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way you hold weopons


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because in real life if your right handed you hold a sword in you right hand and hold abow in your left and pul the arrow with your right hand








Hmm true but who really cares, I'm used to seeing the bow in the right hand. Good point though.



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your crazy i do some archery to i always use my right hand my left arm is to weak








Hes saying you should HOLD it with your left hand, if you hold it with your right that means you're using the left hand to shoot, so if you hold it with the left you use the right hand to shoot.

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jagex probably know but why waste time recoding the whole weapon set so that they locate in the shield hand just so your character is not ampidextorous. Much easier to keep it simple








weapons go to right hand




shields go to left hand


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Our fascinating pixel characters are ambidextrous :lol:












But thats an intelligent observation. And very unique








agreed lol








and to the person who mentioned they "range" in rl with their left and are right-handed: i've found it quite common that ppl do a majority of tasks with their dominant hand but do a single or even a few tasks with the other. i had a friend once that was left-handed in everything except writing. he was as bad with his left as most are. and personally i do eveything right handed but brushing my teeth =\








i noticed this a long time ago when i 1st started thieving. if equip a bow but no arrows u cant accidently attack them. it got me started thinking that the bow hand was off but i 4got about it as soon as i noticed lol


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Ever seen a granite maul?








You hold it the wrong way.
























Try holding an imagnary maul-handle right now. If you're right-handed, your right hand would autimatically go on top. Well, see in the pic, the right hand's on the bottom.


I've stopped playing RuneScape. KoL's better.

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I'm right handed, I hold bow and sword with my right hand.








It's easier with my right hand. It'd got more strength to keep hold of the bow while pulling the string back, and I can aim better with my arm.

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