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Wouldn't CW be better if you couldn't hold your own flag?


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I've posted about this a while ago, but it still bugs me. I'll also set this up by saying I play CW purely to get combat xp; I drop the tix as soon as the game ends. However...








I suggest that one should not be able to hold their own standard outside the castle. I think it's silly. It should go back to the standard as soon as one of your own picks it up.








As we know, what usually happens is a lvl 116 or so holds his own flag and no newbie on the other team can do a darn thing about it. Yes, that guy deserves to have a combat advantage due to his level, but that doesn't mean it should interfere with the whole "siege and plunder" concept of CW.








Think of the layout. The whole CW arena is also based on different ways (the bridge, stones, underground, battlements, barricades) to defend your/reach the other team's standard stand at the top of the castle. If a high level can just hold the flag, which happens half (if not most) of the time, the whole layout becomes obsolete.








It makes a big difference. If the flag is returned to the standard, that means a lower level player might actually reach the stand and take the flag! What!? Wait a minute, that's fun! That's interesting! If it stays in the hands of that lvl 116, then you must chase him knowing the only way to get the flag is by actually killing him. Not likely, and certainly not fun. Not interesting. In fact, the only "fun" being had, although it seems boring to me, is by that high level player who is all but impervious to attack.








Which brings me to my final thought. I'd like to add that it's pretty sad and ridiculous that people want to "win" at CW in this manner. Do you think that lvl 116 really wants decorative CW armor? Of course not. He probably just wants to cheese off all the newbies who would otherwise ENJOY CW. Unfortunately, that happens all too often in RS. So, when the match is over or close to it, all the lower level players on the winning team say ZAMMY/SARA RULZ (or something much more vulgar), when really all that happened was a high level player showed his defense/prayer off for the greater part of 20 minutes.








Now, is that what CW should really be about?









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nah i like it, it stops the lvls 63-70's getting the flag as they know tehy will lose it. i think holding your own flag is a good little twist to cw. besides if you die with the flag it seems only fair that there should be a con to it rather then just waste of time.


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nah i like it, it stops the lvls 63-70's getting the flag as they know tehy will lose it. i think holding your own flag is a good little twist to cw. besides if you die with the flag it seems only fair that there should be a con to it rather then just waste of time.








I'm not picking on you, Phil. I've liked your posts in the past.








You said "it stops the lvl 63-70s from getting the flag." I don't see why they shouldn't. They should be allowed the fun of trying to score for their team, too. If JAGeX only wanted the high levels to get the flag in CW, they'd have eliminated prayer or reduced the healing effect of bandages. Even if that were the case, I still don't see why they shouldn't be able to go for the flag.








I don't understand what you mean in the second part I bolded. Could you explain that again?









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even thou i only played once cw and didnt see any flag holders i must agree that one team shouldnt be able to pick its flag....the whole concept of ctf is based that when u get your own flag it gets back to your base


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nah i like it, it stops the lvls 63-70's getting the flag as they know tehy will lose it. i think holding your own flag is a good little twist to cw. besides if you die with the flag it seems only fair that there should be a con to it rather then just waste of time.












I don't understand what you mean in the second part I bolded. Could you explain that again?
















I think Phil means that if you die with the flag, the con is that the other team gets the flag.

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nah i like it, it stops the lvls 63-70's getting the flag as they know tehy will lose it. i think holding your own flag is a good little twist to cw. besides if you die with the flag it seems only fair that there should be a con to it rather then just waste of time.








I don't understand what you mean in the second part I bolded. Could you explain that again?
















I think Phil means by the con is that the other team gets the flag

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nah i like it, it stops the lvls 63-70's getting the flag as they know tehy will lose it. i think holding your own flag is a good little twist to cw. besides if you die with the flag it seems only fair that there should be a con to it rather then just waste of time.








I don't understand what you mean in the second part I bolded. Could you explain that again?
















I think Phil means by the con is that the other team gets the flag




but the waste of time is already a con. and not reaching the other base should be a con, as in time wasted. it shouldnt automatically lose you the match

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I don't understand what you mean in the second part I bolded. Could you explain that again?
















I think Phil means that if you die with the flag, the con is that the other team gets the flag.








I suppose that's true-they get the flag at the spot it's dropped, but it still doesn't solve the problem of actually getting that guy to drop it in the first place.









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I agree, btw is the 116's name like nikergatos or somethin in guthans? he always gets it when i go after him he prays and runs around, then i get frozen and piled by like 20 people :(








Er, I'm pretty sure I've never played CW with the same people more than twice. It's not one guy's fault, it happens all the time.








Anwyays, the next time I see this happen, I'll probably send the suggestion to JAGeX for the heckuvit.









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