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What're the Haps My Dogs and Cats?!


1. Steam Sale: Money is flying out of my wallet.

2. Firemaking: Will be my spontaneous 99 for the summer.

3. Babylon 5: Is better than DS9 I've decided. Watching this while fming.

4. LotRO: I've been playing some of this too.

5. Summer: Bah! Too hot for my tastes.

6. Clan citadels: Holy crepes. Hope this is as awesome as it all sounds.

7. Cabbagepalooza 7: July 17 - BE THERE!!!









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  • 3 weeks later...
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99 pyro get.



Yea, I've been playing tf2 a lot recently. Mostly as medic. :shades:

I think I maybe only have 9 achievements left from the medic pack. mostly assist ones which are a pain to get with publics.


Firemaking at the Jadinko lair is a joke. Apparently you can fail at burning them at lower levels, but I'd recommend switching over as soon as you can do it.

Finished Babylon 5 as I got 99 fm. Halfway through CANAAN.


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  • 2 months later...

Zug. Zug. Zug.


I kind of quit RS for two or three months around the end of summer/start of school year, but I'm kind of back.

Somewhere between summer and right now I ended up getting 92-96 agility which is kind of strange since I didn't try all that hard for my levels. School is really busy, so I'm aiming for 100k agility xp per day, (~1-2h/day) which will get me 99 agility in a month. It's not that concrete of a goal though, since I'll often have much better things to do.


I finished Arkham Asylum last week. Great game, can't wait for Arkham City on PC.


Also finally got around to grabbing Hellblazer: Vol 1, new edition. Sad that Vol 2 isn't released til new years. I'm a stickler for having consistency in my series. Funny how I never got into comics til university. Though I guess the comics I like aren't really geared towards the younger audience anyways, being mostly from the Vertigo imprint.




Rewatched Constantine and the two Nolan Batman films.

Keanu Reeves's version wasn't bad, but I wish there was a film that more closely followed the comic.


Anyhow, a bit of agility training, then to bed.


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Flipping Hell. So Much Work to Do






Only got ~50k agility xp yesterday, but I did get 84 summoning and 82 ranged from Jack of All Trades/Penguin and Circus.

Halloween event was entertaining.


I really want to actually finish a playthrough of Borderlands soon, but I really don't see where I'm going to find the time.

Also, pretty sure Skyrim is out of the question entirely. Don't want to spend money. :|




Back to studying.


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Go man go! Jump over those obstacles! :thumbsup:



THE place for all free players to connect, hang out and talk about how awesome it is to be F2P.

So, Kaida is the real version of every fictional science-badass? That explains a lot, actually...

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2,213,809 Agility XP to 99. Also: 1k Agility Tickets

Approximately 22 days at 100k each. I'll be doing a bit of no lifing this weekend to speed things up. Maybe try to skim a week or so off depending on how quickly I can catch up on my studying.




Look at what I found in my bank:




I picked these babies up a million years ago while training high-alching. My original plan was to agility/alch enough tickets to jump my last level or two to 99 but stopped around the time when livid farm came out and I decided to train magic using that.


I thought I had spent these during the summer, but apparently I hadn't! That's around 380k agility xp I have pooled up. Sweet!

I'm saving these guys for my last day or so of agility. I might go for another 900 tickets to top off 2k. We shall see.




Had this for lunch today. Apparently it's called a moussaka. Which kind of sounds like Mufasa but I'm pretty sure they are not related.

I've been eyeing it at the restaurant on campus I sometimes go to forever but never bothered to ask what it was This doesn't actually have anything to do with RS. Going to study for a mid term now.


@Nash: I like you because you also make pixels. And you left a comment. And you post in the dead gallery sometimes. Poor, poor gallery.


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Don't feel like typing, have some pictures.

Oh and I fixed the draynor.net 80+ goal sigs. They weren't updating for some reason.






300k to 98 agility. argh.


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This subject is not responsible for his or her actions due to mental health problems


I hate myself. It's the only possible explanation.


The countdown begins!



I'm a bit burnt out so I think I'll take some time to recuperate.




