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for those of you who new him, you can view the write up at this link




http://www.nzherald.co.nz/section/story ... D=10367694








I first met gedgee on rs classic. He was 86 mining and was power mining iron ore, while i was trying to get 85. He was quite amazing for such early days of rs with his 86 mining and 98 or so combat. He was a great guy and we became friends that have lasted till now 3 years later...








Throughout the 3 years we have got to become great friends. I have spoken to him regularily every week for the last 3 years. When he quit rs a year ago for a few months in order to study aviation and become top in his class i was upset. But to see him come back i was very happy. Before he quit, me and him would pk together both being lvl 100 or so (cause i had now caught his lvl.) We wanted to become great pkers together. I pked my first whip on his return to rs against suniki back when whips were 12mill each. Since then he has been training mage very hard and reached 96 mage. Just recently we have been pkign every day for 3 or so weeks. Then the last conversation i had with him on 9th febuary the day before he died. I told him about new update with a new monster, most likely dropping dragon 2 hander. He was happy to here this and said that when he got back from his flight he would train hard at bandits. Then he didnt log on for a week. I began worrying because usually when he has been away for a few days he would tell me. Having a weird feeling i searched for accidents on his schools flying page where he had recently showed me what plane he flies. I saw nothing, still not convined i searched his name on google and their it was first article new zealand herald. Absolutely shocked i was crying and shakign very hard.








The night before he died we happened ot be talking about careers. I don't know what i w nt to do when im older but he sure did. He said he had almost gotten his flying qualficiations then he was going on holidays to australia. Where i live, before doing another 10 years to become head pilot for qantas. He said qantas because the girls were better looking and air newzealand employs older uglier women. Their was his last of many humorous words.








Gedgee you will always be a good friend of mine and i wish you luck in whatever is to come after death. R.I.P gedgee
















on this site you can watch the news report about the event, if you want

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Too bad that another great player died :cry:








i know a few days ago i read about anarith, and although i didn't now him much i felt very upset. Then when it happens to gedgee my best friend on rs and that i have know for so many years, it just teared me apart :(




and the fact that he new what he wanted in life and aimed for it, makes his death so much more upsetting

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My post on ds forums:












well, friend of mine, blenna and waxfingers died a few days ago.








It started 2 or 3 years ago, i was being a tele noob at castle.




blenna invited me to rox (to bs me for rune lol) but i ended up helping out so they didnt kill me.








the team was












Goku jin4




















we pked for a few, i added them and stuff.. we kept pking at rox switching and killing miners, running from clans praying etc.








(this was b4 ds tho lol)








i also remember the day i hit 80 cmb, just before blenna :D he was about 79 lol








so then, gedgee stoped playing rs.








few months l8er, me and blenna saw him log in (yay) so we played around and stuff had a good time :D. he was 93 or 94 i was 106 and blenna 116 (i just got unbanned after 4 months)












Well, today on msn Waxfingers (spencer) sent me a link...








to my horror my great friend Gedgee, was dead.








Rip, a hero, a pker, a friend.











Flying was young pilot's life, and death








10.02.06 4.00pm












A Tauranga man tragically killed in a mid-air plane collision was just weeks away from gaining his commercial pilot's licence -- and flying was his life.








Brandon James Gedge, 20, died in his cockpit yesterday when his single-engine Piper Cherokee training aircraft crashed into paddocks near Shannon, southwest of Palmerston North, about 10am.








The two light planes collided over Manawatu and one of the aircraft was reported to have had a close call with a rescue helicopter minutes earlier.








Mr Gedge was a second-year student at Massey University's School of Aviation, along with Dae Jin Hwang, 27, from West Auckland, who also died when the planes collided.








Early this morning Mr Gedge's parents, Lyn and Neil, along with his elder sister Aynsley, flew to Palmerston North to the scene of the crash to pay tribute and bring their son's body home, the Bay of Plenty Times reported.








Mr Gedge senior is the manager of Elliotts Funeral Services in Tauranga.








Mrs Gedge told the Bay of Plenty Times today she couldn't find the words to describe her son, who was respected by everyone.








"He was quiet and deep thinking and didn't make a lot of fuss about anything. We were really close as a family. What can you say? He was a good kid."








The former Tauranga Boys' College student was looking forward to getting his commercial pilot's licence on March 9.








Air Discovery Rotorua -- an on-demand charter flight service -- had expressed interest in employing him at the end of the year.








"Their instructor phoned his father and said that when he finished at the end of the year they wanted his CV because he had a fantastic attitude. The instructor rang three times to reiterate. We told Brandon and he didn't believe it -- he didn't believe in himself sometimes.








"He was an unassuming kid ... he had a very dry sense of humour."








His whole life revolved around flying and the air -- it was a passion that infiltrated every moment of his life, his family say.








"He was in a flat down there at Palmerston North with other students. Their flat backed on to the runway. That was his life, that's all he talked about."








Mrs Gedge said her son had finally regained control of his life after a period of ill-health and a long stint in Auckland Hospital in his final two years at high school.








"Brandon and I spent a lot of time together in his sixth and seventh form. He was in Auckland Hospital a lot of the time and it was often just he and I. You do grow extremely close."








Mr Gedge was a prefect in his last year at college, and played cricket and soccer for the school.








His huge contribution as a saxophonist in the college's acclaimed jazz Big Band was today recalled by the school's head of music, John Page.








Mr Page, the band director during Mr Gedge's last two years at the college, said the young man was a talented and gifted musician who was highly respected by his fellow students.








"He had a real determination to achieve in whatever he tried to do."








Mr Page said his former student's whole ethos toward life shone through when he struggled with his health during his senior years at college.








A funeral for Mr Gedge will take place next Wednesday at Holy Trinity church, where he used to play in the church band.



















quoted from:





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omg! nooo!




not another one!




I am very sorry to hear this...








Another death - Another tear




There is no perfect time to go...

^^Yeah, and im writing a book about it!^^

Bounty Hunter is nothing more than a lame ass excuse not to say there is no PKing.


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i didn't really know gedgee until he came back to rs2, when gedgee,blenna and me started pking in mb i remember me being a total noob and i looked up to him even tho he did get k0ed heaps :).








it wasn't until a few months ago since me and gedgee started talking more as i got more use to the game and pking that i realised how much of a nice guy he was. i just wish that i could have meet him, i remember a while back saying that when he gets his flying licence that he should could come fly over hear so we can meet.








dude where ever you are i hope the best. R.I.P dude








posman (nick)

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How does everybody know who he is? lol theres 200,000 players on rs and you know this certain one?








because he has been playin since the early days of rs, and has always been a very good pker while being kind to all at the same time

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man :cry: ... if theres anythin i can do to help, just pm me. wether its just a vent to blow steam off on or a shoulder to cry on, ill be there for ya man! just pm me if you need ANYTHING








im quitting rs 2 many memories. I've been trying to quit for ages as it is and have always come back from addiction but now i finally have a reason ot stop. Whenever i went into ardy today i remembered all the times we pked and i just couldn't do it.

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yeah, read it on DS forums too. Sorry about his death blenna, Im sure he willbe missed :cry:


maxed out melee back in 06, when it was still considered an accomplishment. same with getting 85 slayer, was in the top 2k players to get it.

R.I.P Runescape.. Feb 2, 02 - Jan 2, 08

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