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So uh, what happened to this game?


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As soon as I hit my first major RS goal of 99 farm, I took a little break back in March. Not really a full break as I still logged in to do some small activities like battlestave purchases, the occasional farm run, weekly XP activities I kinda enjoyed beyond the reward like pengs, and sometimes dungeoneering to hopefully at some point hit level 70 for an ASN. I didn't really pay attention to the markets, never visited the GE because I didn't have to, and kept on my merry way, oblivious to what was happening.


Well today someone sent me a direct link to Jiblix's video and I watched and wondered.


Well before the vote for free trade was finalized, I was one of those who felt that the negative effects of bots running rampant in the game would outweigh the benefits of having them around. In the end I abstained from the vote and just let things decide themselves.


I guess back in March when I left, bots hadn't really ramped up to full production and the effects were less pronounced. I didn't notice that many more autotypers than usual at the GE and there really weren't that many more bots at the common spots. The market at the time started to head into a dip on big gear like whips, barrows, and the like, but I thought that might have just been those early month jitters that would come with free trade along with the fact that more and more people were starting to get their hands on top gear like chaotics that made stuff like whips obsolete.


But now I log back on and bots seem quite a bit worse than before. Massive streams of people flow from one resource to another. I find myself needing to disable public chat more often when I enter high traffic areas. It's pretty depressing just how congested this game has become.


One of the largest shocks I got was when I saw the actual current prices of the gear that I originally thought was only going into a shallow drop. Whips are 780k and falling. All of the barrows sets cost 2-4m less than they did back in March.


Seeing some of the commodities like coal and fish, just about everything has dropped by almost 50% of what they were back when I took my break. On one side, it's convenient to have super cheap everything to skill and the prospect of having whips at an almost disposable price is kinda awesome too. Furthermore, high level herbs like snaps and torsts that I've been farming all this time seem to have been largely resilient to massive price fluctuations since, at least in my opinion, farming is a very difficult skill to heavily impact by bots due to its fundamental design (and that there aren't that many high level farmers :D)

But on the other side, the whole game is rife with bots, making it a very...well...non-social place to be for the most part, amongst other factors.


Has free trade really mucked up the game this much? Have the bots truly taken over making just about any form of conventional resource gathering impossible or not worth the time?


TL;DR: FT and bots eff'd up the game in 6 months?


PS Did bladewing get banned or something? I've been out of the loop.

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Capitalism? No wait, bad capitalism. Basically Jagex has been taken over by a group of people who are going to milk it dry. Personally if I had known the Gowers weren't going to run the company I would've wound down my playing time long ago.

I'm like a hot mess, but without the alcohol.

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Well I'm sorry that I might have come off sounding generic, but going through some of the other threads, RSOF, and just asking people in-game, I'm still unsure if I have everything straight.


Was it really just bots that messed up the whole game or am I missing something here.

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Well I'm sorry that I might have come off sounding generic, but going through some of the other threads, RSOF, and just asking people in-game, I'm still unsure if I have everything straight.


Was it really just bots that messed up the whole game or am I missing something here.


Mostly the feeling that Jagex doesn't care to do much to solve the issue. That and obviously going back on what their core principles have been for years.


-edit- Yes, Bladewing was been exhiled. I'd tell you why, but I'd probably get temp banned for criticizing the TIF mods/admins. I think Grimy is gone too.

I'm like a hot mess, but without the alcohol.

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Ah ok. Well I guess that clarifies a few things from what I've been seeing.


I can't say I really have a firm opinion on it all. A lot of the main things I play this game for (farming, occasional DGing, questing, play obscure minigames for fun like tai bwo wannai cleanup) don't seem to be extremely affected yet. Sure Jagex is coming off as greedy/apathetic/etc, but as long as I can keep doing what I want to do then I'm mostly fine. I used to slay a bit, but I guess that'll be slowed a bit with all the bots.


It's a shame a lot of people are dissatisfied with the game and a lot of the community has just become worse and worse.

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Ah ok. Well I guess that clarifies a few things from what I've been seeing.


I can't say I really have a firm opinion on it all. A lot of the main things I play this game for (farming, occasional DGing, questing, play obscure minigames for fun like tai bwo wannai cleanup) don't seem to be extremely affected yet. Sure Jagex is coming off as greedy/apathetic/etc, but as long as I can keep doing what I want to do then I'm mostly fine. I used to slay a bit, but I guess that'll be slowed a bit with all the bots.


It's a shame a lot of people are dissatisfied with the game and a lot of the community has just become worse and worse.


If you're happy playing old content that has no bots at it, then yeah, you can stay. If you want to play any new content or walk through the GE, then no.

I'm like a hot mess, but without the alcohol.

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Ah ok. Well I guess that clarifies a few things from what I've been seeing.


I can't say I really have a firm opinion on it all. A lot of the main things I play this game for (farming, occasional DGing, questing, play obscure minigames for fun like tai bwo wannai cleanup) don't seem to be extremely affected yet. Sure Jagex is coming off as greedy/apathetic/etc, but as long as I can keep doing what I want to do then I'm mostly fine. I used to slay a bit, but I guess that'll be slowed a bit with all the bots.


It's a shame a lot of people are dissatisfied with the game and a lot of the community has just become worse and worse.


If you're happy playing old content that has no bots at it, then yeah, you can stay. If you want to play any new content or walk through the GE, then no.


I was taken aback when I saw that even frost dragons were being heavily botted. Even with skill reqs as high as 85 DG and decent CB stats, people are zealous enough to 'risk' their accounts for afk money. But when I think about it more, I guess what it really comes down to is that 'risk' is just about non-existent.


Bummer. I really liked this game too.

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Ah ok. Well I guess that clarifies a few things from what I've been seeing.


