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Think community is bad? See it compared.


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A lot of people aren't friendly on RS. Like this one time I was lvl 51 and had Addy Armor (with kite). I was walking around and this happened:








Guy: Can I buy your Addy kite????








Me: Sry, not for sale








Guy: Plz!!!!








Me: Sry, not for sale








Guy: F u n00b!!!!!








Another time in my f2p times (al Karid):








Guy: Where's Vorrock?








Me: Go north from here








Guy: Can u take me?








Me: sorry, I'm busy








Guy: Noob








I thought how some people are very rude in Runescape. Now I will glady help someone, but not like take him to the other side of Runescape, or give him free money. I get mad VERRRY easily. But I only get mad if someone else calls me "noob" or "f u" for no reason, or cuz I wont sell him my armor. Then I say "noob" "F u" to them and get pissed.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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. OF COURSE there is still wonderful nice people in runescape but they are rare to find!




I feel special. Hooray!








No offense, but imo just about every other community on earth, excluding fps, is much nicer then rs, it's probably because of a few reasons...








1. It's easy to macro rs




2. You can make more then one account




3. Most people get bored of it at level 50




4. Everyone's a noob except me. Well, thats not true, im a noob too, but most people think that way.




5. No age restrictions








But, unfortunately, JaGeX 99% won't change any of these and most likely can't... like a viral disease, cause they just can't make people nice, despite all our efforts... :cry:
















Easy to macro RS? My friend told me they ALLOW macros on W0W :roll: IMO I have heard so much shit about WOW and I'm sick and tired of it, if anyone posts anything on this forum again, that I see, that supports or in anyway is positive towards WOW, you will recieve uber flem from yours truly :evil:












Please dont listen to any crap you here from anyone listen and how bout you learn something your self.








Get your own educated opinion not some propaganda you are fed.

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sounds like rsc community used to be.




Nice to see an old-schooler.




The rs community was 238409238409324 times better when RSC was around. As soon as Runescape became a "fad" the community was filled with 13 year old immature morons.

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so from comunity topic we went to comparing wow and rs :) never played wow but heard some godo and bad thing and i won't even try to discus it








speaking about comunity. how many people actualy play rs? lots and more :) high scores is 1 mil users and count those who don't make to highscores. wild guess? i would say around 5 mil people are/were playing rs. now take any 5 mil people from any country, statistical ones. do u think everytone will be nice to you? u wish. take your school/work/local comunity. can you find idiots/jerks in there? i bet u can. this game keeps busy same people around you, and it doens't change the behavior. yes it sad when asking some help gives you just smiles and "noob" phrases. but in other hand consider this: you try to help people, but they just want to abuse your good heart and starts demanding of help instead of asking. i had plenty of those situations when i help some people with answers or items and they start pm'ing me demanding more or VERY detailed help. that pisses me off, and usualy those plrayer goes straight to my ignore list. sad but sometimes i get tired.








in general community isn't bad. well i'm not talking about free world kids (not in terms of age) who don't even know what they want to, beside to "get rich and have high lvl". been in members for over a year and just few times i had bad luck with people around me. generaly everyone knows what they doing and don't ask too much from person when he/she helps them a bit.








well read tip.it help forums. look how many topics are on stuff that u can find in main website with just few clicks. peopel are lazy to look around, lazy to search and then complaining that noone answers them to same old question that has same topic in 2nd forum page. if count those, then yes comunity is bad. but try to look at the bright side of players. there is LOTS of great people i met in rs, and most of them helped me a lot. thanks to all of them. cheap prices for rare junk, when u need for quests, helpfull advices that they give on other than question how to make money and where to train :)








i enjoy playign this game and i enjoy people who actualy is mature, and we have plenty of those :) and if someone found few bad people in game it doens't mean that all comunity is bad








PS. don't know whats going on in f2p, since i go there with business only :)

1500+ total 89 cmb; 1600+ total and under 93 cmb.

02/04/07 reached all skills 60+ under lvl 90 cmb.

07/19/07 reached all skills 70+ at lvl 93 cmb.

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World of Warcraft community is just as bad as Runescape community, if not worse.




Have you ever red what they post on the official forums, not even counting the un-official ones.




People are just tottal and utter idiotss.




In WoW there was Guild Chat so everyone talked in there mostly, because general Ironforge or Ogrimmar chat's were unberable.




If you advertised a price that was abit higher, you will get flamed.




You started talking in General Chat you got flamed.




New players level 10's or so kept running around in Barrens screaming stuff like 'Denmark rules! Scandinavia Rules! Lick my balls!' over and over, and there was no way to stop them. You tell them to shut it and they just pretend they didnt hear you, or start messaging you and annoying you.




