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An opinion from all Sig Makers, Please. :$


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Almost a year ago I purchased a sig on these forums. I paid over 2 mil for it, but never used it. It was of myself and my bf, without names on it, and I was dumped before my sig making competition was over so I saw no need to use it, plus it kind of hurt ya know. :oops:








Anyway, my question is this: If you purchase a sig from someone, is it considered rude or impolite to change colors on it if you finally decide to use it a year later for a different purpose?








I have not changed the artwork, nor am I claiming it as my own...I am simply wishing to change colors of an outfit on it. I'm mildy torn on this, and I want some opinions from the usual sig makers =)

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Long time no see Eve, tough question there. It greatly depends on the original artist's wishes, if he/she'd want their stuff edited by the owner, some artists wouldn't mind, others would not let anyone edit their stuff, not even the owner.








My suggestion would be to PM those artists see if they give you permission to be 100% sure. If you can't get in contact with them, I guess some small edits to fix things up for only yourself, since it's your sig, couldn't hurt. In your case, changing the color of an outfit to then use it as your own sig again would seem alright, so I wouldn't worry about that too much.


Pixel sigs by me.

Pixel Art

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i was under the impression that once you bought the sig it was yours for doing what you wanted with? i don't think that changing colours is really much of a big deal.


"A disbelief in magic can force some poor souls into believing in authority and business"

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