|

Pm me in #Rs-Fd Swift IRC.


All FD members who flame or troll DL will be striked.


Again, Sorry for the flaming DL.

Recruit me pl0x?

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Lol @ the first pic, a cmb 114 as red??

Guess someone doesnt know what bandits are

I own. Thats why. /end sarcasm.


As for this fude that is going on between us it really needs to stop its annoying and childish please find something better to do with your time.

Then tell your dumb ass 12 year old leader Sukh to use his own site work instead of stealing MINE. Maybe if you actually DID what we ASKED you to DO for the past 20 times, YOU WOULD COME TO REALIZE THAT THE BEEF WILL STOP! Never steal my website format ever again. You got that?






There is no need for foul language. You prove to me your true age doing so. As for it being 20 times iv only herd indirectly 1 time from a friend in FD that the site was taken. I was not informed of this and had no idea as i never looked at FD fourms once in my life. Secondly for you to even try and raise your voice at me is a shame after being in the same clan and respecting you for "trying" to help i have TOTALLY lost respect for you. I will change the site once i get the time to do so i have made many sites myself but for you to come at me like this is rediculous.


PS: Brian show a good example for your team doing what you have done is not good.




Thank you for the help i will make sure to inform all Dark Legacy members about this and any info will be pasted on to you. The same thing goes for your members if any DL members flame please inform me on IRC [2bad4u25] or join #rs-dl and find me. Thanks again.


And i hope this all comes to an end with the fude.

̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ '̿'\̵͇̿̿\з=(̪●)=ε/̵͇̿̿/'̿' ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿

Team Dark Legacy Leader

Ex-Tempted Killers Leader

Ex-Divine Vindicator Warlord

Ex-Legendz Warlord

̿̿ ̿ ̿'̿'\̵͇̿̿\з=( o Y o )=ε/̵͇̿̿/'̿'̿ ̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿


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Lol @ the first pic, a cmb 114 as red??

Guess someone doesnt know what bandits are

I own. Thats why. /end sarcasm.


As for this fude that is going on between us it really needs to stop its annoying and childish please find something better to do with your time.

Then tell your dumb ass 12 year old leader Sukh to use his own site work instead of stealing MINE. Maybe if you actually DID what we ASKED you to DO for the past 20 times, YOU WOULD COME TO REALIZE THAT THE BEEF WILL STOP! Never steal my website format ever again. You got that?


Did you code the skin? :blink:


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Lol @ the first pic, a cmb 114 as red??

Guess someone doesnt know what bandits are

I own. Thats why. /end sarcasm.


As for this fude that is going on between us it really needs to stop its annoying and childish please find something better to do with your time.

Then tell your dumb ass 12 year old leader Sukh to use his own site work instead of stealing MINE. Maybe if you actually DID what we ASKED you to DO for the past 20 times, YOU WOULD COME TO REALIZE THAT THE BEEF WILL STOP! Never steal my website format ever again. You got that?


This beef doesn't help any team at all, it's just a way for both to extract their RAGE against eachother lol

Retired Dragonwood | Retired Impulse


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There is no need for foul language. You prove to me your true age doing so. As for it being 20 times iv only herd indirectly 1 time from a friend in FD that the site was taken. I was not informed of this and had no idea as i never looked at FD fourms once in my life. Secondly for you to even try and raise your voice at me is a shame after being in the same clan and respecting you for "trying" to help i have TOTALLY lost respect for you. I will change the site once i get the time to do so i have made many sites myself but for you to come at me like this is rediculous.

Since I absolutely hate long quotes I just shortened it.



That's a fault from your other leader then. Since clearly we've been telling Sukh to change it ever since he opened that team with you. And to think he's never told anyone about it, that just makes me want to rage more. My work is mine, and no one takes it. It's the same thing as plagiarizing, taking someones work and using it for your own. I've told Sukh, I've told FD, I've told members of DL, I've told everyone else who's not even in this mess, that I would stop hating when you will abolish your site and use your own words and format instead of stealing mine.


I think what I'm doing is fine especially when someone takes something from you and uses it for their own without my credit towards it. So personally at this moment I don't really care about respect.


EDIT: Not only that. I think we have a right to flame too for DL sending spies on us. (Which will be kicked btw)




DL's skin is off some free zetaboard theme forum. I think Outline. The website format (i.e: Requirements side, Middle side with information, and the right side of ranks) is all completely mine, all they did was change it from FD to DL.



I think what I'm doing is fine especially when someone takes something from you and uses it for their own without my credit towards it. So personally at this moment I don't really care about respect.




Ya I'm mad.


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I don't think some one stealing the format of your cliche top of the site w/e you want to call it is something to cry about. It's dumb of them but not something to start a flame war over. Also, a bit off topic, but whys your banner have ZN on it? (Referring to this image http://img688.imageshack.us/img688/505/100905113604.png )


EDIT: I think you can delete the like Requirement images etc and re-up them and their site will look pretty bad with a bunch of broken image links :unsure:


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I don't think some one stealing the format of your cliche top of the site w/e you want to call it is something to cry about. It's dumb of them but not something to start a flame war over. Also, a bit off topic, but whys your banner have ZN on it? (Referring to this image http://img688.imageshack.us/img688/505/100905113604.png )


EDIT: I think you can delete the like Requirement images etc and re-up them and their site will look pretty bad with a bunch of broken image links :unsure:


It's not a flame war, it's me vs them. No one else. Also Cd made the banner, not me, so ask him.


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