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first pixel type signature


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yeh, do I got potential, thigns to improve on? etc. I jsut want C&C and you can ask questions if you want. just dont give me crap if it is crap. misterxman,DH,and other pixel artists i am asking you.








yes i know my shading blows lol, any1 got a tut?













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pretty good for a first :wink: totally owns my first :shock:
















-his eyes look weird.. maybe just change the style/shape of them




-add creases/folds to his shirt




-try using the line/curve tools. that way you wont end up with 2pix lines in some places and not in others.




-i find pixels generally look better when black outlines are not used. i usually use a darker shadw of the base colour








besides the above notes, its pretty good :wink: keep practicing, try some bgs and you'll get better


Featuring in my sig: TURT, ma pet turdle!


Thanks to- Runemetsa and Aijiru for two of the great sigs!

Avatar made by me

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thanks man! I will use that in the future. but are there any tips for:




-Making Eyes, I had an etrememly hard time as you can prolly see. so i chose an anime kind of look. but they still suck lol.




- Hair, its pretty hard to do for me, is there anyway specifc way that you make hair?




- process, what do you do first? background,player,sketch?








heres how i made it:








-sketched roughly out the entire picture




-took the eraser tool,and got rid of rough edges, and too many pixels




-coloured the picture in, with just the base colour




-shded in the picture, and opened up in photoshop




-added text, and somewhat made the shading a bit cleaner












l8er, and thanks alot :D

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Very good for your first, and I actually quite like the eyes. I usually do the characters first, the the background, then the other objects (tables etc) but I know everyone seems to do it differently. I see your a Maiden fan, up the irons! :lol:

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Your lines need to be more carefully placed and you will need to add hair (apart from if he's supposed to be bald)








I've done some changes you could do in red. If it's for sale then I would bid on it :D nice and simple









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quite nice not 2 many peps at first try get shading down








this ithe process i use








-draw feet (boots)








-legs (pants or skirt)








-[cabbage] (chest or amrour)
















-arms and hands
















then i colour all those some peps start from the head because u can get an estamite of how big the body and legs will have 2 be








the i draw all the background go the procces throw other caracters and animals but allways get animals peps and like building or tree's done then start on like ground and sky

sig and avy by born2die

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