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New to Runescape; would like some advice from veterens!


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Hello, I am new to Runescape (joined a few weeks ago) and have been reading this forum for a few days now. I am strictly F2P due to time issues and becoming a member is so daunting (numerous quests, skills, PK'ing is much more complicated). So please limit your advice to F2P :)


The first question I have is related to moneymaking as well as skills. Here are my current stats (not too great).



What moneymaking methods do you recommend for me? I am open to training new skills if they are especially lucrative. Currently I am mining coal in the Dwarven Mines Resource Dungeon and buying iron on the GE so I can make steel bars. Of course this was alot better back when steel bars were 1K+ per.


Another question is if there is any viable PK build with my current stats. Of course I am going to level magic for the mage defense when I get enough money (any tips on that either?). Also, what gear should I use? I use rune full, power ammy, rune plate (dhide if i'm welfaring), rune beserk, rune platelegs (again, dhide if I'm welfaring), no ring (will get explorer when I have the chance), rune gauntlets, and normal boots. I use a rune scim on aggressive for attacking(would accurate be more effective?).


Any other suggestions on skilling, pk'ing, or moneymaking are greatly appreciated.

tl;dr version: Moneymaking or skills worth getting. PK build on this account. PK gear.

Thanks :)


EDIT: Argh, seems like the stat signatures aren't working but here are my stats.



Atk 56

STR 65

Def 55

RNG 40

Pray 39

Mage 39

HP 60


RC 15

Dung 18

Craft 8

Mine 48

Smith 38

Fish 16

Cook 47

FM 30

WC 49

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You're not in the high scores list yet so your stats don't show up.

Post your stats and maybe you'll get some better offers that way.


If you can get your fishing up, fishing lobbies at Karamaja and using the stiles bank is not a bad idea

Also, I remember running air runes was not a bad idea but look for people who are doing x8

-You don't get any experience but it's an easy way to make money.


However, in f2p - you only really need money to buy your armor/weapons.

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In F2P, I believe fishing is the best money making skill, although that may have changed with lowering fish prices.


I'd also recommend just getting P2P and making the leap now, because exp is faster and money is faster. If you do get P2P, train slayer, because at the semi-high levels it can bring in lucrative amounts of gp and gives some nice combat exp. However, if you really don't want to get P2P, try training on cockroaches or lesser demons; I believe those have some of the best drops, although lesser demons would be rather difficult at your level.


One thing I'd say about just generally enjoying the game is to use guides on help sites for quests and stuff as little as possible, because although a quest may seem frustrating at first, figuring it out in the end yourself gives a much better feeling. Add me if you want too, I'd be happy to help you if you see me on sometime.

[hide=99s]47,297th to 99 Attack, 12/10/08
47,898th to 99 Hitpoints, 3/29/09
78,286th to 99 Strength, 4/5/09
36,125th to 99 Range, 6/7/09, 12:30 in the morning.
70,280th to 99 Defence, 4/16/10
67,781st to 99 Magic, 8/13/10
Somethingth to 99 Slayer on some day during the Summer (I forgot to write it down)
169,099th to 99 Cooking , 4/9/11
Idk what to 99 fm at some point
Idk what to 99 prayer on 1/28/2012

?? 99 thieving 12/30/2015

?? 99 herblore 1/2/2016, ?? 99 dungeoneering 9/5/2016[/hide]


Even if it's a dumb story, telling it changes other people just the slightest little bit, just as living the story changes me. An infinitesimal change. And that infinitesimal change ripples outward-ever smaller but everlasting. I will get forgotten, but the stories will last. And so we all matter-maybe less than a lot, but always more than none.

-John Green (An Abundance of Katherines)

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I found that becoming a member is pretty overwhelming - there's a bajillion skills/quests/things to do.

I suggest keep playing rs for a while, level up in f2p as much as possible before making the jump. It's pretty dumb if you want to try some new skill/quests only to find out you have to make some boring requirement that could've been just as easily done in f2p.

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Telegrabbing wines of zamorak.

Fishing lobs/noting them on karamja.

Yew cutting.

Antidragon shields.

Air talismans if you haven't finished rune mysteries. (This used to be a great way of gaining starting cash before free trade came back.)

Do all the tasks for lumbridge for a nice chunk of change.

Get members




Armadyl Drops : 4 Hilts; 3 Chestplates; 2 Chainskirts; 1 Helmet; 1 Buckler; 2 Shard 1; 2 Shard 2; 1 Shard 3

Nex : 1 Zaryte Bow

Kalphite King : 1 Drygore Rapier ; 1 Drygore Longsword : 1 Drygore Offhand Rapier : 1 Drygore Offhand Longsword

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my best advice to you is to do all f2p quests. really helps you get oriented. also killing hill giants for big bones is decent cash and some combat xp.



[hide=Siggy credits]The Awesome, Epic, Amazing, S3xah A-10 Sig By Unolexi! I wub u Uno!

InsanityV2 Did the Franz Ferdinand Sig.

Killerwatt is responsible for the Arctic Monkeys sig.

Pat_61 did the B-2 sig and the raptor sig.[/hide]

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At your levels I would go with buying gold bars on the GE, then making gold necklaces. All you need is a necklace mold, there is a store in east al karhid that sells them. Then use the furnace in al karhid to make a ...few....

Once you get thoroughly bored of the necklace method I would start raising your RC level, earths are currently profitable even at 1x, so keep an eye on prices and either do airs or earths.

Another option is w16 running airs, I believe it is bring ~25 un noted ess, and the crafters will give you 200-225 air runes.


Once you get bored of RC it is time to go back to the furnaces and either necklaces or smelt steel bars.


I would stay away from fishing for money, prices are absolutely terrible.


Look into clay, with the recent behind the scenes a crafting, and specifically new clay pot item was announced, so clay-soft clay will be pretty good for a little while. Currently people are hoarding all sorts of clay driving up the price.

Feel free to ask me anything in game: worm brain, sorry cant help with any pking questions.

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For pking I would suggest leveling attack and defence to 60 and then strength to maybe 75, mage to 59, and range up to about 80 for a range/2h tank


It's not true that life is one damn thing after another; it is one damn thing over and over.

Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you walk into an open sewer and die.

Crime does not pay ... as well as politics.


I'm awesome.

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