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Massive 16M+ drop party.


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Umm why did you say 10am but hold it at 9?!








Wow.. I went to bed early, woke up early, didn't go out with friends for nothing?!








This sucks. Alot.








I agree! With this Dude. Why?



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I got a 5 minute video of some of the drop party... I might add some music to it and upload it... maybe not... I'd need some music to put it to...








As for my haul, I got a rune kite, rune ess, and a bronze med... not much, but I got what I came for...








I didn't notice the time change either. I was sitting at my computer saying "What are all these people doing? The party isn't for another hour." Then I saw things on the ground, and the voices said "It's started, just go along with it."

If you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.



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Umm why did you say 10am but hold it at 9?!








Wow.. I went to bed early, woke up early, didn't go out with friends for nothing?!








This sucks. Alot.








I agree! With this Dude. Why?




I agree with you both, I wouldn't have cared if I'd gone and not goten anything, but really, having the party an hour earlier is just plain mean. There are dozens of people who got up and on rs as soon as they could to make it to that party, only to find it had been long since over, which really sucks for them. I actually wound up dropping some run stuff from my bank simply because I felt bad for all the people who came at 10 and were going to leave empty handed because of someone elses carelessness. Would have been better off without a party at all since there woudln't have been so many people dissapointed.




I'm sorry you quit and I'm not saying I hate you, but what you did was wrong, and I'm sure it upset quite a few people. :cry:

Quit runescape, now playing EVE-Online(Mail Cambarus and say hi :mrgreen: )

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i wish i coulda come but as always i am busy on saturday and i also woulda had to have gotten up at 7 am just to be an hour late :x


(\/) 42.7% of all statistics are made up on the spot.

(O.o) cabbage rools

(><) my sig is cool, if you agree put this in your sig. *is too lazy to animate*

^the bunny is back! yay!

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