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I think that there's more bans to follow. Not too long ago, 5,000 RSC players were banned. However, those were members only.








A reasonable estimate is that since RS2 is much harder to auto on, only 1 out of 10 people who would normally auto on RSC would auto on RS2.








So, 5,000/10 would be 500. But there are about 20 times more RS2 players than RSC players, so 20 x 500 would be 10,000. And suppose that there are 10 times more f2p players than members. That means that there's about 100k autoers!








I'd say that my guess is reasonable. Recently, someone here said that he saw 25 autoers in one place, but only about four of them got banned.





Baratus [AS] max hit: 166 with Moon Battle Hammer

ixfd64 [AS] max hit: 116 with (untitled spell #2)

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I wonder if it is possible to kill item-collecting autoers like we did on RSC.








In RuneScape Classic, some players found out ways to kill certain autoers. For example, if a player was using a bot (not a macro) to collect feathers, then it was often possible to drop feather trails to lead the autoers to dangerous monsters where they got killed.








Theoretically, this should work on RS2 as well.








Has anyone ever tried to kill RS2 autoers this way?








I'd love to hear about it.








Maybe I'll hunt for RS2 autoers when my membership expires.





Baratus [AS] max hit: 166 with Moon Battle Hammer

ixfd64 [AS] max hit: 116 with (untitled spell #2)

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Anyone know if the banned people have been removed from hiscores yet?








They probably have. When they wrongly banned me for pass scamming my account was removed from highscores. I got it back now, yay!!








I wonder if it is possible to kill item-collecting autoers like we did on RSC.








In RuneScape Classic, some players found out ways to kill certain autoers. For example, if a player was using a bot (not a macro) to collect feathers, then it was often possible to drop feather trails to lead the autoers to dangerous monsters where they got killed.








Theoretically, this should work on RS2 as well.








Has anyone ever tried to kill RS2 autoers this way?








I'd love to hear about it.








Maybe I'll hunt for RS2 autoers when my membership expires.








Theres are a few ways to kill autoers, i was killing some at aurbury before the mass ban, works very well on low worlds with lvl 3 autoers.




1) keep mugger alive




2) keep door closed




3) if mugger is inside runes shop, keep door closed and watch the lvl 3 die. take there ess and bury there bones.




4) if mugger is outside rune shop, keep door closed and watch lvl 3s trying to get in to tele get killed by mugger. bury there bones.












15000 is a big number, of course it's most of the lvl 3s who use aryan(illegal mudclient for runescape).I don't recommend using this, you will get banned.I don't use it because i don't like cheating.








Im shocked that so many people think that theres an easy way to gain exp and money. there isn't and won't be. Cheating is not allowed in runescape and it spoils the game. Ive been playing for almost 2 years, and havn't cheated at all, because i like playing runescape.








Also, some cheating forums have closed down, which is very good because they might not start up again. Good they all got banned lol.








JAGEX owns all!! Fully Pwned!!

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Wow this is great!!! Now my hard smithing and mining work really does pay off (ty jagex).








On the multiple accounts thing: I sometimes help my friend out or vice versa, and we sometimes use each other's accounts, but we aren't related and we just help each other out.

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Well, looks like the autoers are back (Coughtoldyousocough)








Jagex can ban these autoers all they want, but they're not actually stopping them and have never been able to.








Yup, they are back.

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Well, looks like the autoers are back (Coughtoldyousocough)








Jagex can ban these autoers all they want, but they're not actually stopping them and have never been able to.




















Notice anything strange about this picture?



and I <3 cabbage. so green, and leafy, and good.

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Well, looks like the autoers are back (Coughtoldyousocough)








Jagex can ban these autoers all they want, but they're not actually stopping them and have never been able to.




















Notice anything strange about this picture?








lol its like a rs horor movie

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I have found various to confirm if someone is an autoer








1)Try and talk to them, they will either not talk, or give one response.




2)Check the highscore. They are mostly to have 1 or 2 skills.




3)They have a default look - bald with a small beard, see the picture above.




4)They dont make diagonal turns




5)They always walk in a fixed path.




6)if they are programmed to pick certain things up, like ess, leave a trail of it and they will pick it up.




7)They have a low combat lvl. there are more pure non-combatters now though, but most of them look different and talk to people.








Hopefully more can be caught out this way.



"In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move."
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