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Level 3 Skiller progress VLog =)

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Latest video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSAp8Mj9YBA&feature=channel_video_title


Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/sksheaven


Just my level 3 Skiller's progress! check it out guys! i constantly update my channel with progress and miscellaneous vids.


I might be doing commentaries soon aswell, even tho i speak Spanish.


One of my old prog vids:



Edited by Deidad
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Nice account! I love skillers (i'm a level 19 skiller, 100% f2p).

Keep up the great work! I hope I can someday catch up. ;)


Feel free to add me ingame if you'd like.


~Harpy/Loving Brah


92 Fishing | 92 Firemaking | 92 Dungeoneering | 99 Cooking

100% FTP | 800+ Total | 19 Combat

Optima dies.. prima fugit. .::. Forever a Harpy

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Such pretty levels/bank.


I really wish I was more dedicated. I haven't even played in 4 days. lol..


92 Fishing | 92 Firemaking | 92 Dungeoneering | 99 Cooking

100% FTP | 800+ Total | 19 Combat

Optima dies.. prima fugit. .::. Forever a Harpy

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What are you next goals anyways? Since you got 99 Mining, etc.


99 Farming would be my guess. Lol.

Good luck. :)


92 Fishing | 92 Firemaking | 92 Dungeoneering | 99 Cooking

100% FTP | 800+ Total | 19 Combat

Optima dies.. prima fugit. .::. Forever a Harpy

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99 Thieving, 97 at the moment.


Also 99 Farming of course, but before that probably 99 Fletching/Woodcutting or Firemaking.


Ahhh I see, well those are all cool. haha.


92 Fishing | 92 Firemaking | 92 Dungeoneering | 99 Cooking

100% FTP | 800+ Total | 19 Combat

Optima dies.. prima fugit. .::. Forever a Harpy

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Fletching for the lulz =)


Oh naise exp waste. ;)



92 Fishing | 92 Firemaking | 92 Dungeoneering | 99 Cooking

100% FTP | 800+ Total | 19 Combat

Optima dies.. prima fugit. .::. Forever a Harpy

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Ikr lol! i didnt know what to do =P i'm fming yews atm to get 83 and go to jandiko's after.


Oh nice.

Just got 800 total. I'm so happy. :P


92 Fishing | 92 Firemaking | 92 Dungeoneering | 99 Cooking

100% FTP | 800+ Total | 19 Combat

Optima dies.. prima fugit. .::. Forever a Harpy

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Bump with exp updates and what not. ;)


Being poor is so annoying. Hahaha. I can't even get 70 smithing efficiently due to it, so I'm cutting willows for 92 Woodcutting.

Pretty much taking over your blog now. ;)


92 Fishing | 92 Firemaking | 92 Dungeoneering | 99 Cooking

100% FTP | 800+ Total | 19 Combat

Optima dies.. prima fugit. .::. Forever a Harpy

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