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Audio overhaul


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Well in the past years Jagex has updated the graphics numerous times, but I think its time for a sound overhaul. The music is repetitive, bland and gets annoying fast. Additionally the sound board for combat is a bit lame. I mean a tiny slashing noise doesn't reflect the intensiveness of battles with boss monsters and massive dragons, and the dirty sounding nature of spells really doesn't match the sleek new graphics. This is just something that I have been noticing on RS the past few days and I find myself keeping the mute button on my computer more and more often then not. If you agree please do share, I would like to ask for only polite conversations not verbal wars please :shades:


(correction) there has been SOME updates with the audio but it has only been additional sounds and environmental sounds, but the combat sound board has not been updated since, well the beginning of RS2

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Personally I'd like them to reduce the number of songs and increase the file qualities. I have a select few songs which I really enjoy on Runescape but artists on youtube have made better sounding versions which would be amazing to have in game.


Some new sound effects would be cool as well.

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I've always questioned why Jagex doesn't get a good music making software, and make their music orchestrated, be it classical, Techno, whatever. That would actually get people listening to the music tracks.


If a small team like the people here can create tracks like that, imagine what Jagex could do.


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Although Jagex has done some improvements with music in recent times (Dungeoneering music ftw!), I think there should be an overhaul as well.


Then again, limitations prevent Jagex from moving a step forward.




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I think I would be more disturbed than delighted if I could hear ALL the realistic battle sounds during a fight.

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We have come to the point in technology where the claim of 'We need to keep the file sizes low, so they have to be in MIDI' no longer applies. The audio files need to be replaced, preferably MP3 quality. I've said this before, and I'll say it again: Jagex is in Cambridge, which is full of music students, with a huge amount of experience in orchestras and sound effects. They don't really have an excuse now.

~ W ~



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I still sorta like the nostalgia in old music tracks. =3


Although an overhaul would be nice, this isn't really a major problem. I say it's fine as it is (disregard my previous post).




Trimmed | Master Quester | Final Boss

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I disagree, this is a major problem. New players will often be put off by outdated audio, and a significant proportion of the population don't listen to the audio. Honestly, there's a limit to how far you can take this, and it's gone way over the line.

~ W ~



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Well, Jagex finally got around to updating the audio.


And once again flaming insues =\




Trimmed | Master Quester | Final Boss

Boss pets: Bombi | Shrimpy | Ellie | Tz-Rek Jad | Karil the Bobbled | Mega Ducklings

120s: Dungeoneering | Invention

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Well, Jagex finally got around to updating the audio.


And once again flaming insues =\


I can't really comment about the current state of the audio; it probably will work MUCH better once the whole lot is uniform, and I can understand why it has to be done gradually. Jagex deserves praise for taking up the issue, and they shouldn't be discouraged from replacing audio files.

~ W ~



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