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Fitness Tips?


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I am sure people have posted these in the past (or present), but I would love some help from you guys (I am assuming you have some decent knowledge on the subject) on how best I could improve my fitness.


Here are a few things about me:


Height: 6' 1.5"

Weight: 169.5 lbs

Age: 17


(if you need more info here let me know)


Personally, I will make a disclaimer that since we are only now leaving winter (I live in the US) I haven't exercised much during the winter, but anyways.


So I have noticed that in comparison to last summer, I have 1) gained weight in certain areas and 2) lost muscle mass in other areas.

As a result, I would love to get back into the best condition I possibly can, but am unsure about where to start/how best to start.


Here are some the places I'd like to work on:

Fat Removal:

- Around my hips/waist I have a good 1/1.5in of extra fat on top of muscle and I'd love to get rid of most of this (my guess is I am about 13% bodyfat and this is where alot of it is concentrated).

- The top of my thighs (below the butt/in the crotch area)

-> just so you know, my legs are actually very muscular, I can visible see three muscles on my thighs and my calf muscles are decently toned


Muscle gain:

- arms (just tone them mostly, but i'd like to get some bulk too), mostly biceps and a little forearms as well

- chest, just general chest area (also losing some fat off here would be good too)

- abs, though honestly i just need to lose fat off these, i have a very strong core and mostly just need to tone it once i remove all the fat




Now what are your guys' thoughts on where best to start?


Diet-wise I have little control over what I eat at meals seeing as I am finishing highschool and still living at home. However, what I eat/don't eat in between meals is entirely up to me (and to be entirely honest I tend to be not wise about what I snack on).


Exercise-wise I have some control, but the weather is also hit-or miss depending on the day, since winter is still kind of here but spring is coming -> so workouts would be prefered if mostly inside, but i'd love to have a few out door work out suggestions as well.


I hear that doing intervals (jog 30 secs, spring 30 secs, etc.) is the best for fat loss, but was wondering if you guys have any additional tips?


If this really takes off, I will post progression pictures (and start ones if you guys are actually interested in helping).


For any help you can give, thank you!

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No such thing as targeted fat removal as you seem to be asking for in part. Body fat will add on to and be removed from wherever your body choses regardless of supposedly 'targeted' exercises.


I'd say a good way to start is to get your eating in check, something like myfitnesspal or similar can be great if your not naturally skilled at calorie counting, plus if you work well with targets and numbers its a good motivator.


From there you'd wanna look at bringing in some cardio, running/jogging is a nice easy one - aim to go out 3 times a week and work towards doing a 20-30minute non-stop run. Just start easy like do 1min jog, 4min walk for a week then push on to 2min run 3 min walk and so on until you can run for solid time - then work on improving distances and times and such.


For muscles if you just wanna do arms, chest and abs you can just stick to a few tried and tested methods.

Planking and all it's variants + crunches to help with abs.

Press-ups will work the chest, shoulders and arms

Get some dumbells and do bicep curls and tricep extensions if you really wanna work the arms more.


HIIT - High Intensity Interval Training is a good fat burner for sure but not really necessary for most; its of most use to body-builder types with already low body fat percentages (like sub 10%) who really wanna push it to proper cut. I mean nothing wrong with doing it but for an average joe getting rid of a bit of weight regular cardio should suffice and is easier to implement.


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On the diet-side of things, what would be a good calorie count per day for my age/height?


Press-ups I assume are push-ups?



Personally, I'd love to get to 8% or lower body fat, just so that I am not going into college with my weight being a stress factor as well as my school.

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Well running your figures through a BMR calc comes out at 1856 Calories a day burnt for doing nothing. Given that figure I'd question whether you actually ought to be trying to lose weight at all or if your figures are incorrect.


I mean at your 'ideal weight' (according to bmi) BMR is usually around 2,000 so a result of 1856 for BMR makes it sound like you are right where you should be or even a smidge underweight unless you have a very narrow frame build.


For a frame of reference I'm 6'4" and BMi says I ought to be ~200lbs.


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Well running your figures through a BMR calc comes out at 1856 Calories a day burnt for doing nothing. Given that figure I'd question whether you actually ought to be trying to lose weight at all or if your figures are incorrect.


I mean at your 'ideal weight' (according to bmi) BMR is usually around 2,000 so a result of 1856 for BMR makes it sound like you are right where you should be or even a smidge underweight unless you have a very narrow frame build.


For a frame of reference I'm 6'4" and BMi says I ought to be ~200lbs.


I got about 2050 calories through the myfitnesspal thing.


Well I don't necessarily care about weight, I want to gain muscle and lose fat, so weight-wise I probably will actually gain 3-4 lbs if not more.


But by actual weight I may be "underweight" for my height/age but still be fat by actual means. So the goal is to lose the fat (and lose weight as a result) and gain the weight back (and maybe more) with muscle.

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I'd worry less about calories than eating the right kind of food. Eating 2500 calories a day of healthy food is much better than eating 2500 calories of junk food.

"It's not a rest for me, it's a rest for the weights." - Dom Mazzetti

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I'd worry less about calories than eating the right kind of food. Eating 2500 calories a day of healthy food is much better than eating 2500 calories of junk food.


Beyond the obvious (chips, candy, etc.), what would you label as bad/good? Anything over "x" amount of fat grams per calories or..?

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It sounds like weight lose is something important to you, so maintaining a healthy diet is key. Cutting you daily soda consumption, could cut hundreds of empty calories from your diet is one example.