It didnt not improve at all level 60. Which was the level you spent all your time at, because getting max level in wow took 1-2 weeks if your a gamer. Which is NOTHING compared to Runescape. If you joined a guild which was not 60 ONLY you will have a very fun time. :roll:




Even in the Elitist guilds there were power hungry and attention seeking jerks.




World of Warcraft is horrible. If you haven't tried it before. DONT EVER BUY IT. 15$ per month and 30$ or so for the game box. Constant server downtmes, horrible support and a load of idiots.




Nothing new if your coming from Runescape. Even the graphics are childish cartoon.




Stick with Runescape, WoW is horrible.




Before you say anything, i have played wow for a year including betas and so. Had 3x60's and developed some into tier2 and tier1 equipment. Been in maybe 8 diffrent guilds on 2 diffrent servers. Their all the same.




Do not purchase wow!








maybe on your server it was like that but it isnt on mine or the other ones that ive players on..




1st - How can u lv to 60 in 1-2 weeks? unless u play 24/7 thats not possible as it takes everyone ive asked at 60 about 20 days of game time to get to 60




2nd - People are not jerks like in runescape maybe you're getting the 2 confused :wink:




3rd constant server downtime?! i dont think so.. u get maybe 5 hours max a month which you cant play in and then they normally refund you about 2 days for it.. :lol:




4th - How are the graphics childish and cartoony ?.. just no.. NO :?




5th - the people that play WoW arent idiots theyre normally abut hmm 10x smarter than the people playing runescape at least.. people dont walk around followng people calling them noobs for not giving them gold.








EDIT :It didnt not improve at all level 60 really says it all :wink: :lol:




1. You can be level 60 in 1 week and 3 Days. If you played 18 hours a day.




2. People ARE jerks in Wow. And they are everywhere. Elitist Guilds, Low level Areas, Towns. EVERYWHERE.




3.5 Hours max? Your joking right? Constant Molten Core and Black Wing Lair instance server downtimes. Overheating when the Scarab Wall was opened. Offcourse, i do not count Maintence into that. That is a totaly normal thing, and should happen.




4. The graphics are cartoony, maybe not so childish but they are cartoony which gives them a hint of chidlness.




5. You are wrong. The only reason that seems like because all the idiots in WoW are stuck in low level areas, where the level 60's do not enter. In runescape, you sometimes go to noob areas for a quest or skill or whatever, and meet alot of them. In wow it is harder to find those noobs because they are all in their own area killing each other with words.




Period. Wow sucks.

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The max lvl in WoW is 60, and anyone whos played for more than 4 months has got it. Theres no choobs (or people arrogant because of their level) because there is so much people that are maxed out.








Also people pay too much to play WoW to get banned for abusing people.

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. OF COURSE there is still wonderful nice people in runescape but they are rare to find!




I feel special. Hooray!








No offense, but imo just about every other community on earth, excluding fps, is much nicer then rs, it's probably because of a few reasons...








1. It's easy to macro rs




2. You can make more then one account




3. Most people get bored of it at level 50




4. Everyone's a noob except me. Well, thats not true, im a noob too, but most people think that way.




5. No age restrictions








But, unfortunately, JaGeX 99% won't change any of these and most likely can't... like a viral disease, cause they just can't make people nice, despite all our efforts... :cry:
















Easy to macro RS? My friend told me they ALLOW macros on W0W :roll: IMO I have heard so much shit about WOW and I'm sick and tired of it, if anyone posts anything on this forum again, that I see, that supports or in anyway is positive towards WOW, you will recieve uber flem from yours truly :evil:












Please dont listen to any crap you here from anyone listen and how bout you learn something your self.








Get your own educated opinion not some propaganda you are fed.




I'd hardly call that propaganda - by saying that's propaganda is saying his friend is trying to bring down WoW by spreading slander. I'd say it's more of a case of the poster's friend being mis-informed, and passing the advice on to the poster. Don't tell me the people you know are right 100% of the time, because no one is.








Anyway, all I have to say about the topic is that the vast majority of people at my school who play WoW are "wagons" you might say :wink: The same goes for people who play WoW I know through rs. I know that doesn't represent the entire community and shouldn't be a good way to judge the WoW community, but it's just turned me away from WoW. Meanwhile, on rs I really wouldn't say I encounter "noobs" every single day I play. Maybe it's just because I'm p2p, but even when I venture onto f2p worlds for various reasons, I really don't see too many people trying to bug me. Sure, you'll get obnoxious people in pvp areas like the wildy, CW, etc. but to me it's just part of competition.

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