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Sibz Place :: Sir Sibz' Blog

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Hai. :D I liek ur blawg.


Good luck on 99 Woodcutting! Woodcutting is my favorite skill. :3






Thanks for da bloggeh love! <3:


Hai. :D I liek ur blawg.


He's mine! Back off!


[hide=] <3: u Serp. [/hide]


Steve disagrees! :o







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January 28th, 2011:

I've rearranged my blog around a bit and added in the "My RuneScape Videos on YouTube' section! :) So please check them out when you can. :P Also, I'm currently 340k away from 94 WC, but I've been making decent progress and may have it by tonight or tomorrow.





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Wish I could peruse your blog a bit more but I just got called back to work. Nice progress though, kind of crazy how you're only five levels away, but like only at half the experience. #-o

"A time comes when silence is betrayal" MLKJ


Speak your mind, but be civil.

Get mad, but do not rage.

Do unto others as you would want done to yourself.




Follow the doughnut to my blog! :D

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Wish I could peruse your blog a bit more but I just got called back to work. Nice progress though, kind of crazy how you're only five levels away, but like only at half the experience. #-o


Thanks :D Yeah, it only makes progress seem slower, but I'm going at a pretty consistent rate. :P (Have fun at work!) :3





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haha I did, walked out with 9 hours today and 90 bucks in cash.

"A time comes when silence is betrayal" MLKJ


Speak your mind, but be civil.

Get mad, but do not rage.

Do unto others as you would want done to yourself.




Follow the doughnut to my blog! :D

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January 30th, 2011:

I've added the 'My Monthly Stats' section to my blog as well as a 'Who is Sir Sibz?'. Had to edit the numbers on the first pic since I originally didn't take a screenie on New Years Day. :P I also updated other sections of my blog and updated my Progress Journal. My blog is getting big. :blink: As always, you can catch me online at world 99 cutting ivy by Castle Wars. :D





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Nice, your wc training is going pretty fast. gl+hf with all your goals!


Thanks! :D I'm kinda surprised I'm moving this fast, tbh. :o


In blog news...

January 31st, 2011:

Looks like it's the last day of January! :D Wildy and Free Trade is just around the corner! I'm very excited to see how the game is going to change after this update. :) My goal for February is 99 WC! At this rate, I should get it in the middle of the month at latest. :P Some blog updates... I added the 'Random!' section for spitz and giggles. :P Currently 470k from 95 WC! :)





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Congratulations on 94 wc (sorry about the lateness) 5 more levels to go!


Thanks! :D Don't worry :)


Lol, I rewatched my 70 prayer party vid on your blog, made me laugh :thumbsup: <3:


It was fun looking through all of my videos again for the first time in a long time. Being in Gold Skillers was a blast! <3:





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February 2st, 2011:

I haven't been able to play lately because I've been a little under the weather - no, I didn't get hit by that big blizzard that just passed through Chicago. Actually, it COMPLETELY MISSED MY TOWN!! :angry: lol I love dramatic weather so... oh well. :P I hope everyone is being careful on those wintry roads. :) Anyways, I haven't gotten the chance to enjoy the latest and greatest update, but I can't wait! :) I hope to get a little play time in tomorrow and then this weekend. I should be able to get 95 WC soon. I believe I'm 300k xp away from it? Cya guys soon! :shades:





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Havent checked this in a while. Congratulation on 94 Woodcutting! Yews are so boring with these bots, maybe you could live it up.


Thanks! <3: And if I catch you online, I'll try to cut some yew with yew. ;) (see what I did thar?) lol :P


In blog news...


February 4th, 2011:

Still slightly sick, but I've made progress nonetheless! I've managed to get 95 Woodcutting - yay! I was also a little bored and decided to play some castlewars and then explore in the wildy. I got a prestige cape and the chaos elemental said hello. *R.I.P. Bronze armor* I'm hoping for 96 woodcutting near the end of next week, depending on how I feel. Overall, I'm hoping for 99 WC before March, so we'll just have to see how things go. :P I've also added my stats for 2-1-11 in my blog. And... that's all for now. :D


[spoiler=95 Woodcutting]WC95.png






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February 7th, 2011:

Hello everyone! :) I'm feeling a lot better now that I've recovered from my sickness and am back in health! :P I've also made some progress towards 96 WC today. I gained about 250k xp and am now less than 400k away from my level up. I also enjoyed wc'ing Yew trees with Stormy and talking with some of you online lately! :D Hope to see you guys again soon! :)





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Glad I could make things uncomfortable with my synopsis of the first five minutes of Machete! :^_^:

"A time comes when silence is betrayal" MLKJ


Speak your mind, but be civil.

Get mad, but do not rage.

Do unto others as you would want done to yourself.




Follow the doughnut to my blog! :D

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Glad I could make things uncomfortable with my synopsis of the first five minutes of Machete! :^_^:


lol xD never seen the movie and probably now will run and hide when someone shows it to me! :o :P


Edit: Well actually, I probably wouldn't mind watching it if given the chance. lol :P





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February 10th, 2011:

96 Woodcutting! :D Only THREE levels to go until my first 99 (again)! :) Although I'm still 3.3m away or 55 hours left to go, I consider myself closer than ever... I'm aiming for 99 WC before the end of February. I will be busy w/school as usual and Valentine's Day! <3: I'm still figuring out what I'm going to do for money for 99 FM as well.. hmm... I still have time to think. :P Until later... :)


[spoiler=96 Woodcutting]WC96.png






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Baha, 55 hours is two good weekend sessions. <3:

"A time comes when silence is betrayal" MLKJ


Speak your mind, but be civil.

Get mad, but do not rage.

Do unto others as you would want done to yourself.




Follow the doughnut to my blog! :D

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