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Runescape not loading on macbook pro

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So I click 'play now' on the front page of Runescape.com on my macbook pro and after I accept to continue, it shows the loading bar, and then the screen just goes black (I've tried both Safari and Firefox). Anyone have any solution or clue as to why?


Thanks in advance.


He who wears his morality but as his best garment were better naked... Your daily life is your temple and your religion
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Have you tried everything in this topic?


Why can't the Big Bang be done by the hand of God?

It could have, but it is next to impossible because it also could have been caused by the flying spaghetti monster, or one of the other infinite number of deity possibilities.

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have you tried the actual rs client?


i think that's IE based if not mistaken... i've heard of a few mac users having issues loading rs not quiet sure i think it has something to do with how the new OS does Java


also, you could try Chrome (google's browser)



ninja'd ^

Edited by pure_fett

i don't play psykick anymore... i play 2ed: "pure fett"


26081 to get 99 herblore

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The easiest (and best) solution is to go to [qfc]25-26-919-62871712[/qfc] on the Official RuneScape forums and follow the instructions there. You will be using some bash script and a terminal command (don't worry, it's all copy & paste) to convert the Official RuneScape client into a Mac app. I have been using it for the last couple of weeks and it runs great; probably even better than it ever did in any of my browsers.

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The easiest (and best) solution is to go to [qfc]25-26-919-62871712[/qfc] on the Official RuneScape forums and follow the instructions there. You will be using some bash script and a terminal command (don't worry, it's all copy & paste) to convert the Official RuneScape client into a Mac app. I have been using it for the last couple of weeks and it runs great; probably even better than it ever did in any of my browsers.

Yes, I second that. Runescape doesn't like Lion at the moment. This is the best fix out there, and I get got, literally, about a 50% boost in FPS in comparison to FireFox 3.6.

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Thanks everyone, problem solved by my brother (yes, it was due to Lion). I actually told my brother before that I play a video game and it wasn't working since he updated my laptop for college, so he found out I play Runescape :oops:.


He who wears his morality but as his best garment were better naked... Your daily life is your temple and your religion
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