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New weapon


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I was thinking, maybe a weapon called the falchion. its a real weapon, kind of like scim.
















It was actually used back in the day, by european warriors.








It will be avaivable from lvl 3 treasure trails, and p2p only.








Stab: 35




Slash: 68








Magic: 0




Range: 0












Attack Style








ATTACK = Chop: Slash




STRENGTH = Slash: Slash




CONTROLLED = Lunge: Stab




DEFENSE = Block: Slash








SPECIAL = Two, quick, strong hits (one or two hits higher then normall hit)








U need 50 attack to weild.








A fairly decent weapon, that hits a little better then a rune battle axe, and a little less then a rune 2 h. It will also be about as fast a scimtar.








(I'm also f2p, so, tell me how u think the special is, and everything else. Also, whether it should be a lvl.2 treasure trail, instead of a lvl.3.)








Tell me what you think about it.








(Also, this would match my new Turi-Z armor idea.)

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the weapon used ingame is a falchion... its just named as a scimitar








a scimitar has a blade that stays at the same width throughout its length... much like a sable

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Arnt they called "falchion" on rsc? cant remember, preety sure thoe lol




Edit: Btw...Dragon scimitar has 67 slash bonus...Why would a lvl 50 attack weapon give more slash than a lvl 60? Ohh and NO to F2P :)








Don't know about them being falchion on rsc, im a rs2 product. :D








I don't no y it would giv better slash bonus, good point.








And i said that it would NOT be a f2p item (it has a special attack :roll: )

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