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Sig size!


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change your host as tip it cant determine the file size due to the host. otherwise it will be removed anyways


First pair of dragon legs 18/01/05

Second pair of dragon legs 21/01/05

Third pair of dragon legs 23-01-05

Fourth pair of dragon legs 24-01-05

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just got he message that my sig is to big (file size)




Can someone please Turn it down for me?




here is the pic!
































You're using a JPG on a PIXEL SIG! Of COURSE it's going to be too big.








There we go. 66.1 KB to 2.5 KB. JPEG to GIF. No loss of quality AT ALL.








Everyone do me a favor. ALWAYS USE GIFs FOR PIXEL SIGS. Well, even if you don't, NEVER USE JPEGs.








try this












That's what happens when you try to use MS Paint to save GIFs. lol








In MS Paint, the trick to save GIFs is to, first, Select All (ctrl+a), then copy (ctrl+c), then save it as a GIF, then Paste (ctrl+v), then save it (ctrl+s).








I know, confusing, and not very efficient, that's why I use Photoshop for conversion.

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