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Player Owned Businesses!


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I think we should have player owned businesses in the game, me and my friend were talking about this earlier. We could set up a stand, like maybe start out on a cart, then you can raise levels (I don't know like sales levels, maybe a new skill?), when you get enough levels, you can upgrade to a real shop instead of a cart. Post what you think below, but I think, it would make things a lot easier.

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sounds like a great idea but...there are some problems with it:




1) where would there be room to have shops




2) monopolizing, ppl with nothing better to do would completely take over this skill




those are just some problems that i thought of when i read it








but there is some good potential just needs a bit more thought put into it


Goals: 80/80 Range, 75/90 Strength, 77/85 Attack, 64/76 Fishing and crafting 31k natures (o.O)

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i don't get what's the difference between a shop and how players sell stuff now.(saying the items they sell, and people would trade them)








and as Captaingoodguy said, there won't be enough room.


Miami Heat 4ever fan.

Yes, i'm a girl! I like to watch NBA, so? =]]

Thanks star_in_the_sky for the AMAZING sig and eckered for the great avvy!!

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yeah, and if you feel like making money, go to an economic-simulation game or smthing.




Runescape is not supposed to be about making money. Its supposed to be RPG!




I dont know why people insist in maing so mch money in this game. Lets suppose you have 1 billion g! SO what? Whats the point of it? You wont be able to buy a lot of stuff because you wasted so much time making money that you didnt raise your skills enough.

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yeah, and if you feel like making money, go to an economic-simulation game or smthing.




Runescape is not supposed to be about making money. Its supposed to be RPG!




I dont know why people insist in maing so mch money in this game. Lets suppose you have 1 billion g! SO what? Whats the point of it? You wont be able to buy a lot of stuff because you wasted so much time making money that you didnt raise your skills enough.








they focus on the money making aspect of role-playing games...they role play as the merchants, entrepenuers, etc.




There is no set "purpose" so to speak in Runescape. Its a very open game, you can do what you want: you can kill monsters, make items, do quests, wander around for no reason, go pking, or train skills. Likewise, you can make money. If you have 1 billion g, then your training and other aspects of the game become much easier. There are many skills you can simply "buy" levels for (mage by buying runes, smith by buying bars/ores, crafting buy buying raw materials, prayer by buying bones, rune crafting indirectly by buying esses, and fletching buy buying necessary materials. Also, without money, how do you suppose all those high level armors, which can run in surpluses of over 11 mil, are bought?








All in all, money making is a significant portion of runescape.

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People like making money because they either like to make themselves look ownage, and to make them stronger. Like myself i like money making because I like to look different as in have rare items and different than everyone else.

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alright ive come up with a possivle solution too problems












problem1:no room








response:its a computer game they can make more room








problem 2: people 2 rich/skills








response:either must buy store to run it or special skill you must work on to be effective








problem 3 : f2p or p2p








response: f2p all the way!!!! :D












alllright im oopen to criticisam these are just some thoughts

Join the petition for a new bank page layout! -This is the best thing since sliced bread!!
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1 i believe to solve space problems a little maybe you could only make a shop for one thing: e.g, food, fish ect and you had to be lvl 60 at that skill to sell it.




2 you had to buy the stall




3 there were spaces e.g fally square were you could open stalls but you can only open stalls there




4 you had to wait for stalls to clear off if it got too crowded




5 stealing from player made stalls was possible but required a high thieving and there were lots of guards to put people off




6 the more exspensive the stall the harder to rob

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I believe that it is an absolutely brilliant idea!Partially because my friend and myself were also thinking of something very similar.Runescape should just have alot of empty land that you can set up shops and cities and even build apartment buildings or something.A suggestion I would like to add would be a contract type of thing.It would allow people to hire workers for jobs officially so no one would get cheated.The idea would open up a whole new market of mercantile trade and create countless jobs for runescapes poor.

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i think thats an OK idea.. but i think it wouldnt help that much you just stand there for ages until sumone comes??








I think that there shud be like a place where u put yur items and put a price and then u go and check that place later to see if anyone bought it yet and then u claim yur money... :)

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