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TIp.it doesn't work the normal way


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Hello all, if I try to go to www.tip.it the entire site doesn't work for me, it looks like the site is down and it looks like this for at least 3 days now (before that I was on holiday for a month :P).

Somehow I found out that others can reach the site without any trouble at all.

Now I decided to try a proxy and guess what, the site works with no problem at all (it's not just the forum I can't reach, I can't reach the site either).

I've never had any problem like this ever before and for sure not with tip.it.


Can anyone explain what happened? Thanks beforehand.



*edit: This post has been made with a proxy, if I look at tip.it through a proxy everything seems fine.

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Open command prompt


type "tracert -t tip.it/runescape" and post the results.

-t? http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb491018.aspx

Anyway, you'll want to drop the "/runescape" bit.

Herp sorry no idea what I was thinking, wasn't playing attention.


So just, just "tracert tip.it"

"It's not a rest for me, it's a rest for the weights." - Dom Mazzetti

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I must say, I have the feeling half the peoples from Holland can't come on tip.it any more actually.


Is tip.it sure they aren't the problem themself?


Wouldn't hurt to call your ISP. They'll give you the full reason most likely (and hopefully) how to fix it.


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I must say, I have the feeling half the peoples from Holland can't come on tip.it any more actually.


Is tip.it sure they aren't the problem themself?


As a network engineer who works for an ISP and web host, I would say that tip.it probably isn't at fault. Most likely it is something simple like a DNS in Holland doesn't point to tip.it correctly.


You never did answer obfuscators post above:

Try navigating directly to without a proxy.


If that doesn't work, do a tracert and post it here.

which would tell us more, namely if it is a DNS issue or not.



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Yes I've tried diffrend browsers, none worked.

I've even tried on diffrend computers.


Also, Tip.it allways used to work for me.

Tracert popped up something I couldn't see and closed right after (that's why I couldn't see ;)).

"tracert" gave this:




Right after that the C:\Windows/system32\tracert suddenly disappeared without any reason :S? Just like with

Somehow the 2nd time I did the same thing and then it did the same untill line 10, then it suddenly wrote "* * * Time-out bij opdracht." time after time after time (just like a few weeks ago).

The 3rd time "ams13-core-1.port-channel1.tele2.net [130.244.52" showed up at line 6, all other parts where the same.



I still don't have a clue what's goïng on ;).

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