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Moneymaking help


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These are my stats:



As you can see I'm currently mining pure essence and it isn't great money, but it's something. I have about 150k now.

What I want to do is get my melee stats to 60 or something so I can then start Runecrafting for money, it's my favourite skill and I want to get untrimmed 99.

I want to know different methods to make make money so I can successfully do this.


Thanks in advance. :)


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I'd suggest getting 32 farming, and start farming ranarrs. It's easy money and you could do other stuff irl while waiting for herbs to grow, or do other things in RS, like train combat. Just check the herbs every 80 minutes and plant new ones, and boom, tons of profit. I've made virtually all my money this way, which is probably around 50m total, and I'm only 80 farm, including a bunch of trees I've planted.

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R.I.P Shiva and The Old Nite

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GWD: 3x Saradomin Sword, 2x Saradomin Hilt, 2X B Boots, 1x Tasset, 2X B Plate, 2X Shard, 1X D Med

TDs: 3x Solo Claws, 1x Solo Armour Piece

99 Untrimmed HP, 0% Pc'd and before Soul Wars -- Trimmed July 1, 2009

First Untrimmed HP Cape to 96 summon, top 300 to 96 summon

Proud owner of the strength, magic, range, and hitpoints capes.


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i'm interested in using 07 to make eoc money. is farming ranarrs like 15m/hr eoc in terms of actual time spent on 07?



except i suppose i'd have to get ectophial+plague city+51 magic+my arm's big adventure at a minimum to make it efficient, wouldn't I

best drops (reasonably accurate/up to date): 1x Elysian Sigil (LS), 1x Arcane Sigil (cs), 4x Armadyl Hilt (solo at 100m, 100m, 50m, and 5m), 2x Saradomin Hilt (solo at 25m), 5x Draconic Visage (34m,1.2m,1.2m) and various cs/ls/ffa Nex splits.
Drygore Drops: 7 Longswords, 3 Maces, 3 Rapiers, 3 Off-hand Rapiers,  5 Off-hand Maces, 3 Off-hand Longswords

ROTS Shields: 12  Seismics: 16

Ascension Crossbows: 6  Spider Legs: 10

Countless Armadyl armour pieces, Saradomin amulets, Dragon Hatchets, and Fremenik Rings.
Range~Herblore~Construction~Constitution~Defence~Farming~Magic~Attack~Prayer~Strength~Summoning~Slayer~Mining~Dungeoneering~Firemaking~Agility~Magic Mastery~Summoning Mastery~Cooking~Smithing~Fletching~Thieving~Hunter~Woodcutting~Fishing~Runecrafting


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I'll do some basic math and figure it out for you...


So let's say buying 100 seeds @ 16k ea+melons (idk, like 30k for 100 or so) for super compost takes you like, an hour, just to be on the high side.


Each farm run will take like 7 minutes (again, on the high side)


You'll recieve 6 rannars/patch on average, so 24/4 patch or 30/5 patch


You'll repeat this either 25 or 20 times, depending on how many patches.


Ranarrs sell for 5100 atm.


So, you'll spend ~1.7M for seeds, super compost (melons) and teleport runes per 100 seeds.

You'll receive ~600 ranarrs for about 3m, which is 1.3m profit.


Assuming 4 patches, this will take you 235 minutes, so just shy of 4 hours of actual play time.

With 5 patches, it'll take you 200 minutes, so ~ 3hr25min.


With 4 patches, this equates to 332k/hr OS gp.

With 5 patches, this is 390k/hr OS gp.


You can probably get about 1:10 ratio of OS->RS3 atm, so it'll be between 3.3-4m/hr, as a very rough estimate. Chances are, it's higher, since most times it won't take you an hour to buy seeds/melons/runes.



If you really wanted 15m/hr RS3 though, all you need is 91 RC!

R.I.P Shiva and The Old Nite

Visit My Huge Goals!!! <---- Click This

My Pk Gallery


GWD: 3x Saradomin Sword, 2x Saradomin Hilt, 2X B Boots, 1x Tasset, 2X B Plate, 2X Shard, 1X D Med

TDs: 3x Solo Claws, 1x Solo Armour Piece

99 Untrimmed HP, 0% Pc'd and before Soul Wars -- Trimmed July 1, 2009

First Untrimmed HP Cape to 96 summon, top 300 to 96 summon

Proud owner of the strength, magic, range, and hitpoints capes.


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  • 2 months later...

Like everyone else said, start farming ranarrs. You can buy the acorns for 15-33 farming for less than 25-30k most likely. Keep mining pure essence until you can buy 5-10 glories to Rc natures.

You can also fish tuna & swordfish. I was surprised to find out raw tuna sells for 200-250 each, and swordfish is a little higher. 

Once you have around 2M, you can start flipping items. Enjoy.

My first (unfinished) website: www.high-mind.com
I only play Old School RS. I buy/sell a lot of seeds; add me if you're interested.

OS RSN: Jordxx

My CML: http://crystalmathlabs.com/tracker/track.php?user=jordxx (Click 'update')



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