I can't say I really have a firm opinion on it all. A lot of the main things I play this game for (farming, occasional DGing, questing, play obscure minigames for fun like tai bwo wannai cleanup) don't seem to be extremely affected yet. Sure Jagex is coming off as greedy/apathetic/etc, but as long as I can keep doing what I want to do then I'm mostly fine. I used to slay a bit, but I guess that'll be slowed a bit with all the bots.


It's a shame a lot of people are dissatisfied with the game and a lot of the community has just become worse and worse.


If you're happy playing old content that has no bots at it, then yeah, you can stay. If you want to play any new content or walk through the GE, then no.


I was taken aback when I saw that even frost dragons were being heavily botted. Even with skill reqs as high as 85 DG and decent CB stats, people are zealous enough to 'risk' their accounts for afk money. But when I think about it more, I guess what it really comes down to is that 'risk' is just about non-existent.


Bummer. I really liked this game too.


I was going to rip into you for the notion that there is a "risk" in botting now, but I remembered you have not been here so I will let it slide. :razz:

I'm like a hot mess, but without the alcohol.

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Commercialisation happened.

"Imagine yourself surrounded by the most horrible cripples and maniacs it is possible to conceive, and you may understand a little of my feelings with these grotesque caricatures of humanity about me."

- H.G. Wells, The Island of Doctor Moreau

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Some big business corperate type group bought out runescape and are going out of their way to milk runescape for every dollar (pound, or euro) they can.


Not a big deal, if they are successful that means people dont give 2 craps, if not they will revoke it eventually like they did with gnomecopters.


Runescape isnt dying either it still has 5 more years of constant updates, and another 10 years of up time after that. No matter how bad things get there will always be at least 100k people who play, and it will always be a decent money maker for Jagex. I just hope that they finish all the quest story lines before then



Runescape will last 10 years? I seriously doubt that. With the constant trend of upcoming online games, I don't think Jagex will even bother updating Runescape and will probably focus on their other upcoming online games. I mean, face it. Runescape WAS a great game but now I just think it's getting to the point of no return. Runescape will never be that golden-age of online games we thought it was. I've been on and off for 7 years and now I can hardly bear to keep up with updates since Runescape is just getting soooo boring! All of my friends think Runescape is crap, and they all moved on to League of Legends, Maplestory, Perfect World, or Minecraft. I used to have tons of people online but now they all quit because of the same thing; Runescape is slowly turning into a big pile of ****hole. Just look at it now and tell me I'm wrong, is Runescape even a playable game with 500-1000+ bots in each server? Is Runescape ever going to be the same? If the worse comes to us, will Jagex give a [bleep] and try to help out?.....


Jagex has really hit the nail this time. They're constantly "milking" Runescape which is the lowest thing any business would do instead of finding a solution

to help out legitimate customers. They're even "bribing" us to vote for them, without acknowledging the fact that they will have no chance

they are going to win the GJ awards. It just shows that Jagex doesn't even care about us and expects to have everything their way like a spoiled

child -- Who doesn't need to listen to anyone, who never wants to help or change anything, and incapable of becoming the best.


I used to like Runescape but that was only when Jagex wasn't a such corporate [wagon] and actually tried to improve Runescape for PLAYERS

AND NOT MONEY. Now I think Jagex is the most lazy, greedy, and heinous game company in the world. Why? Because they shouldn't even be considered

one. What kind of company would 1. Not give a [bleep] about their customers? 2. Contradict themselves so many times, just to make more money? and 3. Hire someone so stupid and mentally challenged like MMG for its CEO?


/done ranting

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I see parallels with RuneScape now, and the way other games have gone when they've been heavily botted and the community's tolerance to it has reached snapping point. Those games dealt with the issue by effectively allowing botting, within reason and within certain criteria. RuneScape has got the point where they may as well allow botting, because Free Trade has allowed the problem to spiral so far out of control that it can't realistically be reeled back in.


It's unbelieveable to say this, given how zealous Jagex were in their anti-cheating stance (to the point where they removed Free Trade the first time round), but perhaps it's time to start reconsidering whether the rule that prevents botting is really something that requires no further validation. Before it was taken as read that botting is wrong and should never be tolerated, but has the problem become so prominent that not botting has become more difficult to justify than simply allowing botting?


I don't personally support botting, but simply saying that without further argument has becoming an increasily tenuous stance to take.

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Yes blade got banned from tip.it

All the efficiency folks migrated to another forum.

Which is hosted by Grimy Bunyip himself.

I can't tell you the url here because Tip.it staff will ban me also

Pm me if you're actually interested in the details & the url for the site which may-not-be-named.

Main Account - Max cape achieved 10th September 2011
Noob Account - 2300 total and climbing 


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Yes blade got banned from tip.it

All the efficiency folks migrated to another forum.

Which is hosted by Grimy Bunyip himself.

I can't tell you the url here because Tip.it staff will ban me also

Pm me if you're actually interested in the details & the url for the site which may-not-be-named.


I've found where they landed and found out the reason for the move, thanks for the offer though.


I personally didn't find them annoying. Sure they were extremely blunt and at times came off as a bit self-deserving with a bit of I'm-right-you're-wrong-ness, but pretty much everything they said was either informative, insightful, or entertaining for me.

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Guest jrhairychest

Yes blade got banned from tip.it

All the efficiency folks migrated to another forum.

Which is hosted by Grimy Bunyip himself.

I can't tell you the url here because Tip.it staff will ban me also

Pm me if you're actually interested in the details & the url for the site which may-not-be-named.


Awww, Blade had learned to put punctuation in his posts this last year and was making good progress. Still, spose Grimy now has more time to go out and buy his big bumper edition of 'Hot Excel Monthly'. I hear there's a pivot tables centre spread........Fwoarrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! =P~

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