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Well, it's been fun lol =) This is the last drawing I'm posting up here. It's not done or anything, but I probably wont be playing RS much by the time I finish coloring all of it, so I won't have the time to upload it here.








Anyway, here it is (click image full view):
















This is what I came up with from the last couple requests I got that I combined together (well, not last.. I had to turn down a lot of em because I don't have the time =( sorry) For the most part, I like how it turned out, except for the proportions in the guy =x








I know I didn't finish it lol.. Ya, the staff kinda cuts off / looks bad since I got the perspective wrong >.<








Here's a little of me making progress drawing it lol:
















See ya around everyone! =) I hope everyone enjoyed me here as much I enjoyed being here








Haha, that sounded really lame ^_^'' byee

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Noo :( I really enjoyed looking at your anime style and your bringing something new to this pixel crazed media board.








PLEASE before you go can you tell me what program/tool you use to make those outlines?








Sorry to see another talent leaving :( .

Lowgravity, I want to be just like you. But...I never will be as 1337 as you. :(
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=O Someone else left / is leaving?








I'm just too busy with rl things to keep this up anymore =P Lol that picture took me a looong time (off and on). Like a few weeks :shock: edit: oh yeah, I use Adobe Illustrator to outline








There will be others though :wink: 1000000x better than me ^_^ But I'm glad you enjoyed mine

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=O Someone else left / is leaving?








I'm just too busy with rl things to keep this up anymore =P Lol that picture took me a looong time (off and on). Like a few weeks :shock: edit: oh yeah, I use Adobe Illustrator to outline








There will be others though :wink: 1000000x better than me ^_^ But I'm glad you enjoyed mine








Err no, but I can see how you thought that from how I said it :oops: . Well that's a good reason, life is kinda important.. kinda..








Ah I don't have that program, oh well :P .








Maybe, none with your style though :( .

Lowgravity, I want to be just like you. But...I never will be as 1337 as you. :(
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10000000x better than you?? but no one will draw anime stuff!!!








if you are moving to a new place, mind telling me ~_~?want to see your work.








I am sure a lot of people will remember you if you come back. Hopefully you will remember your password..

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10000000x better than you?? but no one will draw anime stuff!!!








if you are moving to a new place, mind telling me ~_~?want to see your work.








I am sure a lot of people will remember you if you come back. Hopefully you will remember your password..








i have a sneaking suspicion she uses deviantart.... *looks at WF's sig*



thanks everyone for the sigs!

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Why do people like anime so much? Alot of people can draw anime. And I have nothing againts that. But when someone draws anime they don't seem to take it to the level they should be able to. Seeing as this is digital art it would be very difficult to make a good non-anime style. But still, pokemon is anime... I don't have anything againts pokemon, I loved playing it when I was younger. But anime just seems to much of a obsession rather than an art. This rant is just my opinion. Some people find anime very fasinating. But why?








Good bye water faerie.

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Why do people like anime so much? Alot of people can draw anime. And I have nothing againts that. But when someone draws anime they don't seem to take it to the level they should be able to. Seeing as this is digital art it would be very difficult to make a good non-anime style. But still, pokemon is anime... I don't have anything againts pokemon, I loved playing it when I was younger. But anime just seems to much of a obsession rather than an art. This rant is just my opinion. Some people find anime very fasinating. But why?








Good bye water faerie.








...why not.?








It seems to me that you probably haven't look at a lot of anime artwork.




There are a lot of anime outside of the one you seen on toonami and cartoon network.








and it is hard to agree with you..since you don't even know what a hypocrite is..and have "your mother on your location. Can't really take you serious..no offence.

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You can't ever find a place that's nice and peaceful, because there isn't any. You may think there is, but once you get there, when you're not looking, somebody'll sneak up and write "(bleep) you" right under your nose. Try it sometime. I think, even, if I ever die, and they stick me in a cemetery, and I have a tombstone and all, it'll say "Holden Caulfield" on it, and then what year I was born and what year I died, and then right under that it'll say "(bleep) you."
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Why do people like anime so much? Alot of people can draw anime. And I have nothing againts that. But when someone draws anime they don't seem to take it to the level they should be able to. Seeing as this is digital art it would be very difficult to make a good non-anime style. But still, pokemon is anime... I don't have anything againts pokemon, I loved playing it when I was younger. But anime just seems to much of a obsession rather than an art. This rant is just my opinion. Some people find anime very fasinating. But why?








Good bye water faerie.




=\ Bleh, I thought I replied to this yesterday, but I guess it didn't go through :( I guess I'll just summarize it








Sure, a lot of people can draw anime, but even more can just draw.. in general.. other things.. So I don't get the point in this argument.








People don't take drawing anime to the level they should be able to..? I'm not trying to sound rude, but how would I take that drawing to the next level? =x








"Seeing as this is digital art it would be very difficult to make a good non-anime style." -- Ooook.. This just annoys me =\ Just what are you saying? Everything non-anime is very difficult, but anime is easy? You draw, you ink, and you CG..








"But anime just seems to much of a obsession rather than an art." -- It's because anime isn't art.. It's what you do with it that makes it art. Just like cartooning isn't art, it's the cartoon itself that's art (the process, and the storyline and everything that goes along with it). On another level, you can have all the drawing talent in the world, but still not be able to make something that people find interesting. And it's that aspect that makes art what it is.

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