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Black Ibis & God Sceptre


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I've gone from 77 - 96 Thieving in the past couple of weeks all at Pyramid Plunder - over 8m XP & I'm yet to see a single piece of Black Ibis gear.


More importantly, I'm still without the God Sceptre (which allegedly makes the Ibis drop less rare!!) - thats over 3.5m xp since I could get into the final room. By my rudimentary calculations thats in excess of 200 Engraved Sarcophagus's opened.


I've also only had 3 of the normal Sceptres in the 8m xp - that also seems low.


Come on Jagex give me a bit of help here.



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Like a J-mod said on HLF, it's all about luck. Some people can get it fairly fast and others take forever. :(


I only got 3 regular sceptres to 99 myself. Are you wearing ring of wealth?


"Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night and all the nights to come."

"An imperfect man can do great deeds, and a great man imperfect ones.

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Keep doing what you're doing till 99.



If no SotG by then, just start rushing the Engraved till you get sceptre.


Once you get that start on your Full Ibis, start room 1 opening all the urns and sarcophagus upwards till you run out of time.

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Keep doing what you're doing till 99.



If no SotG by then, just start rushing the Engraved till you get sceptre.


Once you get that start on your Full Ibis, start room 1 opening all the urns and sarcophagus upwards till you run out of time.


I had thought about doing that once I got Sceptre of the Gods - not overly worried about 99 I just want the gear :D


& I am wearing ROW.



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Wish there was another way to get the Ibis Gear.


Wearing a Ring of Wealth?

Going for 200M All Skills on Matt258. [qfc]48-49-837-63099395[/qfc]

@Matt258RS Twitch: Matt258RuneScape

My Youtube user name: birdman258 200MCook ProfitCook 200mPrayer MakinWines MyF2pSkillers

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I would get the outfit, but it doesn't look good enough to warrant the amount of time it takes. I personally would just go for constructor's outfit, pharaoh's outfit or hybrid armour for a similar look.

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