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need help with a woman :(


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Just tell her how you feel, ask her to a movie, make a move and take it from there.








I'm a girl, and I approve. If someone liked me, that's the perfect way to pop the question. Just tell her the truth and let her know how you feel. The spilting: Alright! Good luck with whatever you choose to do!

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$10 says some 39 year old guy wearing inch thick glasses with cheese stained fingers is at the other end of that thread.















dude shut up, im 15, and i dnt like cheese lol, id love 2 giv u some proof but well i cant, so well, all i can say 2 ure post is, amibovered?








Is amibovered even a word? Im pretty sure it isnt.








Even if you happen to be 15 as you say, you're still lame. Tell me you would ask this on a runescape-based forum. You have to be either awfully sad with no human contact OR speaking out your a*se.








It's really hard to guess which one it is with you.

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tell her that you are hungry and that if she makes u a cheesecake u will let her in ure pants.
















nar jokes.




In my experience ( 8) ) i found out that the main things chicks like is honesty and eyecontact. even if ure ugly as buggery and smell like a sewer filled wiht genetal discharge it will work. DO NOT USE CORNY PICK UP LINES!! trust me they are like the worst thing to do, even as a joke.








good luck

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If shes still with her boyfriend, don't get your hopes up, I've been in a very similar situation just recently, I got my hopes up and my heart ended up being shattered, so only start planning out what you are going to do after shes available and your sure shes over her current bf, cause the pain of rejection can be unbearable.



~^v^~Ex-Leader of the Divine Flames of Redemption~^v^~

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Necromagus... It really doesnt matter if you can spell or not...




Okay, well, if you REALLY like her, talk to her current b/f. Or, if all three of you are 18+... Threesome! ;) jk... but maybe not. ANYWAYS, yeah, ask her out to a movie, give her a little stuffed teddie bear and a rose or two. (DON'T let her bf see that stuff unless you want to die ;))








Edit: Don't be shy to hold her hand when youre around her parents, if you do go out with her.








its 16 y/o to have sexual intercourse :S

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