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Draconic jadinkos and Zamorak's favour


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When should I start using Zamorak's favour when hunting draconic jadinkos?

ATM I only have about 30 4-doses which I don't want to go to waste as they take quite a while for me to get. :(

Owner of a comp cape since February 11th 2012.

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Firstly, you shouldn't hunt draconics before around 90 hunter- igneous/carrion combo will be better xp before that(check out the HH guide in AoW for more information about that). As for zamorak favors, you should always use them. Just calculate how many you'll need for 99 and only hunt zamorak jads until you have all the vines needed- it won't take too long. 80-99 should take around 200 zammy vines(assuming you have cleansing scroll). Seeds will never be an issue if you go for 99 hunter.

First to 99 Farming on 27. September, 2005.

First to 3766 Port Score on 20. March, 2014.

First to 4664 Port Score on 2. March, 2015.

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30 zamorak favour potions will last 450 minutes, and you'll get 495 minutes worth of exp during that time. So if you can get 30 zamorak favour potions in 45 minutes, they're definately worth using. Even if it takes slightly longer to get that many, they may still be worth using as you get hunter exp for hunting the zamorak jadinkos.

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