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Paying by Mail


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Hmm... so I really wanna be a member. But, as the common case is, my parents dont want me to waste brain cells playing dumb game. (They actually dont know i play rs). So, seeing as I would get an *** whopping if I asked for members (even offering to pay myself), I wonder if I could mail money?








Yeah, I have mailed cash before. Its always worked. Just put it between paper. (I mailed $100 before :lol: )








How much is international postage from US to UK? Should I send a 5 buck "donation" because it will be in USD and I'm mailing, which is a little unorthidox?









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if your paying in the us, u send to a payment center in the usa, use a money order, not cash, just go to a shopping store and buy one for 49 cents or something, address it to who your suppose to send it to in the usa, and if i were you, and paid by mail, i would buy the 3 month subscription or longer so you dont have to send in each month, and its alot cheaper.








also, just go tot he billing part, and go to the process up to where ur filling out ur info, it gives u stuff to print out to send with ur money, and if its a money order, u can even pay to ensure it at the post office etc, its very safe to send to the company jagex uses for payments.

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dang it... they ask for name address etc. With my luck, they'll send something in the mail or call me, and I'll be in deep crap with parents.








Can somebody just give me an address and I'll send in some cash and ask for a subscription? :oops:

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Dude. I did it. You do it through PaybyCash.com. You go there. Order a certain number of months. And they give you instructions such as where to mail and stuff. You have to put your order information in along with your money. I sent a money order. And the place I had to mail it to was in Virginia. I live in GA.

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Dude. I did it. You do it through PaybyCash.com. You go there. Order a certain number of months. And they give you instructions such as where to mail and stuff. You have to put your order information in along with your money. I sent a money order. And the place I had to mail it to was in Virginia. I live in GA.








kk thanks. I live in Atlanta too... Mareitta to be exact.








I just sure hope I dont get a phonre call or something in the mail or anything like that!!!

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I've bought a year of members from PayByCash, and all you get is a confirmation email saying they've recieved your payment and have communicated it to Jagex. And to my knowledge, they've never called or sent a normal piece of mail. :)

How... Moxious.

Barrows Drops: Dharok Plate (5/12/06) Torag Legs (5/12/06) Verac Flail (5/20/06) Guthan Helm (5/29/06) Ahrim Hood (6/9/06) Verac Skirt (6/25/06)

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I've bought a year of members from PayByCash, and all you get is a confirmation email saying they've recieved your payment and have communicated it to Jagex. And to my knowledge, they've never called or sent a normal piece of mail. :)








ok thanks!! Look out p2p, here I come!!! :lol: :roll:

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yea never any phone calls or real mail, just emails. though i lost $65 cause i put the wrong zip code once O.O








lol, that sucks.




That was I was planning do to, since my parents won't let me pay since I'm kinda playing too much :oops:

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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our just as fast as a CC, but a bit more money you can spend 60 dollors on 6 months of play doing Western union swift pay. All you have to do is choose that option thenk copy down the information. Use the nearest bank that does western union, and use that information to fill out a form then wait 30 minutes, and you will be a member.


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