Happy Halloween btw. Did this for a contest. Rush job, but turned out better than expected.




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Gratz on 98 Agility! :thumbsup:


And your picture is great. I wish my "thought out, planned and carefully executed" pictures could be as good as your "rush job" ones. :grin:



THE place for all free players to connect, hang out and talk about how awesome it is to be F2P.

So, Kaida is the real version of every fictional science-badass? That explains a lot, actually...

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More Dominion


450 boss kills so far.

2 journal pages.

Missing Double Nomad, Nomad, Monkey Trio, and Pest Queen.









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  • 2 weeks later...

Final mil for Agility. Got me unicorn and me ghast.


1 million xp left to 99 agility.

I have 1,401 agility arena tickets banked.

Which is 475,200 xp.


Also, I actually managed to get 88 summoning using the talon charms I got while maxing temple trekking.


So awesome.



This is the ghast familiar:




They cost 50k each and come with 25 scrolls.

The scrolls restore 100 prayer points each at a cost of 20 spec points.

Ghasts attack with range but give xp in prayer.

I tested them last week on dust devils.

IIRC, one pouch lasted enough to give xp equal to around 20 dragon bones in one hour so they aren't going to be your primary source of xp but it's a nice bonus on the side.


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Holy crap! :shock: An early congratulations is in order. =D>



THE place for all free players to connect, hang out and talk about how awesome it is to be F2P.

So, Kaida is the real version of every fictional science-badass? That explains a lot, actually...

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~ 99 Agility ~


Thanks, Kaida. ^_^


For some reason, this was actually the 'easiest' 99 for me so far.

Sure it wasn't the fastest to level up, but I didn't have "I'm going for 99!" until I was already around level 95.

I know a lot of people give the advice 'watch a movie while training'. Instead I suggest training while watching a movie. Subtle difference.


Anyways, time to up my sub 90 skills. Looking to concentrate on one of my weaker skills, prayer, and finishing the last 2 levels of summoning to 90.




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~ 99 Agility ~


Thanks, Kaida. ^_^


For some reason, this was actually the 'easiest' 99 for me so far.

Sure it wasn't the fastest to level up, but I didn't have "I'm going for 99!" until I was already around level 95.

I know a lot of people give the advice 'watch a movie while training'. Instead I suggest training while watching a movie. Subtle difference.


Anyways, time to up my sub 90 skills. Looking to concentrate on one of my weaker skills, prayer, and finishing the last 2 levels of summoning to 90.






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  • 4 weeks later...

95 Runecrafting



- Final Exams (3 left: tomorrow [specifications], Monday [GIS], Tuesday [graphics])

- Borderlands

- Bastion: Awesome game. Get it when it's on sale..

- Finished my final project for my graphics course yesterday: a simple space invaders type demo.



- Checking herbs every 2h (easier to remember than 90 min.)

- Daily Jack of Trades

- Trying to remember to do daily Bork

- Weekly Penguins

- Weekly Tears of Guthix

- Livid farm when I have time in between everything.


Trying to decide how to spend my two weeks of no school in RS:

- Frost dragons to support prayer/herblore/summoning?

- Go for another 99?


- Fast, quick herb runs are one of my primary goals at the moment and Ardougne cloak 4 with Trollheim patch teleport from Livid Farm would be really nice.

- I may try for 93 summoning, though I don't know how much time I'll be able to devote to gathering charms and money for secondary ingredients. I should do Familiarization some time.




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The Plan


Wooo. Finished my last exam today. It's 6am and I haven't slept yet.

11 days til class starts up again. Here's the plan.


RS - Ardougne Tasks

- Chaotic Maul for Waterfiends

- Waterfiends for Crimson Charms

- 5,769 Crimson Charms for 93 Summoning

- Frost Dragon slaying for cash for seconds and shards


RS - Distractions and Diversions/

- Daily Bork

- Daily JoT

- Weekly Penguins

- Weekly Circus


RL - Programming


- OpenGL


Other Games

- Finish Arkham City Completion

- Bastion Competion

- Playthrough of either Fable 3 or Last Remnant


Recent Levels



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