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Looking for some games ...


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Well I've got $300 or so to spend (AUS), and I was looking to spend about $100 of that on video games. I'm specifically looking at PC games, as I still have two more GTA's to get through on PS2.








I want something that's different and has online capabilities and support, because I like to meet people in new games. RS isn't cutting it for me at the moment; or rather, one game that's rather repetitive isn't cutting it. Quake 4 multiplayer is getting boring and I think I'm done with Warcraft 3.








I'm mainly looking for something that is either an open war FPS game, an online-based RPG* or a real-time strategy (that preferrably is not set in modern times; i.e. not a modern war RTS).








I've compiled a list from ebgames.com, based on the rating, graphics, style and multiplayer support of the games featured in new release, strategy and shooter. I did have to trawl through a lot of crap though. I found some promising games that are out and others that are set for next year.








So at this stage I'm looking at (although I haven't played any demos or watched many gameplay movies yet):








Battle for Middle Earth




Bliztkreig 2




Age of Empires III




Star Wars Battlefront II




Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends*




Star Wars: Empire At War*




Company of Heroes*








Sniper Elite




Call of Duty 2








* = set for release in 2006 Jan-May. RON looks stunning and the new Star Wars seems good. I've been hearing rave reviews about Call of Duty; it's just a matter of whether it's a more open-map game (like Battlefield) or enclosed areas (like Return to Castle Wolfenstein),








So, anybody have any of these games? Played them? Have any advice to give about them?








Any input welcome. Thanks in advance.

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Guild wars... $50 USD MMORPG great graphics no monthly keep your account for ever




also possibly Quake or even HaloPC (runs about $20 USD) uhh....




Roller Coaster Tycoon




Diablo.....(1 or 2) those are just some suggestions


<( *-* )> <(*-* <) (> *-*)> <( *-* )>

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Hmm i rented sniper elite on xbox.








It is a good game, doesnt seem very finished, it would probably look better on PC though. It was fun to play, a bit annoying at some points and takes a short while to get into but once you're a pro and knowing what to do, where to go and how to take people out, it gets good. It's a pretty long game too. One particualy good feature is when you fire a long distance shot, it follows the bullet in matrix style (it's done VERY well) all the way to hitting an unsuspecting bad guy in the eye or whereever.








It's a good game to play but personally, i'd go for CoD 2, AoE3, and battle for middle earth looks pretty good from what i've seen.








http://www.gamespot.com is an EXCELLENT site for game reviews. You can trust anything from there :wink:








Hope that helps, good luck 8)








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I would suggest playing single-player games...Because even though you may enjoy meeting people, for every 1 cool person you meet there are probably 100 idiots/campers/hackers/9-year-olds/people who suck.




But if you want an online game...BF2 is good...But I'm not really the multiplayer person I once was. I've focused on single-player, for reasons discussed earlier.















http://www.gamespot.com is an EXCELLENT site for game reviews. You can trust anything from there :wink:




I disagree.
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Guildwars is good,but im pretty sure its new chapter is being released in February so I would wait until then.








For online capabilities,Bf2 or Counter Strike:Source are really great contenders.Lotr 2 and Rise of Nations should be also fine.If you dont like the wait,Id get something along the lines of that id get Aoe-3.

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I'd recommend The Movies. I haven't played it before, but it looks really good, its something different.








it seemed like a good idea, but i didnt care for it all that much. maybe i didnt give it enough time, i dont know.








i didnt care for aoe3 either. id rather play aoe2 any day.








currently im addicted to the sims, got all 7 expansions going. tried the sims 2, once again id rather just play the original. same with quake 4, i liked quake 3 better. never did do anything in q4, they start you in the middle of a battle or something, played for about 5 minutes and got bored. maybe the multiplayer is still good.








im waiting for oblivion, as i have been for the past year, and its getting closer every day. but its a single player game, so no meeting new people there.



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