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The community is getting really bad


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I think Jagex needs to advertise RS to a more mature audience, I haven't really experienced much idiocy in RS so I don't think it's that bad but maybe if they stopped advertising on such places as miniclip and looked at a better audience.




That has its drawbacks though. Some people start young. As for me, I started in 7th grade and now sitting in the 11th I'm still kicking it. Though one day I went into the school library really early in the morning and I went over to the computer only to find younger 7th graders all playing in a line of like 8. 8 of our 16 computers were being used by these little kids playing runescape. All of them below like lvl 50.... It was still funny to see how young they actually play this game though.

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Actually noob was censored (and every variation on it) a while back. :lol:








On topic: I came from addictinggames.com so don't be flaming miniclip. :oops:




No it wasn't noob.








It most certainly was. Lasted less then a week because so many people complained (oddly n00b wasn't blocked). So know your facts before you speak.

You make it sound like running through a few level 87 monsters is hard which it really shouldn't be at your level.



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Guest AshKaYu

Runescape made me cry today. I was sad because the girl I love fell for someone else, and it just feels so hurt inside. I went onto Runescape, hoping to get a little sympathy from friends, and I started killing Barbarians. Someone walks in and says "Go *make reproductive action* your mom". He repeated this for about ten minutes. I then walked away, feeling depressed, started WCing, when someone comes up and again says "Go "make reproductive action" yourself, you *reproducing* *child of an unwed parent*.

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EDIT: And yous just can't blame everything on MiniClip. Blame it on Jagex. They're the morons that pay to be advertised there to begin with (if they even pay). Not only that, but they spent a good bit of time promoting RS2. I remember seeing a review on IGN. And Real Arcade even has RS2 listed. So it isn't all just MiniClip. It maybe is the largest contributor by far though.








Jagex are morons for advertising? People seem to be forgetting that Jagex are a company, trying to make money. The more customers they get the better (for them). Saying that Jagex shouldn't advertise on Miniclip is a bit silly, as that is where their best market is! Its a shame for us mature people, but thats the way of the world - its all about money :(











You really overlooked my point. Maybe I didn't make it as clear as I would have liked, but I'll attempt to explain a little.








They are morons for aiming at a lower age group. By no means was I ever suggesting they were morons for wanting to make money. You took my statement completely out of context in that respect.








Obviously, anyone who has the least bit of common sense knows that Jagex would want to advertise their product. They put the time, money, and effort into recreating a game that needed the improvements. Of course their entitled to profit off of it. How you profit off of it is what is questionable.








Knight Online is a huge example of this. Its a small game, based on nothing but combat. You have your cheaters and what not, but for the most part... everyone is quite mature. You get your cocky, egotistical jerk every now and then, but for every one rude person you see... theres about ten other nice people you meet. Runescape use to be like that, and well... sadly thats changed.








The older players of the game will more then likely end up just leaving and moving onto bigger and better things. And let the kids be their mindless, immature, selves. Seems like more and more people are talking about WoW anyhow.


R.I.P Shiva

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Okay, I bet lots of you agree with me on this. The Runescape community is really going downhill. Just today I logged on to cut some yew logs when a level 74 started saying "o nice nooby blk t helm noob"








I quickly turned my public chat to friends. Then hey, my inventory is full of yew logs. I walk to the bank. At the southern Falador gate, this level 63 with rune (g) runs past, then stops. I walk past him. He calls me a noob and runs on. Two within 10 minutes. I'm appauled.








And, just today I logged on to the tip.it forums to find a PM waiting in my message inbox. Guess what the subject of the message is? "




Yeah shut up"








And the actual message?








Your account names suck.




Stop bragging about how good they are.




They freaking suck.








I was not bragging in any way, I was just commenting that I thought the name was cool.








I shall not name this person and spare them their dignity. I'm really disappointed to take a break from all these clan invitations that my friends have shoved in my face and anoyying noobs who harass me about how stupid my characher looks. To join a simple Runescape help site community. Only to have rude people still here.








I shall not name this person and spare them their dignity. I'm really disappointed to take a break from all these clan invitations that my friends have shoved in my face and anoyying noobs who harass me about how stupid my characher looks. To join a simple Runescape help site community. Only to have rude people still here.








EDIT: Now I'm back at the yew cutting. This level 56 says "blk t is boring" "zzzz...." "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..............". Then , 6 seconds later, "wc lvl?" :roll:

your name does suck though :twisted:
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