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OMG! JaGeX contradicted!


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Ok...people read the "rule 12 broken" thingy on the runescape update list. Tell me what you see wrong with it.








" We feel that people's real life should'nt affect how succesfull they are in the game" (or along those lines) THEN WHY MAKE MEMBERS ?! Why even make a f2p, and make the p2p f2p so peoples RL "status" doesnt affect how succesfull they are? :oops: i think someone made a boo-boo.

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ur status in runescape is gonna be affected by ur social status irl, no matter what.








If you work a lot, your not gonna be a good rs player unless u play over a long period of time(like us that stated from bout the beggining).








So lets say u could by rs items with cash, that means that anyone with money to throw away on a game, could become extremely wealthy, extremely fast, this is totally diff. from subscribing to members.








if you pay for members, sure u can become better then the p2p, but u have no advantage over the other members.

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I thought the exact same thing as soon as I read that. As I demonstrated in the mendark 9 thread, members on average have 3.14 times the xp of nonmembers (based on the average of the top 100 nonmembers and members). So in essence members are buying their way to success, or at least, their accounts are 1/3rd equivelent of f2p work and 2/3rds purchased success.








Yes, Jagex did contradict themselves, and I wish they'd reckognize the contradiction. Though it's a bit late to remove the easy xp p2p updates, it's ok though. I can always join members after I get my 15 f2p 99s :lol:

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EXACTLY thats what i mean..that they have more recources eg. more or easier monsters, better wepons, runes and arrows, more ways of making cash which makes them 1\3 or what ever better than f2p. now my main is member so dont think im just complaining. I just like to have a go at jagex :P so yeah, thats what i mean, by being rich in life (well you dont have to be rich) you get p2p, which gets you all these recources making you better than f2p, which means that peoples status irl affects the game

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Only people who get their panties in a twist here are those who either can't afford it or their mother won't allow them to pay it :lol: . Sorry to burst your bubble, but $5 is hardly social superiority.








Hehe, thats funny.








I don't know why everyone pushes the point that members buy their levels. It's not like paying more gets you more levels, you just get more oppertunities in the game, and rightly so.








I'm sick of seeing people trying to demean my stats because I'm a member... I got most of my mining exp on F2P in RS Classic :|.

Raichase, quit Runescape.


Time issues really, nothing against the game itself. Something had to go, and it happened to be the addictive game that costs money to enjoy :)


Best of luck to all of my friends here!

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i think your taking a to open look at the issue. I think it has something to do with taking your real life wealth and making it show in runescape though gold which would lead to an unavantige to everyone that plays runescape because they would be able to buy there way thought the game by get all the items to level without all the hard work put into geting the gold yourself. So its not how you play the game as in f2p or p2p.

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