Now I don't know if you are planning to acquire a gym membership or anything but squats, dead lifts, and cleans are great exercises that can be done almost anywhere. I'd also look into following a crossfit workout of the day program, which could help you start getting into a routine. Running is also great for cardio, so are rowing machines, and cycling, which a person can do just about anywhere.

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It sounds like weight lose is something important to you, so maintaining a healthy diet is key. Cutting you daily soda consumption, could cut hundreds of empty calories from your diet is one example.


Now I don't know if you are planning to acquire a gym membership or anything but squats, dead lifts, and cleans are great exercises that can be done almost anywhere. I'd also look into following a crossfit workout of the day program, which could help you start getting into a routine. Running is also great for cardio, so are rowing machines, and cycling, which a person can do just about anywhere.


Not sure if you read a few posts above or not, but honestly I could care less about my weight, my fat on the other hand is what I want to remove (weight being tied into this, but regardless).


I will be leaving for university in August and don't see the reason to spend money on a gym when most workouts can be done at home (or so I would presume).


I definitely will begin trying to find ways to cut calories and just shape up my diet as a whole.


I don't drink much soda besides like Izzies (ever-so-often) which are really just carbonated fruit juice.

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I'd worry less about calories than eating the right kind of food. Eating 2500 calories a day of healthy food is much better than eating 2500 calories of junk food.


Beyond the obvious (chips, candy, etc.), what would you label as bad/good? Anything over "x" amount of fat grams per calories or..?


Eat fruit, meat, and vegetables however much you want. Eat anything else sparingly.


And by mean I mean real meat, not chicken mcnuggets.

"It's not a rest for me, it's a rest for the weights." - Dom Mazzetti

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I can't really give you the most scientific answer, but food is the body's fuel, you eat good, your body is going to treat you good which translate to energy, muscle growth, & overall better health. It's usually advised to eat about 30mins to an hour before a workout so your body has time to digest & use whatever it has taken in to maximize your effort and results.


The majority of my workouts are between meals, so I usually have an energy or protein bar before, and then have something big after.

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I can't really give you the most scientific answer, but food is the body's fuel, you eat good, your body is going to treat you good which translate to energy, muscle growth, & overall better health. It's usually advised to eat about 30mins to an hour before a workout so your body has time to digest & use whatever it has taken in to maximize your effort and results.


The majority of my workouts are between meals, so I usually have an energy or protein bar before, and then have something big after.


Ok, interesting. I have heard tons of different opinions on the matter differing from don't eat 3 hours beforehand to don't eat until an hour after.

But what you said makes sense and I will try it and see what works best.

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I always have breakfast, go to gym about 30-60 minutes later, work out of 60-90 minutes then as soon as I get home have a protein shake, 2 bananas and a meal full of protein and calories, I don't really care what I eat after a work out as long as it's not fast food and there's a lot of it. But yeah, definitely eat right after a workout if you're looking to build some muscle man

RIP Michaelangelopolous

u can control my tip it account, but youll never control how fine i am!

This is by FAR my favorite song:


I love N_odie and would never edit his posts! I love Rainy_Day too <3 And also Cowman_133. <33 Oh, and Laikrob is a going to hunt me down and kill me like a pest kangaroo if I reveal how awesome she is. I owe tripsis skittles. DarkDude feels like he's missing out. This is my siggy! - n_odie Rainy_Day MINE! - n_odie Rainy_Day And meol shouldn't feel left out. Oh, and Y_Guy is a noob awesome


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I always have breakfast, go to gym about 30-60 minutes later, work out of 60-90 minutes then as soon as I get home have a protein shake, 2 bananas and a meal full of protein and calories, I don't really care what I eat after a work out as long as it's not fast food and there's a lot of it. But yeah, definitely eat right after a workout if you're looking to build some muscle man


This will be very helpful once I am in college and have a gym at my full use, right now it's a hassel to get to one near my house consistently, so I tend to do shorter workouts at home.



I've heard some things from people saying like "workouts longer than 20mins don't build muscle blahblah" as far as you guys know, is there any truth in that?


Apparently, the amino acids in your system are used up after 20mins of "hard" workout (anything after warming up).

Unsure of the truth in this or not.

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  • 2 months later...

Calorie surplus for building muscle, and calorie deficit for losing weight and fat. Both require high protein consumption to build and to maintain your muscle. It's that simple.


So if I'm trying to gain muscle as well as lose weight I should just exercise more and then eat a little less/more leanly?

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Calorie surplus for building muscle, and calorie deficit for losing weight and fat. Both require high protein consumption to build and to maintain your muscle. It's that simple.


So if I'm trying to gain muscle as well as lose weight I should just exercise more and then eat a little less/more leanly?

No, eat more just incredibly cleanly while exercising 4-5 times a week. Count your macro's if you're really serious

RIP Michaelangelopolous

u can control my tip it account, but youll never control how fine i am!

This is by FAR my favorite song:


I love N_odie and would never edit his posts! I love Rainy_Day too <3 And also Cowman_133. <33 Oh, and Laikrob is a going to hunt me down and kill me like a pest kangaroo if I reveal how awesome she is. I owe tripsis skittles. DarkDude feels like he's missing out. This is my siggy! - n_odie Rainy_Day MINE! - n_odie Rainy_Day And meol shouldn't feel left out. Oh, and Y_Guy is a noob awesome


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