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My journeys for the legendary lava cape.


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Well its goal but i dont want it to sound like a goal on this thread. I tried to see how far i could get without guthans trying my hardest :)








After I got the the lvl 360s, i started to noticed alot of the things i took were useless :( I didn't need the black hide legs,veracs plate, or shortbow(which i used up to 360s :?








I was so close to the 53rd wave :D so heres some images.








What i started with:












Last of my prayer:












Can i kill it atleast before prayer is gone?












Prayer about out :(












Well this is lame....












Dang, couldn't kill it in time...died on the 52nd wave no guthans and with stinky stats :oops:





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Good luck. :D








You may want to drop 2 sara brews and replace them with sharks, drop the p pots and replace with super restores, drop the shortbow for another crystal bow, and exchange the chaps and brassard for 2 more sharks. Our stats are very similiar and this setup seems to work best for me.

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Your set up is fine, dont need the veracs helm or d hide legs though.








My stats are worse then yours and i completed it so you can too.


99 Runecraft - 99 Fletching - 99 All Melee's 1800+ Total

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Hmmm...I'm really starting to want to get a fire cape now. I mean...I could afford everything needed...I'm just not sure if my stats are good enough. Here they are, if anyone wants to give me any pointers:








86 Attack




85 Strength




85 Defense




87 Hit Points




86 Magic




76 Ranged




70 Prayer








I know my prayer's more than good enough...but what about ranged? Should I raise it more, or can I do it with 76 if I pot, etc? I've got the full dragon and a fury, and whatnot...now I just need a nice, shiny fire cape to go with it. :P



|2,300+ Total|138 Combat|12 Lvl 99 Skills|99 Slayer|blogbutton.png

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Hmmm...I'm really starting to want to get a fire cape now. I mean...I could afford everything needed...I'm just not sure if my stats are good enough. Here they are, if anyone wants to give me any pointers:








86 Attack




85 Strength




85 Defense




87 Hit Points




86 Magic




76 Ranged




70 Prayer








I know my prayer's more than good enough...but what about ranged? Should I raise it more, or can I do it with 76 if I pot, etc? I've got the full dragon and a fury, and whatnot...now I just need a nice, shiny fire cape to go with it. :P








I went there when I was with stats like yours (and even worst mage) using guthan, xbow and prayer pots. Twice i got the the last monster and got killed beccause didn't changed prayer fast enough. you can do it.

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can i do it?








76 attack




76 strength




85 defence




83 hp




72 ranged




61 prayer




98 combat




94 cheeseinating

Runescape player since 2005
Ego Sum Deus Quo Malum Caligo et Barathum


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